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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 09.03.17

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur's crew has unexpectedly had their leave aboard Starbase 39 Tango cut short and everyone has been recalled to the ship. Select staff members (that's all of you) have been ordered to attend a briefing in the bridge-level conference room.


Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM


William Chocox: ::walks into the conference room::

Hunter Matheson: ::spit and polish uniform, he enters the conference room:::

Rhan K'hal: :: enters the conference room looking rather grumpy - not so much from the leave cancellation, but the likelihood that all his hard work with the special request procurements will probably be for nothing ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda stood by one of the windows in the conference room, waiting on everyone to enter. Swain's seat was empty.::

Hakran K'hal: :: follows his brother in ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Steps into the room, quietly taking a seat.::

Hunter Matheson: ::standing by a chair until the commander sits:::

Rhan K'hal: :: plops into his usual seat ::

Hakran K'hal: :: also sits, feeling slightly uncomfortable because he's still not used to being a department head ::

Tandaris Admiran: ::enters the conference room::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Seeing most everyone was in attendance, she took Swain's chair.:: Our Captain is currently in conference with Starfleet and has asked me to do this briefing. As you know, shoreleave has been cut short. Excalibur has been assigned to the Paimpont sector, which borders Romulan, Breen, and Xindi space.

Hunter Matheson: ::sits::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: While we intended to start our tour there after a short rest and restock here, an emergency situation has come up that needs our attention.

Rhan K'hal: :: pulls up his mental map, and when he locates their destination on it, looks a bit grumpier ::

William Chocox: Are we still getting a resupply?

Tandaris Admiran: ::frowns, wondering what sort of emergency was serious enough to have them sent on such short notice::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Roughly a week ago, Alpha Veras II, an independent world located within the Paimpont sector experienced a catastrophic failure of its power grid. While they are not a Federation world, our trade with them is very important. They're the primary source of the Federation's bioneural and biomemetic gel.

William Chocox: Hm.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded to Chocox.:: Yes, I'll address that shortly.

Hunter Matheson: ::red flag goes up at the bioneural and biomemetic gel source:::

Maryse Dubois: :;Takes out a PADD from her coat pocket and begins tapping on it as she listens.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: The USS Tennessee Valley, an engineering corps vessel, and the USS Mary Seacole, a medical ship, have both been dispatched there. We will be bringing in other relief items and supplies that they have requested.

William Chocox: Ok.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Questions thus far?

Rhan K'hal: Any signs of life from the Xindi or Breen? Both would probably love to pounce on a weakness like this.

Hunter Matheson: ::waits for her to answer K'hal:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: No activity, as of yet, but they have previously shown interest in this sector.

Hunter Matheson: Did the grid fail suddenly, and do we have any idea how or why the power grid went down?

Rhan K'hal: :: pulls out his PADD and mutters something about scrounging up extra torpedoes ::

William Chocox: So...essentially we're going into what may become a hotspot?

Hunter Matheson: ::thinks that's pretty much a given::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We do not yet have that information, Gunny. The investigation is ongoing, and I'm sure we will be asked to aid in that, as well.

Hunter Matheson: ::mentally files that info:::

Tandaris Admiran: Sounds like a very relaxing mission compared to some of our latest.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded to Chocox.:: Besides the Breen and the Xindi, the Romulans have a trade agreement in place with one of the major factions and have set up a military presence within their controlled space.

Rhan K'hal: The Kaedwan. :: nods ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I mean, it isn't a planet that is trying to kill you with acid rain, but the people certainly might. ::To Tandaris.::

Hunter Matheson: Factions, ma'am? How many factions are we dealing with?

Hakran K'hal: :: sits, silently absorbing everything ::

Maryse Dubois: The Breen typically stay to themselves and are very territorial. As long as they weren't provoked, they shouldn't pose a problem. We have been diplomatically cordial with at least most of the Xindi races.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: The Romulan trade with the Kaedwan Confederation. The Federation deals with the Tamarn Empire. There are others, but those are the two most powerful. Alpha Veras II is under Tamarn control.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We hope that remains true, Doctor.

William Chocox: The Breen typically stay to themselves, until someone offers them something better.

Rhan K'hal: So how much time do I have to try to stuff the cargo bays to the gills before we have to leave?

