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Stuck in the middle again

"I don't know how much longer the saucer interlocks can hold!" Seiben said shaking in his seat. Seiben could almost hear the metallic groans from the interlocks starting to tear apart due to the stress. Both the large alien ship, and the USS Sprint has the Republic locked in their tractor beams like two dogs fighting over a bone. Seiben came into the bridge fresh from Rogesh and found himself staring at the biggest ship he ever saw. He knew alot about various Alien and Federaton ship, but Seiben never saw anything like this one. The size of it was simply astounding.


Shortly after, the ship locked the Republic with it's tractor beam, and all attempts to break free failed. Just when Seiben thought the ship was about to pull them in, a Federation ship came to their rescue. The USS Sprint, came to their rescue at locked their tractor beam on the Reublic. But the alien ship was still unwilling to let them go. Which brings them to their current predicament. With two ships vying for he Republic, the saucer interlocks are threatening to break apart seperating the ship in two. Once that happens, the Republic won't be able to re-attach without massive repairs. Mentally, Seiben wished that the aliens would just let go. There was nothing he could do to escape, and any attempts to do so, would most likely result in more damage to the ship. he sihed, and hoped that he Sprint would somehow break them free.


Though Seiben was happy to finally see a Federation ship after months lost in this sector, as the Sprint's Capitan said. The Republic violated numerous Temporal and Prime Directives, and are most likely going to be in a world of trouble when and if they get back to their time. Seiben didn't to get court-martialed. Though he has a career at Seiben Holographics Corp -- his father's company to fall back on, he just got promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and didn't want to give it up to soon. He enjoys being tactical/helm on the Republic. The feeling of piloting this big ship is always a rush Seiben never could get sick of. The same goes for the power of all the Republic's aresenal under his fingertips, ready to be fired when order in a moment's notice. Seiben felt powerful doing so.


Seiben looked at his console and saw that the interlocks were exceeding 120% and fastly climbing. In a matter of seconds, the interlocks finally will give way and sheer apart. He cursed in German and wish there was something he could do to get them out of here. So far, he hear three good ideas from Lt. Apollo and the Engineering crew. He likes idea #3 the best. Seiben hopes, that whatever they decide, they do it now. Because, in about 10-20 seconds, it won't matter anymore. There will be 2 Republics for each ship to take home.

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