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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 09.09.18

Cptn Swain: MISSION BRIEF: With the conference wrapping up, much the Excalibur crew is returning to the ship to prepare for an afternoon departure. Risa seems to have been rather busy this week, no?


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


Rhan K'hal: :: having blown off most of his frustrations romping on the planet, has returned with his mane (and a good percentage of his fur) bleached a lighter shade of blond ::

Rhan K'hal: :: is now settled into his customary seat on the bridge ::

William Chocox: ::somehow came back without a hint of a tan and is back on his main console in Engineering::

Cptn Swain: @::Still planet side with Arden, reading a book while Arden packed their things::

Hakran K'hal: :: still camped in his office, enjoying the quiet and lack of emergencies ::

Hunter Matheson: ::tanned like a summer model from GQ Mag, a satisfied grin plastered on his face - mostly cause he's tired - gear over his shoulder and humming, he exits the lift and gets off at MARDET only to be met with a bunch of NCOs giving him the razz:::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene, though, never showed up for any of the takeoff preparations! ::

Hunter Matheson: ::but he's the senior NCO, so he gets to give it back:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda strode onto the bridge, no signs of having enjoyed herself during their stay at Risa. As usual, a data padd had her attention as she whittled away at the mountain of reports that needed her attention. She glanced up as she moved to her seat, admiring the view on the main screen.:: Everyone have a good time planetside?

Rhan K'hal: :: grunts in reply - okay, maybe not all the frustration got blown off ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Mixing in with the largest crowds she could find ::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Managed to find answers to questions he didn't know he had on Risa, and wondered why his brother thought such a place was such a bad idea. Maybe sometime he and Destorie could come here. It would be good for his brother. He had also picked up some sort of statue a local had given to him and was toting it towards his quarters aboard the Excalibur.::

Maryse Dubois: ::Steps out onto the bridge with a PADD in hand. She had the perfect slight tan, because of course she would. She walks over to Rhan. She runs her hand along his mane.:: Keeping the color? ::With a slight smile.::

Hunter Matheson: ::stows his gear and changes into his uniform, then checks out his hair in the mirror and notices, muttering:: Whoa. That lipstick must be some kinda permanent something. :::vigorous rub and it seems to be gone... mostly:::

Rhan K'hal: :: smiles :: Been a while since it's been that light. Not since the Academy. But I'm not going to maintain it artificially. So unless the Captain approves a major intensity shift in the interior lighting, it'll fade.

Hunter Matheson: ::gives it a scrub this time... and it's pretty well hidden, so he shrugs, checks his uniform, straightens up, and moves out to the lift::: Bridge.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: How many do we have yet to board, Mr. K'hal? I want all departments checking in.

Hunter Matheson: ::still humming, he stops when the lift door opens and he steps out:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We'll be leaving within the hour.

Hakran K'hal: :: has had most of his staff check back in, with a couple of exceptions :: Hmm. Irene still not back. Hope she didn't get arrested again. :: checks the chrono ::

Cptn Swain: @Arden> Are you ready Asher. I don't want to be late.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Making her way to the transport pad ::

Irene Mincine: :: According to the chronometer and Hakran's schedule, Irene was supposed to be back on board half an hour ago. ::

Cptn Swain: @ ::Smirks:: I don't know what we can be late for -- if Excalibur leaves without us, we can always get a transport back. Not like you can't extend your leave, and besides...

Hunter Matheson: :::Hawthorne:: Commander, ma'am. ::semi-salute:: Reporting for duty.

Cptn Swain: @Arden> You still haven't opened that communique have you?

Cptn Swain: @ No.

Hunter Matheson: ::still has that broad silly grin:::

Rhan K'hal: :: looks over his board :: Just a few haven't reported in yet.

Hakran K'hal: :: frowns ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Welcome back, Matheson. Nice time on Risa? ::Sly look.::

Hunter Matheson: ::kinda crooked grin, actually, like Indiana Jones::

Hunter Matheson: Oh, yes, ma'am. How about you?

Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ K'hal to K'hal.

Rhan K'hal: +Hak+ 'Sup bro?

Maryse Dubois: ::Trying not to giggle.::

Hakran K'hal: :: mutters something about protocol :::

Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ Have you heard from Irene? She's late. ... I do hope she didn't get arrested. Again.

Hunter Matheson: ::slips behind the wheel, in a manner of speaking:::

Cptn Swain: @Arden> You should.

Cptn Swain: @ Did you already.

Cptn Swain: @Arden> ::giving him a look, with both their bags over his shoulder.:: Of course not. It's secured.

Rhan K'hal: +Hak+ Not a thing, and no, I've been keeping an eye on the security blotter and everyone has surprisingly behaved.

Rhan K'hal: :: Maryse :: Which means I lost the pool. Dammit.

