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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 06.18.17

MISSION BRIEF: The survey of Irassa IV has taken an unusual turn. Weather patterns have become increasingly erratic and dangerous, causing Excalibur crew to scramble for shelter. Other teams continue to investigate an unusual facility located below the surface of a ruined city. Another team, examining an unusual obelisk at the heart of the city has failed to report in and are, apparently, missing. In orbit, Excalibur has continued to monitor the situation as well as note a number of unusual -- highly improbable -- changes in the Irassan star.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


Tandaris Admiran: @::aghast at the weather data they have found, which is bad news as all get out::

Maryse Dubois: # ::Waiting out the storm under the rock shelter with Rhan and Indaira. Once it cleared out they were going to make for the ruins.::

Cptn Swain: $Augustin>::At the Obelisk site, having his security team begin a search of the area.::

Cptn Swain: ^+Miranda+ Swain to Hawthorne.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ +Swain+ Hawthorne here. Go ahead.

Indaura Ryssan: # We may need to find something to protect us. :: Looking around her ::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: takes stock of his parts and pieces after driving through hell :: Okay, I think other than the new arm hole I'm okay. How are you two?

Hunter Matheson: @ ::still on the floor, scanning the log they found:::

Maryse Dubois: # ::Checks herself once more to be sure.:: I'm fine.

Cptn Swain: ^ +Miranda+ We've been monitoring the situation up here, but I want a report from the ground.

Hakran K'hal: @ While this is a fascinating planet to study... I'm rather starting to think it should've been an unmanned survey.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::scan... scan... scan...scan....scan...scan:::

Indaura Ryssan: # I'm fine for the moment. :: huffs ::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::stops, then flips through the rest of the log::: Huh...

Hunter Matheson: @ ::flips a few pages back::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: nods, begins scanning the weather ::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::stands up, back crack, then rounds the pile of boxes to find Cdr Hawthorne:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ +Swain+ We've had reports from the surface that the weather has turned nasty. Unpredictable storms and acid rain. Down here, in storage, we've uncovered hazard suits, rations, and other substances that may have been used to neutralize acids.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::but she's talking to the boss, so he tries to unravel the puzzle:::

Hakran K'hal: @ :: Tandaris :: Commander, as an engineer, can you think of any way this weather could be generated without the use of satellites?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: #ACTION> The storm moves on and the rain stops, leaving the medical team safe -- for now. They're already within the ruins. The entrance to the underground survey is only a few meters from their current location.

Cptn Swain: ^ +Hawthorne+ Understood. Until we can be sure any outside crews are safe, I am going order them to return to Excalibur as soon as possible. You and the ruins teams can continue working for now.

Indaura Ryssan: # Aren't we close to something right now?

Tandaris Admiran: @::K'hal:: The evidence we have so far seems to suggest the sun's unusual activity is at least the ultimate cause of the weather patterns.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> Clearing up. If the map Hakran sent along is any good, I believe we can get to the underground system around that corner. :: points ::

Tandaris Admiran: @ We could perform geomagnetic analyses of the planet back on Excalibur to see if the sun is causing other planetary instabilities, like a core dynamo imbalance

Indaura Ryssan: # We could have been protected this entire time? :: gets up ::

Hakran K'hal: @ Solar activity certainly can have that effect, but the... targeted nature of it, as well as some of the unusual aspects that one wouldn't normally see on a bog standard class M shouldn't be possible without some direction.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> Well, we do have to travel about 5 meters under partially open sky to get there, so speaking for myself, I like this bit of fallen wall while acid rain is falling.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Looks for the entrance ::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::next to Hawthorne with the log, listening to the convo while he waits::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: also rises, skirts around the still dripping part of the overhang ::

Tandaris Admiran: @ What would be the purpose of creating such chaotic weather patterns?

Maryse Dubois: # ::Nods.:: Let's get moving, but take it slow.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::flipping through the log again, checking a few things:::

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Checks her holstered tricorder :: Aye

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ +Swain+ Very good, Captain. I think that best, as well. The medical team should be at our location in just a few minutes. They'd made it to cover in the ruins before they could be seriously injured.

