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Elasia: Home at Last


Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’dak, Ph.D.

ASCI USS Arcadia

Stardate 0401.12


>And now Part II <


Alexei Telna and Koshic departed the TELBROKE, after a ‘going away’ party of sorts for them. The Minas Tirith and arrived at a dock in the Space Port city of Cor Calli, an buzzing port on the outskirts of Cor Captillia, the ancient capital of the Rohland.


Telna had marveled at the sheer beauty of Cor Captillia during the flight in. It was among the most beautiful cities he had ever laid eyes on, with its stunning stone buildings, and towering modern sky scrapers.


On the way Koshic had pointed out the high points of the City with beaming pride. The first structure he pointed out was the mammoth Tower of Captillia. There Koshic had said the first N’dak had been crowned Steward of the Rohland.


"And there," he said while he piloted the shuttle. There is the Grand Hall of Aon. There, my Ancestors held court for generations."


It was a truly an inspiring city. But the best was yet to come. The shuttle lurched towards the south and flew over a large walled portion of the city that N’dak had called the "Old City."


Koshic had pointed out the window as he leveled the shuttle. He didn't have to say a word. Up ahead of them was the most impressive sight Alexei Telna had ever beheldBthe N'Dak Gate.


It was massive, made of solid Granite. Spanning nearly seventy meters across, one hundred and fifty meters tall, and one hundred meters long. It was said to have taken more than ten Morokites (a rather large Elasian Elephant) to pull the gate open.


Flanking the massive gate were two tower-bases two hundred meters wide and two hundred meters tall. Extending from them were two parabolic walkways extending out over three hundred meters with support columns one hundred meters tall. And standing on the bases were two enormous statues. “Guardians of the Rohland” they were called. Modeled after the twin sons of one of the N'Dak lord, Erret and Destorie, they towered to over 600 meters in height. Carved out of Firestone, (a pinkish marble with dark red ripples) the statues beared unsheathed swords each one hundred and fifty meters long and shields one hundred meters wide.


They were amongst the oldest relics on the entire planet Koshic had said, along with to the Canyon of Warriors leading to the Palace of Ruins and Hidden City at Temple Gorge in the north.




Once again the two disembarked the Minas Tirth with their luggage to be greeted by again by a man and an entourage of guards. Again as they approached, Telna tensed. But he was calmed this time, not but Koshic or even words from the approaching man, but his expression. He was smiling ear to ear and was almost running towards them.


Just as before the group stopped near them, the guards turned in ward, and the young man who was obviously related to Koshic, welcomed him properly on one knee. Koshic returned the welcome with a bow. The two paused a moment then ran to each other in a hug.


After a few moments in embrace, Koshic broke away. “Alexei I want you to meet some one,” he said pointing to the young man he had just hugged. “This is my cousin Coreth N’Dak, he has been surviving as my Vice-Roy. And Coreth this is the young man I spoke to you about, Ensign Alexei Telna.”

The two shook hands and said hello to each other. Coreth motioned to the guards to take the luggage and the three headed inside the space port.


Alexei couldn’t help but be impressed by the elaborate carvings and statues inside the large domed space port, but then he remembered what Koshic had said about the port at Minos Korvos, the Grand City of the Seven Kingdoms of Arema. He had said it was three times as large and twice as elaborate. His mind swirled in sheer wonder at the Elasian culture.


The group made its way to a large counter marked “CUSTOMS” in about twenty different languages. Koshic and Telna waited in line for several hours until it was finally their turn.


The worker at the booth as a young, arrogant, and, as they would learn smart-assed Elasian male. At first he didn’t even look up at Koshic. The after a few moments he looked up. “Give me your travel papers.”


Koshic slid them across the counter. But no sooner had the worker had the papers than he barked. “Sorry, But I have to deny your entrance.”


“What?” Koshic replied a little shocked, a little irritated.


“You heard me,” the worker replied. “You are denied entrance into Rohland, and Elasia in General. Your travel papers only clear you for docking, not entrance. Next.”


“They don't have to,” Koshic recoiled. “I am a citizen of the Rohland and Elasia.”


The customs worker looked straight at Koshic for the first time in the entire conversation. “Nonsense. First your way to short,” he started, but that was all he got out. That was all Koshic needed.


“Do you know who the hell I am?”


“A starfleet officer,” the worker interrupted, “and a low ranking one at that.”


The officer jabbed a finger at Koshic=s ensign pip. Normally Koshic was a pretty calm fellow, but this petty little customs worker was about to feel the wrath of Koshic L. N’dak, then he looked around Coreth had disappeared. He fumed at what he thought was going on.


