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A Vulcan on the Edge

While I was on my hunt my trusted assistant Ensign Koralev and his once nemesis Lagh Prekip have apparently been able to put differences aside and work together.  That is about the only good thing to come out of the last few hours.


Apparently Koralev is a better engineer than an animal trainer.  While I was out he apparently decided to let Rhoagie feast on Main Engineering's asteriskroaches not knowing he was allergic to them.  By the time I had returned the engineering compound was literally a disaster area.  A Level 5 biocontamination is nothing to sneeze at.


Dr. Garnoopy's cure was to beam us out of engineering and let the transporter's biofilters purge us of the contamination. Unfortunately it also purged me of my clothes.  A doctor's office is cold enough fully clothed, and now I had to walk around in one of those gown things.  Garnoopy didn't stop there either.  He also decided that the steak I had for lunch was also unhealthy and purged that as well.


Once I was released I learned I was assigned to an away mission, and was already late for reporting.  I had myself beamed directly to my quarters to change into a proper uniform.  Our mission was to barter with the inhabitants of a local planet for medical supplies and other necessities.


The people appeared friendly enough at first.  While walking to the center of town I tried to make light conversation with Random. She did not take kindly to this, and accused me of behaving like a Romulan.  All because I was understandibly hungry and wanted to visit the food court.


Just then a local merchant and a few of the townspeople decided to attack us with no provocation.  The away team was holding our own for the time being, although Ramjep sustained minor injuries.  The emergency beam-up also captured some of the quarrelsome townspeople and security was dispatched to the transporter room.


It was decided, in haste in my opinion, to beam the original away team back to the planet, this time supplemented by Koralev. I would have preferred Koralev remain on-board to supervise the decon of Main Engineering but it was not my call.


So in the past 3 hours or so I have been contaminated, stripped of my clothes, robbed of my lunch, late for an away mission, insulted, attacked, and hastily beamed back to the planet.  


In other words, a fairly average day.

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