Hakran K'hal: @ I can't imagine anyone doing it on purpose, but mistakes are certainly known to happen. Especially when you start tinkering with something as complex as weather and climate on a planetary scale.

Cptn Swain: ^ +Miranda+ Understood.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::She gestured to Hunter.:: What did you find?

Tandaris Admiran: @ I find it hard to believe that this species was capable of such things given their ::glances at the data tape:: primitive technology.

Hunter Matheson: @ Well, Commander, it looks like the log was written by several people for several reasons...

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> I'd avoid slow in that puddle though. :: indicates a round, sizzling bit of liquid between them and the entryway ::

Maryse Dubois: # :;Gets up and begins to follow Rhan, careful where she stepped.::

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Takes the rear ::

Hunter Matheson: @ The beginning is like a daily journal. It looks like dates, ::shows her the top of each page...

Cptn Swain: $Augustin> ::Frowns looking at the tricorder scans as one of his assistant security officers returns:: Nothing?

Hunter Matheson: @ Then the writing changes, and the dates are sporadic, then suddenly it turns into a lot of what looks like formulas.

Indaura Ryssan: # Water is very acidic... wonder how this ecology works.

Tandaris Admiran: @ Maybe, though, whatever they were trying to do to fix the naturally-occurring problem made it worse, somehow.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::flips to the back: : From here on, it's stuff like chemistry, but I'm not a scientist.

Cptn Swain: $Jordan> ::Nods:: Nothing. Just some residual traces that they *were* here, but nothing else. No sign of struggle.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: nods :: Obviously I'll keep an open mind as to that Commander, but the planetary scientists on my team are finding this mind-boggling so I'd like to keep a very very open mind.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Follows Rhan and Dubois ::

Hunter Matheson: @ And it's like that until the end of the book, but it ends suddenly. About a dozen pages blank, and the last one stops in mid-sentence.

Maryse Dubois: # I'm beginning to understand why the plants and animals are hostile.

Tandaris Admiran: @ The launch site we investigated suggested they at least got something into the upper atmosphere.

Hunter Matheson: (blank)

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Takes a look at the log, squinting at the formulas.:: We should run those through the computer and see if it makes any sense of it. It certainly looked like they were making preparations for the worst.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: comes to the entryway, carefully shoves aside some debris so they can go down ::

Indaura Ryssan: (was thinking, Don't worry Hunter, you'll think of something...)

Cptn Swain: ACTION> Tandaris notices a data storage device he'd missed before sitting on top of one of the consoles.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: grunts, moves off to do some more checking in with his people ::

Tandaris Admiran: @ Oh look, a data storage device I missed before sitting on top of one of the consoles ::slow and dramatic pointing::

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Scans, the tricorder chirping ::

Hunter Matheson: @ (I guess there's always hope..)

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: flicks on his wrist-light, shines it over the stairway :: Mind your steps.

Indaura Ryssan: # Scanning the structure...

Hakran K'hal: @ :: glance back toward Tandaris, flicks an ear and shakes his head, resumes his business ::

Hunter Matheson: @ So, take it to Commander Admiran?

Maryse Dubois: # ::Smiles as Rhan uses a light.:: It the light more for our convenience than yours?

Indaura Ryssan: # The entrance at least appears stable.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ Science would have a better time with it, I think. Give it over to K'hal.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Changing her tricorder to BIO ::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> Of course.

Hunter Matheson: @ Yes, ma'am. ::moves out, looking for K'hal:::

Maryse Dubois: # ::Holds out her hand to him.:: I'll take it then.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: peeks over his padd, looking very much the geek, as Hunter approaches :: Something new, Mr. Matheson?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Joins Tandy.:: What information have you gotten from the data tapes?

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: unclasps the light from his wrist and hands it over to Maryse :: Always so self-sufficient.

Hunter Matheson: @ yes, sir. A hand-written log that has formulas at the end. ::hands it over, the last few pages bookmarked:::

Tandaris Admiran: @ More information on the behaviour of plant and wildlife, and logs of the weather showing a cyclic pattern. Guess which part of the cycle we're entering.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: accepts, does a quick skim to try to get the gist before going back and looking it over in detail ::

Indaura Ryssan: # I'm not getting much on the bio readings.

