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Where There Is Life....

It was eerily dark and growing colder by the minute. Debbie knew there was an excellent possibility the situation would continue to worsen. In fact, it was not only possible but highly probable.


She also knew what was responsible for the ship's current dilemma. Debbie had been on the bridge when the Reaent encountered the legendary "Probe." By now, she had to assume most of the crew knew what they were dealing with. Even without a formal announcement, this ship had a very efficient grapevine.


Debbie frowned slightly, her dismay conveniently hidden by the deepening shadows. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, especially in situations like this. A part of her wished she hadn't been on the bridge. Debbie made up her mind early on not to mention what she'd seen and heard. She would leave it to command to break the news to the crew. They might be able to put a positive spin on all of this. Debbie certainly couldn't.


The CMO now stood in the darkened Sickbay and carefully surveyed her domain. One by one, various medical personnel were drifting in. Most were organized into teams and dispatched with security officers to locate and rescue any stranded or injured members of the crew. One or two remained in Sickbay to handle any walk-ins.


There was only one console up and running. Debbie glanced around and saw Brian Smith passing out emergency lights to yet another search team. She waited until he had finished then called him over.


"Brian," she said softly. "I know we're on emergency power but we need more than one console. See if you can't get another two up and running. If you have problems with power allocation, let me know. I'll speak to our esteemed Chief Engineer."


Dr. Smith nodded silently and hurried across the room. Debbie helped herself to an emergency light and carefully made her way into her office. She placed the lamp on her desk and pulled opened the bottom drawer. She fumbled around until she located the little box tucked away in the back of the drawer. Pulling it out, she sat it on the desk and quickly popped open the top. She reached in and plucked out a lollipop and stuck it in her mouth. Leaning back in the chair, she closed her eyes and forced herself to relax a minute.

It seemed like a hopeless situation.....but were there was life.....there was hope.

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