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At work and dresed to kill..

Anika's mind wandered back to earlier that evening when she looked in her mirror right before she left.  The thought made her smile.  The colors of her outfit were so bright and vibrant.  She smoothed down her outfit one more time.  The body of the outfit was a bold blue with the dark red, as well as a, dark green trimmings.  The outfit seemed to shimmer.  


The colors went well with her dark hair, and seemed to bring out her dark brown eyes.  She hadn’t been able to tell if her eyes seemed to sparkle because of the dress like outfit or because she of her excitement.  Her long locks caressed her neck and her hair was in a style that showed off the length but kept the hair form her face.  She felt like she should be attending a prom—in a medieval sort of way.  


Anika’s thoughts brought her back to reality.  Some of the inhabitants could be seen outside now.  That meant it was time for her to start paying attention...she would need to learn how to “act like a lady.”  Well in this culture anyway.  Dr. Pierce also knew that it was time for her to get to work.  The probe had been causing people to get sick.  All of the away teams that have been planet-side had already been inoculated.  She looked around, she didn’t “have a man,” but it felt weird to “own” a guy.  She decided that if she had to any problems, she could use the excuse she was “shopping around.”

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