Cptn Swain: $Augustin> Let's do another check, scan for anything out of the ordinary. ::Looks to the science geeks:: Anything you have found?

Hunter Matheson: @ Also, by the writing, it was written by several people, dates at the beginning like an ordinary log, then hastily-written notes, and then the formulas. And they end suddenly.

Hunter Matheson: @ Not exactly a good sign.

Maryse Dubois: # ::Grins as she takes the light, strapping it to her wrist.:: You'll be able to react with better reflexes this way.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> I wouldn't worry about it, these kinds of tunnel systems can bounce tricorder readings around so much you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a pizza and a panda.

Maryse Dubois: # ::Looks back to Indaura.:: You'll probably only come across the away teams at this point.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Nods :: I can only hope.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ The worst part? ::Glances to the storage bins.:: What about the launch? Anything records of them launching a rocket?

Hakran K'hal: @ Normal activity, things go to hell, someone gets a bright idea, but time runs out.

Cptn Swain: $Klien> ::shakes her head:: No, and that's the unusual thing. The Arrain believed that the construction material used for the Obelisk differed from the rest of ruins. As far as I can tell, he's right. But we're having trouble penetrating the obelisk to do a more detailed scan. It could also be why we can't find their biosignatures.

Tandaris Admiran: @ We have visual confirmation they launched something from our visit to the launch site. The two tapes we viewed didn't have any data concerning that. Chocox and I have decoded and stored the remaining tapes in our tricorder memory; once we return to the ship we can analyze their contents further.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: tries to figure out the formulas, again having to muddle with the translator's slow-pickup of symbology ::

Cptn Swain: $Augustin> Could you link to Excalibur to do a better scan of the structure?

Tandaris Admiran: @ ::points at the device on the console:: That looks like another device, maybe a holoprojector. I didn't notice it before. It might contain more illuminating information.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Miranda moved to the device and lifted it, turning it about in her hands in search of some way to activate it.::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: carefully makes his way down the remaining steps to the sub-level until he comes to a closed door ::

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Looks ahead ::

Maryse Dubois: # ::Stops behind Rhan.::

Cptn Swain: ACTION> The lights in the room flickered out and a bright light strobes from the device.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::blinkblinkblink:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( I hope it's the emperor giving us orders. ))

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: tugs uselessly on the door for a second :: Of course we'd get one of these. :: looks for an override ::

Hakran K'hal: @ :: scowls :: How am I supposed to read when you people turn the place into a disco?

Hunter Matheson: @ ::mutters:: And me without my Oakleys...

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Miranda turned the device toward the nearest wall.::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::still seeing spots:::

Hakran K'hal: @ :: pupils narrow into pinpricks as he looks up to see what the hell is going on ::

Cptn Swain: ACTION> After a second a pale blue figure appears in the darkness on the wall in the form of a vaguely humanoid in greyish white robes and sleek, pulled back hair.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Scans the door ::

Hunter Matheson: @ (Help me, Obiwan....)

Cptn Swain: Hologram> ::In a slightly distorted voice, but in something that the UT could easily make out:: Greetings. If you are hearing this message, then in all likelihood I, and the rest of my world, are dead.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: nods ::

Tandaris Admiran: @ Oh man, way to hit us with the bad news.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: notes a panel half-hidden behind a fallen block, drags it out of the way with much grunting ::

Indaura Ryssan: # Found something?

Hunter Matheson: @ (w) Damn...

Cptn Swain: Hologram> This is last message of our civilization. Contained in this structure are records of all that once was or would ever be. We hope that you find them and that through them we may, in some way, continue on as memory.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: huff, puff :: I really need to work on my upper body strength. :: pries open the panel, turns a lever and gets rewarded with a nice click before the doors pop open far enough to be able to push them apart ::

Maryse Dubois: # Good job.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: Indaura :: Try your bioscans now, hopefully you can pick up the other AT members now.

Indaura Ryssan: # :: scans again ::

Tandaris Admiran: @ In retrospect I wish we had pressed this button first.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: Tandaris :: Quite.