Cptn Swain: @ ::Returns the look:: Uhuh. Well I suppose we should go though, I don't want to make Miranda angry again.

Indaura Ryssan: :: enters the transport hub ::

Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ :: heard that, shakes head and sighs :: Great. K'hal out.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Passable. ::Overhearing Rhan's conversation, she sighed.::

Hunter Matheson: ::still humming as he does the pre-flight check, and bouncing to the music that's in his head:::

Maryse Dubois: Ha...:;Grins.:: Though I have noticed a certain couple hasn't checked in either.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: K'Hal, get locations on all crew members that haven't checked in yet. We have a scheduled window for departure and we aren't going to be missing it.

Rhan K'hal: Aye, Commander.

Cptn Swain: @ ::signals to Excalibur for transport::

Rhan K'hal: :: links in with the planetary scanners, does a quick check ::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene's showing as being in her room in the resort. ::

Irene Mincine: :: Her com badge is, anyway. ::

Hunter Matheson: ::contacts station OPS for a few things, then goes back to checking:::

Indaura Ryssan: @ +Excal+ Doctor Ryssan to transport up.

Rhan K'hal: Well, that takes care of three. :: clears everyone for transport ::

Rhan K'hal: :: finds Irene's comm badge, chirps it twice, waits ::

Rhan K'hal: TP Room 1> :: energizes ::

Cptn Swain: ::Shimmers aboard with Arden::

Irene Mincine: :: No response. ::

Rhan K'hal: :: checks the scanner for a sign of her in that area - not a dicky bird, or a Human/Klingon hybrid, either ::

Hunter Matheson: ::mutters::: And we're good to go.

Rhan K'hal: :: calls the hotel ::

Cptn Swain: ::to Arden:: I am going to go to my ready room.. to read the message. Can you manage?

Rhan K'hal: I swear if we're missing another officer I'm not letting anyone off the ship again without a leash.

Hunter Matheson: ::turns to Hawthorne:: Helm is ready for departure, Commander.

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::long suffering sigh:: Of course. Go on. I'll see you later.

Hunter Matheson: ::then hears Rhan::missing?:::

William Chocox: +Matheson+ Helm, Engineering here, warp core is purring for you.

Irene Mincine: :: An annoyed voice picks up on the other end. :: "Morning Star Resort, Tasha speaking. How may I direct your call?"

Indaura Ryssan: :: Walks to her quarters to drop off her goodies ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Pulls up a medical file on Irene, handing Rhan the specs.:: Here is her bio data.

Hunter Matheson: +Cho+ Helm copies. Treat her nice.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded to Hunter and pursed her lips, fingers drumming on her seat while she waits.::

William Chocox: +Matheson+ Always.

Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Hi Tasha, this is Lieutenant K'hal on board the Excalibur up in orbit. One of our science officers, Irene Mincine, hasn't checked in yet and isn't answering her comm badge. Could you have your security check the room, pleasE?

Cptn Swain: ::Taking the lift to the bridge, where he emerged quietly, still in civies::

Rhan K'hal: :: nods at Maryse, gratefully, as he requests a bioscan for those particulars from the planetary scanning network ::

Cptn Swain: ::He had, with Arden's permission, begun to let his beard grow back, though his hair was still cropped short::

Hakran K'hal: :: exits his office to head for the bridge ::

Irene Mincine: "One moment, please." :: The communicator clicks. In the background, Tasha is complaining about those damn Starfleets losing another officer, third one this week, why can't they ever hold their booze... she calls security to Irene's room. The scanners don't show Irene in the resort at all, though. The best match is in a club about 15 kilometers away? Hard to get an exact location, though. ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Exits her quarters and now in her uniform. Making her way to sickbay ::

Cptn Swain: ::Makes his way over to Miranda, unaware of the unfolding drama::

Hunter Matheson: ::gets a call from base OPS re: departure:: +COM+ That's a negative, Risa. Excalibur is holding orbit. Will confirm when departure is imminent. How copy?

Hunter Matheson: :::receives ack from base:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Seeing Swain, she rose from the Captain's seat, but didn't move away as he wasn't yet on duty.:: Captain.

Cptn Swain: ::nods, and lowly:: I have a message from command. I haven't read it yet, but I am assuming they've finished their investigation.

Rhan K'hal: :: gets the data back from the psn, figures the angle is good enough and uses the Excalibur's sensor array for a triangulating ping - core planets don't like the Fleet to be bombarding their surface with scans ::

Rhan K'hal: :: waits for the resort to get back to him in the meanwhile ::

Hakran K'hal: :: exits onto the bridge, and stops short, surprised by Swain's facial hair and casual attire ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Your eyes only?

