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T'Aniz Jozef



Regular Chanel Communication


MailGenre:.......... Holopostcard

Recipient:........... Lt. Comm. Jonathan Booth; Instructor, Vulcan Philosophy

........................... STARFLEET Academy, North America, WestHEMP., EARTH -001

From: ................. Ensign T'Aniz Jozef; Assistant Security Officer

........................... USS REPUBLIC NCC-1371-D




I got this holopostcard at DS-9. Knew you'd appreciate the opening wormhole's beauty. Haven't seen it yet. But maybe I will since we're here. Might not be wise for me to contact you later. As they said in the 20th century, in WWII, "loose lips sink ships." So other than what's already on subspace chatter, that the REPUBLIC is at DS-9, I'll say no more about where we're going. I'm sure you understand.


Guess you know how my orders were changed at the last second. So I ended up on a vessel of exploration, meaning defense, meaning warfare. You were correct, Sir. I should've stayed at the Academy. Been an adjunct professor for my first year after graduation. Then I could've studied with you at the SURAK SOCIETY, learning Vulcan Philosophy. Too bad my interest in my heritage didn't emerge until my last semester in the Academy.


If my orders to the USS CARLSBERG had gone through, I could've studied with that Science vessel's captain. He's halfVulcan/halfHuman and would've been a great mentor. On the REPUBLIC, there's no Vulcan senior officers. Not even halfVulcan. We have many Humans, a Trill/unjoined, and a Caitian. The CO is Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox, the Caitian. Yeah, her!! Commander, I like cats, and I'm used to human emotions, but Caitian emotionalism? I am unused to hissing, and to fur actually bristling. You were so right. I'm quite alone as a Vulcan. Even an ignorant halfVulcan.


My boss, the Security Chief, purchased a Husky, a Terran breed of canine, at DS-9. I do not see the logic of having a large canine with a feline CO ! Me, I wish I had bought a turtle. It could've taught me a thing or two. (Perhaps I can still get one.)


With all the humans aboard, and the equally emotional other humanoids, I see it will be very difficult to grow in logic and other nonemotional disciplines. In fact, my reactions are even more human now! Still. I must try. Something in my blood calls for more order, less chaos. I promise I'll keep at my meditations and exercises and studies wherever my ship goes. Your isochips for my PADDs will help.


I suppose this is as good a place as any to focus on The Philosophy of Nome...Meaning ALL. I must find delight in all the different humanoids and their different ways: "It is the combination of a number of things that makes existence worthwhile." I know !! I'll study your chip about The Philosophy.


Please give my regards to The Surak Society. I'm glad my aspirant status is in good standing.


I stand at the Atrium and salute Thee !!


LIVE LONG AND PROSPER !! Ensign T'Aniz Jozef, Assistant Security Officer, USS REPUBLIC 1371-D



FOR THE LOG: Following quotes are from TOS, "The Savage Curtain," Stardate 5906.4 :

"The Philosophy of Nome...meaning ALL. ... The combination of a number of things make existence worthwhile. ... We've each learned to be delighted with who we are." :)

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