Indaura Ryssan: # I am getting something... lots of reflections

Cptn Swain: Hologram> In the Fifth Year of the Elder Xaon our decline began. At first we did not know why it was happening. Many believed that the Gods had grown angry with us for our decadent lifestyles. Others, like myself, looked to science.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> Between that and the map we should be able to stumble our way to them. Though if anyone brought bread-crumbs...

Indaura Ryssan: # Their signals should get better the closer we get.

Cptn Swain: Hologram> Eventually we discovered a truth for which no species is perhaps been ready to accept. Our star was dying.

Cptn Swain: Hologram> Though we had developed theoretical models for space travel, the abilities were beyond our reach in the time we believed we had left. Instead, we began a project to change our destiny.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: #ACTION> Once the med team passed through the outer doors, the way was lit by glow markers. They eventually passed through giant open doors and moved into a sparse room with a deep pit and stairs that led downward. Tricorders showed biosigns below, but they flickered intermittently.

Maryse Dubois: # ::Turns the light off. She looks down.:: That looks fun...

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: looks around :: Well, this feels like a good old-fashioned RPG. Any bets on the size of the rats?

Tandaris Admiran: @ I'm afraid I know the ending.

Maryse Dubois: # No thank you.

Hakran K'hal: @ :: grunts ::

Indaura Ryssan: # Not as much fun as my tricorder is having.. signals are flashing off and on

Hunter Matheson: @ ::slumps against the wall:::

Cptn Swain: Hologram> If you have found this message, then we have failed. Take this message and the history and culture of our people contained here and preserve them so that, even though we have faded from the light, that we live in on echoes and memory.

Indaura Ryssan: # One meter...

Cptn Swain: Hologram> ::flickers out::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::She sighed softly and offered the device to Tandaris.:: Well... then...

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> Well, guess I should do this part... :: pulls out his phaser :: You get to be our augmented eyes, Dr. Ryssan. I'll use the old-fashioned ones.

Cptn Swain: $Jordan> ::Nods:: Already working on it.

Tandaris Admiran: @ I'll add this to the dead cultures collection.

Maryse Dubois: # ::Goes ahead and takes her phaser out too.::

Hakran K'hal: @ Would still like to find some details on their project though.

Indaura Ryssan: # I'll let the tricorder do the seeing.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ We should take as much of their data with us to preserve. ::She glanced back to the storage racks.:: We'll let the archeologists down here to take whatever they think they'll want to study. Perhaps another ship can come to collect the majority.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: slowly follows the radioactive yellow brick road down ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ACTION> The team in the sub-basement hears footsteps echoing down from the stairs above.

Maryse Dubois: # ::Slowly follows.::

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Sees the flickering signals ::

Hakran K'hal: @ :: nods :: I'll call them in. Should we get the rest of the planetary teams back to the ship for now? Last I knew they're huddled in the shuttles at the base camp.

Indaura Ryssan: # I am getting stronger signs now.

Tandaris Admiran: @ Sounds like at least one of them are coming this way now.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: ears flicking this way and that ::

Cptn Swain: $Augustin> And?

Cptn Swain: $Jordan> Now... that's interesting.

Cptn Swain: (( TWO MINUTE WARNING ))

Cptn Swain: $Augustin> Interesting is never good coming from a scientist.

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: proceeds further down ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ Swain has already evacuated our base camp. ::Cocks her head to listen.:: That should be the medical team joining us.

Indaura Ryssan: # It appears to be our people.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Starts up the spiral stairs to the control rooms above to meet the medical team.::

Hakran K'hal: @ :: nods ::

Maryse Dubois: @ :;Sighs in relief.::

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: hears footsteps :: If that isn't Commander Hawthorne's deliberate steps, I'm a howler monkey.

Indaura Ryssan: # That's some genetic engineering then...

Hakran K'hal: #Rhan> :: calls down :: That you, Commander?

Cptn Swain: ....and.....

Indaura Ryssan: # :: Exhales ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: @ ::Tops the stairs, looking at the medical team with concern in her eyes.:: Everyone okay?


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM



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