“Did Coreth put you up to this,” Koshic sneered. “If he did I am going to gut that…”


“How dare you speak of the Lord Regent that way!”


Now it was on. “The Lord Regent,” Koshic laughed. “You really are dense. Coreth is the Vice-Roy and I will speak of my cousin any way I please. I am Lord Regent Koshic N’Dak, Steward of the Rohland, Guardian of 12 Holy Isles and bearer of the Sacred Sword of Fire. A son of the Fifth House of Betazed. Heir to one of the five Holy Rings of Betazed and the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. And I don=t feel like screwing around with some petty flipping customs agent, that doesn’t=t even know who the damned Lord Regent is! Good Day.”


Alexei stood in shock at the whole matter hoping not to catch the wrath of N’Dak. He had seen this happen to a poor little first year cadet once. It wasn’t pretty. When Koshic N’Dak was mad at you, look out.


Alexei cringed as he remembered what had happened to Cadet Marris Took. Took was an over confident, silver spooned brat. Koshic had failed Took in his Introduction to Species of the Federation class. Took instead of going to Koshic and asking him what he had done wrong, accused him of ‘Human Bias’ and took him before the superintendent. Took, because his father was an Admiral, was given a second chance to pass the class, unfortunately for him Koshic was the only one teaching it.


To make a long story short, Koshic made the class as brutal as he possibly could and everyone, including Alexei had failed. The “Wrath of N’Dak” was indeed something that sent shivers up Alexei=s spine.


Just as Koshic was about to storm through the Customs gate with out officially checking in, Coreth reappeared with a large contingent of ‘Rohlian’ guards.


“Lord Koshic!” Coreth called out. “What in the gods names is going on?”



“That imp,” Koshic pointed to the now shocked customs agent. “Denied me, me the Lord Regent, entrance! See to it he is transferred to one of the penal ice cubes.”


Coreth looked absolutely appalled. The customs agent who had now turned several shades of red could only stammer.


“Come we need not trouble our selves with him,@”Coreth motioned to a stunned Alexei and a fuming Koshic.


Koshic begrudgingly followed. “Make sure that one learns his place!@” he said loud enough for the embarrassed worker to hear.


After Coreth had managed to calm Koshic, the three, their guards and their luggage boarded the Royal Hovercraft and embarked on the five hour trip from Cor Calli to the Royal Palace.





The hovercraft trip from Cor Calli to the N’Dak estate was indeed a long one, but at least it was picturesque. The route they were taking took them across the backbone of the Rohland Mountains. The mountains towered high above the clouds and soft white snow covered their tops. Bisecting the glorious mountains was large and vast river. “De Folono MiaBthe Great River” Alexei had heard Koshic say as they crossed it.


Alexei was in awe struck wonder. Koshic smiled to Coreth and pointed to Alexei who had his nose pressed up against the glass windows.


“Look Koshic, there it is,” Coreth said. “Home.”


Koshic eyes brightened, there in the distance was the outline of his home. Yes, he thought to himself, it was his home. True he had the Mansion on Betazed, but try getting some peace and quite there. Here he was alone, in fact Coreth was the only living family that was even on the whole planet. His brother was to busy at the Academy to come here, and his sister hated it here, and his mother could care less.


Indeed Coreth was the only member of his family he had really spoken to lately anyway. Coreth was so lonely in the ‘Castle’ by himself. Their aunts had all died before they gave birth to any children, their grand mother and grandfather were long dead and Coreth’s father Erret and his Human mother Dana had been killed with Koshic’s father, indeed they were alone.


Koshic’s eyes filled with tears of compassion and sorrow for his cousin. How alone he must be, he was only five when the Klingons had killed them.


Koshic had slipped into his own little world and barely noticed that they had arrived on the compound until Coreth put a hand on his shoulder.


“Koshic,” Coreth said brightly. “We are home. Go and rest now, I’ll bring you up to speed with why you have been recalled over diner.”


Koshic sighed; brought back to reality, he shuffled out of the Hovercraft and made his way towards the Grand Suite.




The “dining” room was located on the eighth floor and had a grandiose view of the majestic Rohland Mountains. The table was large but not so large that it was uncomfortable or awkward for just three people.


Koshic had changed into his formal attire, as had Coreth, and he sat at the head of the table awaiting the first course, a broth of some sort. Koshic sat staring blanking out the terrace window at the opposite end of the table


Why was he here anyway? Something big was going to happen he could just feel it about to happen?


>To Be Continued<

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