Cptn Swain: It is secured, but if you want to be there when I open it... ::he trailed off::

Irene Mincine: :: The sensors triangulate her biosigns to a small building near the club, but can't get any more precise than that due to magnetic scattering. Meanwhile, Tasha picks up the communicator again. :: "Okay, checked her room. Her stuff's all gone, other than her combadge. Don't know how she left that. There's also a phaser burn in the ceiling. You tell your captain you're never seeing your security deposit again."

Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters sickbay ::

Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Ah. Great. Thank you.

Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Excalibur, out.

Maryse Dubois: Did she say phaser burn?

Irene Mincine: Tasha> "Uh-huh. Risa out." :: Click. ::

Rhan K'hal: Commander, we have a problem.

Cptn Swain: ::Looks up at that::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes... I'd like to se... ::She trailed off, looking to Rhan.:: What sort of problem?

Rhan K'hal: Ensign Mincine's comm badge was left, with none of her other possessions, in her hotel room. Their resort security reports a phaser burn in the ceiling.

Hunter Matheson: ::swivels to listen::

Rhan K'hal: I'm also getting a possible hit on her lifesigns about 16 clicks away, but I'll need to contact the locals to check it out.

Hunter Matheson: ::expression change::

Rhan K'hal: Unless you'd rather LCdr Augustin?

Cptn Swain: ::Taps his tongue to his top teeth::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: A missing officer? We're not leaving this to locals. Send a team to her room to scan it for any evidence and another to check out those lifesigns.

Rhan K'hal: On it.

Hakran K'hal: I'll beam down to the resort, do the scans myself.

Hakran K'hal: :: swivels back to the lift ::

Maryse Dubois: I'll be going down as well. :;Nods to Hakran.::

Cptn Swain: :: lowly to Miranda:: Isn't she the one that got arrested?

Maryse Dubois: ::Follows Hakran to the lift.::

Hakran K'hal: :: holds the lift for the Doctor ::

Hakran K'hal: Transporter room 1.

Maryse Dubois: +Indaura+ I hope you enjoyed you leave, but I can use your help. Meet us at transporter room 1.

Hunter Matheson: ::swivels back to set helm at standby::

Hakran K'hal: :: Maryse :: I don't think she would've left on her own accord like this, not right after what happened at the starbase.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes, but that was a minor scuffle and I thought we'd worked it out. ::Frowning as she glanced back to Swain.:: She's a good officer and has been an asset so far. I doubt she'd jeopardize her new position aboard the ship.

Rhan K'hal: :: gets some goldshirts to meet everyone at the TR ::

Cptn Swain: Not that I ever got into trouble as an Ensign.

Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::rounding up another crew of goldshirts to head to the second location::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, contact planetary authorities and make sure they know what's going on.

Maryse Dubois: ::Shakes her head.:: It certainly doesn't seem like her. Plus a weapon was involved.

Hunter Matheson: Yes, ma'am. ::punches in:::

Hakran K'hal: Exactly. :: exits the lift as it stops and jogs the short distance to the TR ::

Hakran K'hal: First team heads to the biosigns. Those are more important than the forensics.

Hunter Matheson: ::as soon as they respond, the authorities get the specifics and are good to go on priority 1:::

Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::nods to Hakran:: We should keep open comms lines with the ship and each other.

Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: I'll be going with them, in case she is injured.

Hakran K'hal: Agreed. :: lets that team load up ::

Cptn Swain: Augustine> Any idea on what kind of location we're beaming into. I mean it's Risa but...

Indaura Ryssan: +Dubois+ I am in sickbay, do you need me?

Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::steps on to the padd::

Hunter Matheson: :::swivels toward the Cdr:: Planetary authorities are setting it as priority 1, ma'am.

Rhan K'hal: +TR+ Club area, about as seedy as Risa can get. But more likely to step in puke than broken glass.

Maryse Dubois: From what I heard, forensics will go to the hotel, and the rest of us a few clicks away where her last biosigns were found.

Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::nods::

Maryse Dubois: +Indaura+ I would like you to assist the forensics team that is beaming down.

Rhan K'hal: TRO> Ready when you are, sirs.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Another glance at Swain.:: I think we need to put that message on hold for a moment. We aren't scheduled for departure for another hour. You spending time in your ready room or staying on the bridge for this?

Maryse Dubois: ::Has a medkit handed to her as she steps up on the pad.::

Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::Nods to the TRO::

Rhan K'hal: TRO> :: waits for the doctor to step up, then beams then down, complete with @ ::

Cptn Swain: Agreed. Wherever you want me, Commander. I think I still know my way around a sensor control.

Hakran K'hal: :: mills around with the remaining security officers as he waits for Indaura to arrive ::

Maryse Dubois: @ ::Arrives back on Risa.::

Hunter Matheson: ::long, worried exhale:::

Maryse Dubois: @ ::Starts scanning for Irene's last known signs.::

Rhan K'hal: We have clearance for full scans now, if you want to try to steer them in better.

