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Mission Summary





Ne’Arrien Destorie N’Dak


Stardate 0402.12


>Begin Summary<


Destorie and ‘Andrea’ beamed down to the bleak surface of Skoru III. Destoire looked around a but unsettled by the whole experience. Like wise Andrea was seemed a bit unsettled to him as well.


This Andrea had claimed to be the granddaughter of a former Romulan. And despite his better instincts not to trust this human woman, something inside of him made him trust her as one of his own. Destoire looked around again, the two of them had started to walk towards an outcropping off rocks.


The Talon should have spotted them by now, Destorie reasoned, but kept walking following Andrea, who by N’Dak best guesses was leading him towards what she said, were life signs. Hopefully Rihans but he couldn’t be sure.


They walked a few more meters. That’s when he spotted what ever in elements names those “squiddy” things were. Instantly and almost impulsively he reached for his disruptor—Elements they took that too.


“Do you still have a UT,” Andrea said.


Luckily they hadn’t taken that. By the time he managed to get his UT out, the two Squiddy things had slithered off there craft and begun gibbering their mindless Squddish.


After fooling with their translators for a few minutes they were no closer to understanding what ever those ugly things were trying to say, and it was obvious the squids were becoming agitated. At that point the two decided it was time to make there leave of the squirmy things.


As they began to inch away, Andrea spotted what seemed to be an away team from the Talon. “Praise Elements,” Destorie thought to himself.


As they got closer he could make faces he recognized…




Ne'Arrain R'Tor t'Bat'ok'

Stardate 0402.12


The planet looked really bare and lacking. At the moment that was what r'Tor was noticing trying to get away from the fact that she was here to hand these Lloann'na'vna back over to their ship. For all that she was concerned, it was them that had broken the treaty and them that wrecked havoc to the Talon that she had to find ways to fix.


Giving a glare to the nearest of the Lloann'na'vna she then looked around at the horizon. When they beamed down she thought they were beamed really close to the Lloann'na team on the surface, but by the looks of things, it seems as though they will just have to search them out.


Hearing some noise from the nearest Lloann'na'vna she quickly looked to him.


"Quiet!" she ordered as she jabbed him with the disrupter. If she recalled right, this one was referred to as John.. er.. something or other, not fully remembering the name not thinking it that important to remember.


Looking over to another member of the AT she asked, "Any sign of them?" letting out a sigh she started to scan the horizon again.


The officer replied with a hand pointing off in a direction. Looking in the direction the officer pointed r'Tor was going impatient.


"Lets move!" giving John a shove to get him moving. Keeping her disrupter on him the entire trek over to the ridge just incase he decided to try to run.


Part way there he started to mumble something, not hearing what was mumbled but figured it couldn't have been wanted chatter. Glaring at the back of his head, she jabbed him with the disrupter again.


"QUIET!" She demanded of him again.


Glancing over to the officer that pointed this way, the officer met her look and nodded pointing the way they were headed verifying they were headed the right way.


Shortly after that two humanoids appeared on the horizon coming towards them. Getting closer to them she realized one was wearing a Lloann'na uniform and the other was wearing a romulan uniform. Again jabbing the disrupter into John she informed him, "Na funny stuff!" making it clear to him that she was ready to shoot him if he decided to try something.


Reaching the other two she stopped with the team from the Talon, standing in arms reach beside John holding the disrupter at him but in the view of the other two. Not sure if it was a deception or not she kept her gaze flickering between the Lloann'na and Dak.





The two groups finally closed in on each other, Destoire had warned Andrea not to talk, but she had anyway, which immediately but r’Tor on guard. Destorie assured r’Tor that she could trust them and that they needed to speak to the Ennarien.


R’Tor contacted the Talon, to no avail. As they discussed what to do; the squid things reappeared and were making it obvious that they wanted the joint teams to come with them. Unable to contact there ships, and unwilling to anger the tentacled ones, the team decided they must go with the squids.



>End Summary<

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