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Tear down this wall!

The heat shielding was holding, and the biological-torpedo solution was working better than expected. But we still had serious external and internal hull breeches that reduced our maximum speed to Warp 4. These obviously needed to be fixed. The problem is we lacked an adequate supply of non-replicatable tritanium to do so.


Ensign Koralev's solution was to sacrifice some of the non-essential interior bulkheads. Selecting the bulkheads to be sacrificed had to be a careful task. Removing too many in the same section of the ship would weaken the outter hull just as surely as the microbes have. Stress forces would simply cause the ship to buckle unless the remaining bulkheads could absorb the pressure.


Once we determined which walls could be safely demolished it was a relatively simple matter to do so. Lagh Prekip obtained some heavy duty plasma tourch cutters and he, Koralev, and myself proceeded to cut the metal into small enough pieces to be beamed into the matter reconstitutor where we can change the shapes and densities of the metal to suit our needs.


The matter reconstitutor is an interesting piece of technology, using many of the systems found in the standard replicators and transporters, but with some limitations. The reconstitutor can't change the chemical composition of matter the way a replicator can. However, it can change the size, density, and shape of whatever is fed into it in a way a transporter can't.


As the three of us tore down the walls I had Alpha team beam the scrap directly into the reconstitutor. They should now be reconstituting the tritanium into shapes to match our missing hull fragments.

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