Rhan K'hal: Damn regulations.

Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::shimmers, begins looking around. He was hesitant to draw a weapon on a Federation planet, but he kept his hand on his phaser nonetheless::

Rhan K'hal: :: calls back down to the resort to let them know that they're about to get invaded ::

Indaura Ryssan: +Dubois+ Beam down or help from up here?

Irene Mincine: :: They beam down to, as was mentioned, a seedy club area in a less-traveled part of the city, surrounded by the more run-down and less reputable clubs and bars. Maryse's scan would pick up a probable hit in one of the smaller buildings, a three-story building made of moldy concrete. A dampening field stops any more detailed scans from a tricorder. ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She waved Swain over to science.:: since Hakran is going planetside, see what you can turn up over there.

Cptn Swain: ::Nods and takes the science console::

Maryse Dubois: @ +Indaura+ Beam down please. Mr. K'hal is waiting for you.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Grabs her kit :: +Dubois+ On my way.

Indaura Ryssan: :: makes her way down to the transporter ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: after some moments she beams down ::

Indaura Ryssan: @ K'Hal?

Maryse Dubois: @ :;points to the building, Looking at Augustine.:: I'm getting signs from there, but it is garbled. There is a dampening field.

Cptn Swain: @Augustine> :Frowns and motions to his goldshirts to look around the perimeter.:: Certainly not the part of Risa they put on postcards.

Hakran K'hal: # :: waiting in the resort lobby for their security to escort them to the room ::

Indaura Ryssan: # It's Ryssan...

Hakran K'hal: # Ah, there you are Doctor. Doing forensic scans as soon as we get to the room.

Indaura Ryssan: I have the drone.

Maryse Dubois: @ :;Nods.:: Not what you would expect from the resort capital of the Federation.

Hakran K'hal: #Hotel Security> :: grumpily arrives in the lobby, grumpily waves them to follow as he turns right back around and plods to the opposite wing ::

Irene Mincine: @ :: Some residents scamper away when they see the goldshirts. There aren't many people around here, either. ::

Indaura Ryssan: # Let me know when I can release it.

Cptn Swain: ::Begins running more broadband scans of the surface.:: Interesting. There seems to be a dampening field around the structure near Dubois and Augustine's team. I wonder if engineering can do anything about it.

Hakran K'hal: #Hotel Sec> :: gets to the room door and unlocks it for them ::

Hakran K'hal: # Okay, we're doing missing persons protocol here.

Hakran K'hal: # :: enters far enough in to let the others in behind, scans the room with his eyes first, and they track to the phaser burn first ::

Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::Looks at Maryse:: I don't want to go in till we have a better idea what we're looking at... but maybe we can get a little closer and see what we can find out?

Indaura Ryssan: # :: opens the case for the drone ::

Irene Mincine: # :: The room is just as Tasha said - Irene's com badge on the floor, a long phaser slash on the ceiling - a sign of a struggle. ::

Cptn Swain: ::Taps his communicator:: +Engineering+ Swain to Engineering.

Hakran K'hal: # Well, this isn't very promising.

William Chocox: +Swain+ Chocox here.

Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods.:: Agreed. Maybe Excalibur can help us with the field.

Indaura Ryssan: # Let me send the drone in.

Hakran K'hal: # Check the bedding for any biological material, Scan and bag that comm badge. Someone find me a stepladder or chair so I can check that phaser burn.

Maryse Dubois: @ ::Scans what she can with the field up, sending the data up to Rhan.::

Cptn Swain: +Cho+ We're looking for a lost sheep on the planet, and they appear to possibly be in a building with a unusual dampening field I can't cut through with sensors. Can you take a look and see what you can do for us?

Hakran K'hal: # If it would like to join me, it's welcome to.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: launches the scanning drone into the room ::

William Chocox: +Swain+ On it sir. ::starts working on getting through the field::

Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::Moving quietly towards a place where could get a better look at the building.::

Indaura Ryssan: # It will be enough to recreate the room in the holodeck if need be.

Irene Mincine: # :: There's "biological material" all over the bedding, all right. Human/Klingon and Deltan. Hotel security retrieves a stepladder. ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She rose again, unable to keep her seat for long. Moving up to the front of the bridge, she crossed her arms as she looked over Hunter's shoulder at the sensor readings.::

Hunter Matheson: :::feeling her presence, he keeps a solid focus on the sensor readings:::

Cptn Swain: ...and...

Maryse Dubois: @ ::Follows behind Augustine, quietly.::

Hakran K'hal: # :: thanks the hotel staff, plops the stepladder down at the initiation point of the phaser burn and hops up to the top to give it a good look and scan ::

Cptn Swain: ACTION> @ Team seems some very shady figures of ill-repute at the door.


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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