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Captain's Log - 0212.19

Captain's Log

Stardate 0212.19

Captain Fred Michaels


"Begin recording.


      After several days of repairs, the Reaent has left Starbase 345. Our departure marks the official end of our diplomatic mission, one I hope we won't repeat too often. Despite the ship's systems being repaired, our next assignment may suffer from the absence of Commander Ridire for a while. Apparently he decided to catch a strain of the Caitian flu. Though he isn't coughing up hair balls, Doctors report he may have to remain off duty for some time.


      Regardless of my First Officer's condition, we've been ordered to planet Herio V. Starfleet hopes to establish a planetary outpost in the system. This idea isn't a new one, as the Romulans were known to have a station of their own on the planet until they abandoned it twenty-five years ago.


      With any luck, the superstructure of the old base will still be salvageable. The Herio system is at the heart of a crossroads between several commercial trade routes. Starfleet hopes securing an operational facility here will help bring some stability to the market of worlds using this route, and thus bring us some new allies.


      We are scheduled to arrive within the hour.


      End recording."

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