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LOG: First Day

Assistant Medical Officer’s Log


Stardate 0312.5


===begin log===




Ahkay ah

Aya vah suu

Koh vanha

Eh kayha


This, my first day on the job, I felt I needed to recite the death chant. My first day, and as a result of the attack, I lost my first patient . . . . . . . . ON MY FIRST DAY! I tell you, life has a way of kicking you right in the kester. Other than that, I have little to complain about. The chief of security here is as stubborn as a horse, she wouldn’t come in for medical treatment, and she was risking her life. If I had a slip of latinum for every time that happened, I could buy my own casino ship. Patients hesitate and hesitate; they say they’re fine, until they end up like Captain Pike, then they blame the doctor for not doing enough. For a job that saves lives, we sure do get little appreciation. I almost forgot, I think the captain hates me. As well as the chief of security, but I didn’t take this job to make friends. I met the other assistant medical officer as well, Lt. Images. Seems like a nice enough person. I look forward to working with him. And I have yet to meet my department head. It may not be a pretty job but it beats dentistry.




===end log===

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