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There's Klingons on the starboard bow...

Engineering is usually the last department to know whenever a major event happens. We are often told to bring the warp engines online without knowing the destination, or even sometimes the speed. We are often told to configure the main deflector dish to do something or other without knowing what for or even seeing the results of our work. We are also not kept in the loop as much as a major department of the ship should be.


So it should not be surprising that, upon hearing rumors of a Beta Quadrant ship appearing on the ship's long range scanners, we would think it either a strange alert or a cruel joke. I headed for the MeH to determine which one this was, and who was responsible. On arriving on the MeH I looked up at the viewscreen to discover a B'rel class Bird of Prey, the IKC Qo'latlh, dead in space. I'm still not convinced it isn't an alien trap of some sort, as the IKC acronym stands for Imperial Klingon Cruiser and the B'rel Class is clearly a scout ship.


Nevertheless we detected life aboard, albeit not much. Rhoz, Messner, Garnoopy and I donned EVA suits to beam over. I informed Koralev I would be leaving the ship and that he was in charge of Engineering until I returned. Upon beaming over I immediately sensed something was not right. Our beaming over should have automatically triggered the ship's intruder alert klaxons, and the artificial gravity was off as well. In fact the only things that appered to be working were the emergency lighting, 10 stasis tubes in Engineering, and a surplus of rats on the MeH. Surprisingly there were no asteriskroaches.


Eventually the alert klaxons did sound. I would think that once the computer sensed there were intruders on board it would immediately bring the Klingons out of stasis. While Rhoz and I headed to the MeH to try and regain control of the ship Messner and Garnoopy made plans to move the survivors (if indeed that is what they are) to the QoB. This would have to be done with care to avoid reviving them before we are ready. The B'Rel class is an ancient vessle by Starfleet standards, in use long before the Kittomer accords went into effect or some other period of high tensions between the Empire and the Federation. We could very well be waking a crew with no knowledge of the armistice.

Edited by Dumbass

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