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Canada - cheapest place to do business

This is the result of a study released by KPMG, one of the "Big 4" accounting firms worldwide.


It's ironic that Canada, considered by many to be a near-socialist country, has a better business environment than the US which champions (at least in theory) pro-market economics.


I need to go home and burn my economics textbooks.


Canada # 1, US # 7, Germany and Japan dead last


I'm not really surprised about Japan and Germany.

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Well, 90% of the population lives in urban centers and that is where most of our population actually does for a living. Not to mention we are the world leaders in telecommunications and similar things due to the size and distence of our country we really needed to be the world leaders in tele-communications. As most joke about the value of our dollar, it is actually a good thing because it encourages trade of Canadian goods.


There is also the fact that Canada has always been a home of big trade and business right before it was even a country, with the Hudson's Bay company. We have probably the world's most bountiful supply of world resourses, such as: Lumber, fish, coal, gold, oil (off shore and on shore), and the list just grows. So you might just want to keep those books Dumbass :)


Oh and also with it being the least costly place to live, although America may have more money, Canada's wealth is not that far behind it and also having a low population its wealth can be more equally divided :P

Edited by NEMESIS

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I remember reading in the paper, that said that.. as well as discussing that in Business class. Canada's economy is growing alot lately, so it doesn't surprise me,, much. Just like Nem said.. :)

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Its true. I bought a car there. Nemesis was going to ship it to me, but after I sent him my 20K he never wrote me back :)

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Its true. I bought a car there. Nemesis was going to ship it to me, but after I sent him my 20K he never wrote me back  :)

Oh did I tell you that the truck your vehicle was being shipped on dissappeared during the blizzard, wait till spring its bound to show up :P.

Edited by NEMESIS

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