Maryse Dubois: ((Are the Tamarn a new race, or do you mean Tamarians? And if so do we have to speak in metaphors? ))

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We will be departing within the hour, but the station has already been ordered to double-time our own orders along with supplies for the mission. They have been doing as much while the crew was on shoreleave. You have been recalled because they are almost done.

William Chocox: ((Shaka, when the walls fell.))

Rhan K'hal: I'm sure Commader El Tahir loved that.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( They are not Tamarians, though I'm sure Swain would love learning metaphors.))

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ((And making up his own.))

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She looked around the room.:: Any other questions? Concerns?

Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

Hunter Matheson: No, ma'am. :::ready to kick butt:::

Maryse Dubois: ::Shakes her head no.::

Rhan K'hal: Concerns? Oh let me count the ways. But nothing that hasn't already gone through your own mind, Commander.

Hakran K'hal: :: shakes head ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Indeed. ::Nodding in agreement.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: If there is nothing further, then you are dismissed to make your preparations for departure.

William Chocox: Aye ma'am.

Hunter Matheson: ::stands:: Yes, ma'am.

Rhan K'hal: :: nods, rises with his nose already immersed in his padd, tapping away energetically at it as he walks out of the conference room on autopilot ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Stands and straighten her lab coat. She follows Rhan out.:: I guess we'll have to settle for dinner in the mess hall sometime.

Rhan K'hal: Yeah. Our dinner plans never seem to materialize before something blows up, figuratively or literally.

Hakran K'hal: :: looks over to the engineers :: My department will likely be split between assisting you and medical on this one. Let me know what you need.

William Chocox: Will do.

Hunter Matheson: ::already at helm, checking for quality of repair, any upgrades, anything changed:::

Hunter Matheson: :::slips below, checking the chip configuration, the quality of replacements, etc:::

Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles.:: It's kind of expected now a days.

Hunter Matheson: ::satisfied, he begins full diagnostics, requesting a record of any and all changes and/or upgrades:::

Rhan K'hal: Maybe we'll have a miracle and this mission will go perfectly normal. And maybe the Pakled will sprout wings and fly.

William Chocox: ::heads out of the conference room towards Engineering::

Hakran K'hal: :: heads off to the bridge and parks himself at the science station ::

Hunter Matheson: ::forwards the information to Bravo and Charlie shifts:::

Tandaris Admiran: ::catches up with Chocox:: Make sure you start on your list right away.

William Chocox: Aye, sir.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::After collecting her things, she followed the others out of the conference room and took the Captain's chair on the bridge.::

Rhan K'hal: :: slips into the seat at Mission Ops, transfers his padd work over to it and continues without a hitch ::

Maryse Dubois: I already knew it was going to be bad when Romulan, Breen, and Xindi were put into the same sentence.

Hakran K'hal: Since Rhan is busy checking the luggage, I'll get in touch with the Tennessee Valley and try to get a link going with them for up-to-the-minute information on the grid.

Hunter Matheson: ::then he begins to page through reports, making sure his baby was not mistreated in any way:::

Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: rolls eyes at his brother's statement, but happily leaves him to it :: Having that many in the same sentence does put everyone on their best behavior. A 4-way war wouldn't even make Klingons happy.

Hunter Matheson: ::stops, takes a good look at the console, then mutters something not very nice and begins reconfiguration to original:::

Rhan K'hal: :: glance over Hunter's way, chuckles :: I really need to replicate a "Do Not Disturb" sign for him to hang off the helm when we dock somewhere.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Two minute warning ))

Hunter Matheson: ::stows the padd, checks replacement gear, then begins preflight check:::

Hakran K'hal: Doctor Dubois. My biologists aren't going to have anything else to do on a mission like this, so when you need them for grunt work, just whistle.

Maryse Dubois: ::Giggles.:: But that would take the fun out of it. ::Gives Rhan a gentle pat on the shoulder.:: I better get down below. Talk to you later.

Hunter Matheson: ::remarkably able to hear Rhan's comment:: Well, sir. You treat her like a lady and she'll act like one. ::winks in his direction::

Rhan K'hal: :: smiles :: Happy unpacking all the med supplies.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: and...

Rhan K'hal: :: grins at Hunter :: I'm not calling her Ms. Excalibur.


Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM


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