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Putting it All Back Together

Lieutenant Hewitt Demore

Chief Engineering Officer

Sky Harbor Aegis



Engineering was coming together, or so Demore had heard. He himself had not been down to the lower sections of the station. He was working as frantically as he could on the Control Tower, checking on powering weapons and shields.


Lieutenant Quark has been very beneficial to the repairs. It took quite a while, but the phaser arrays have now been aligned properly. Unfortunately, computer relays from the Control Tower to the phaser array was severed, and was just recently discovered. This discovery, prompted by the realization that a possible attack was en route, led to the decision to leave Lieutenant Quark in the phaser array area to manually fire at any oncoming threats. In the single practice session that we have had, her firing skills were on target. With luck, her firing skills will continue in this manner. Unfortunately, in the practice session, more wreckage of the USS Empire State was lost (used in target practice).


Virtually all hull breaches in Pylon One have either been sealed, or the decks containing them quarantined until further notice. Ensign Brex has been highly beneficial to the repair project of these hull breaches, along with the repair of several tactical systems.


Shielding systems are in at 88% working order. Unfortunately, this number cannot be increased until further supplies are obtained from support shipments.


From the data I can see over the computer systems, the torpedo systems are in virtually perfect working condition. Personally, I have no worries that they will fail.


Engineering is checking out quite well. Most of the consoles have been either repaired or replaced, and Main Engineering is actually quite clean. The Control Tower still has some minor repairs but, overall, it is in working condition. One viewscreen out of the three have been replaced, and is working normally. The science station has been repaired, which was the most damaged console on the Control Tower. Systems can actually function, for the most part, normally.


Overall, repairs are coming along nicely. No vital system is inoperative, and most are functioning normally, and many non-vital systems have been repaired.


In the end, I feel that Sky Harbor Aegis is in good condition to defend itself, should a conflict arise.


::taps buttons::


Computer> The following portion of this message has been encoded for viewing by authorized command personnel only.




The auto-destruct system aboard Sky Harbor Aegis is also in perfect working order. I almost wish that it weren't. If needed, the sequence can be activated by a minimum of two command personnel with Sky Harbor Aegis authorization codes. The activation areas are limited. The following are the only areas aboard Sky Harbor Aegis where the auto-destruct activation may be given:


Pylon One Control Tower

Pylon Two Command Center (Pylon Two Command Area)

Main Engineering

Drankum's Lounge

Captain's Ready Room

Observation Lounge

Control Tower Meeting Room

Main Security - Midway Section

Renc Wing


NOTE: Activation areas can vary. Areas can be changed by the station's Commanding Officer at will. The changes will be reflected in the Engineering access logs.




Computer> The following portion of this message are not encoded for viewing by authorized command personnel only.



Computer, end log.

Edited by HyperDrive

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