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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 07.16.17

MISSION BRIEF: The crew has returned mostly unharmed from the surface, however we are still missing Arrain N'Dak and Science Officer Harper. We believe they may have been captured by whomever had the clandestine base on the surface. Science had previously detected an intermittent sensor anomaly in orbit but we have no further confirmation shipside.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


Cptn Swain: ::On the bridge, hovering over the tactical console::

William Chocox: ::In engineering::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda stepped onto the bridge and moved to join Swain.:: Captain.

Cptn Swain: Commander.

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::Looks to Harper:: So if you have any bright ideas.

Maryse Dubois: ::Relaxing in her office for the moment.::

Tandaris Admiran: ::on the bridge, still dusty and away-team-weary, listening in::

Charlie Harper: #Generally in these situations, I believe escape is advised.

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::nods:: Ie.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: You have the latest updates? Our team is still missing. We discovered the lab below the surface belonging to the Romulans. We could have gathered more intelligence, but the lab was... ::She threw Tandaris a glance.:: ....inadvertently destroyed.

Cptn Swain: ::Nods::

Cptn Swain: ::Pointing to the tactical readout:: This was the last location we detected the anomalous readings. We've been tracking it since we launched our probes.

Charlie Harper: #So the first step is getting out of the brig.

Cptn Swain: #NDak> Ie. Once we're out of here, I think I should be able to get us out.

Tandaris Admiran: "Anomalous readings"

Tandaris Admiran: Are we thinking cloaked Romulan ship?

Indaura Ryssan: :: With the others ::

William Chocox: ::is looking over his console::

Cptn Swain: I am now.

Cptn Swain: With all the bizarre radiation from the star, our sensor readings have been all over the place.

Charlie Harper: #Ok, well, getting us out of here is the problem, then. Anything in your pockets? ::pats own uniform down::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Scanning with her medicorder ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Has to be. ::Miranda moved to one of the consoles, checking the sensor readings.:: We could find no sign of our crew on the planet. I'm betting they were transported to their ship.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She frowned.:: And our Romulan guest was with those that are missing.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Suspicious.::

Cptn Swain: ::He caught the tone, but decided to let it padd::

Cptn Swain: pass*

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::Pats down his own pockets:: No not... wait.. will this help?

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::Tosses him a power cell for his Romulan tricorder::

Cptn Swain: I agree, that seems the most likely explanation. But I am afraid to make any aggressive moves towards them.

Cptn Swain: Options, suggestions?

Charlie Harper: #::turns power cell over thoughtfully:: Maybe. ::pats down pockets again:: With a wire, or a strip of metal.... ::turns up a padd stylus, slightly chewed::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: If you aren't in favor of aggression, then diplomacy is the only option. We should hail them.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: It would be better if we could hone in their exact location. ::Throwing Tandaris a pointed look.::

Cptn Swain: ::Nods, looks to Tandaris::

Tandaris Admiran: on it

Tandaris Admiran: ::moves over to the engineering station:: +Chocox+ Admiran to Chocox, are you back in engineering yet?

William Chocox: +Admiran+ Aye.

Cptn Swain: Have d'Aubugine ready to launch as well. If they try to run, fighters can help us pin them in.

Tandaris Admiran: +Chocox+ Great. New challenge for you. Totally hypothetical, but say we wanted to track a cloaked Romulan vessel in this system. Given the extra challenges of the solar radiation, any suggestions?

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::watches carefully, also monitoring the door::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Checking her medical supplies ::

William Chocox: +Admiran+ You could pick an easier task, but in the absence of that I'm going to say that we'd need a way to isolate the various types of radiation in the sensor data and try to look for tachyons.

Charlie Harper: #::pries the clip off the end of the stylus:: Well, it's shorter than I'd like, but let's see here... ::goes over to examine the forcefield emitters::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded and sent a message to the fighter commander and crew, ordering them to prepare for launch.::

Tandaris Admiran: +Chocox+ Great. Get on that isolation protocol immediately.

Cptn Swain: ::Takes the command chair again::

William Chocox: +Admiran+ That...uh...was just what we would need to do, not what I can...you know what? Nevermind. Aye sir.

William Chocox: ::starts trying to figure out how the hell to do that::

Tandaris Admiran: ::begins setting up a tachyon scan grid::

Cptn Swain: #NDak> Do they teach all Starfleet science officers how to rig explosives using a stylus and a batter pack?

Cptn Swain: ::Miranda:: I wonder why they haven't left orbit.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Their lab indicated they were studying the same weather patterns that we'd recorded. Speculation is that they're looking for a way to weaponize it.

Charlie Harper: #Logical outgrowth of understanding conductance patterns. ::gives him a sort of abstracted look:: You mean you don't know how?

Charlie Harper: #Anyway, it's not so much an explosive as a disruption... ::prods along the wall:: ... assuming one can find a spot that's not quite sealed flush...

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::In very innocent sounding voice:: Na, na qu'ii-e

William Chocox: (m) Maybe I could do this...?

William Chocox: ::fiddles around with his console::

Cptn Swain: ::Makes a non-committal noise:: Perhaps hoping we'll move off on our own, leaving them alone.

Charlie Harper: #:::gives him a brief, suspicious squint, then goes back to poking the edges of the field:: This might do.

Cptn Swain: ::Tandaris:: How much longer?

William Chocox: ::is still fiddling::

Tandaris Admiran: I can give you a general region at this point, but we can't pinpoint them yet

Charlie Harper: #::reaches over head somewhat awkwardly to slip the stylus clip into the emitter, which spits a spark::Ouch. ::shakes out hand:: Ok... definitely shorter than I'd like, but here goes.

Cptn Swain: It will have to be good enough.

Cptn Swain: Miranda, take over tactical. I want to be able to make the sweat a little.

Tandaris Admiran: +Chocox+ Give us what you've got.

William Chocox: Ok...

William Chocox: ::sends it up to the Bridge::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Aye, Captain. ::She moved to the TAC console to pull up the sensor readings and engage the tactical systems.::

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::briefly extols the elements for luck::

Charlie Harper: #::carefully tries to balance the battery into place:::

Charlie Harper: # By the way ... did I mention this is going to be unpleasant?

Cptn Swain: #NDak> N-n-o?

Tandaris Admiran: ::Miranda:: OK, we have a tachyon scanner pulse that will narrow you down to about 50,000 km

Charlie Harper: # Yeah. See, it doesn't -- ow, stop sparking you stubborn piece of -- doesn't so much *drop* the field as *weaken* it, hopefully enough to push through.

Cptn Swain: #NDak> ::Sighs:: Lovely.

Cptn Swain: (( TWO MINUTE WARNING ))

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Good enough. ::She altered the TAC console to include the tachyon scanner and activated it, sending out several pulses in the general location where they'd seen the 'anomaly'.::

Charlie Harper: #If you have a better idea... ::gives up on finesse, jams battery into place, collecting a serious zap from the cranky emitter in the process, but the field begins shimmering::

Cptn Swain: #NDak> Nope.

Cptn Swain: ...and...


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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