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The Republic after setting out the warning buoys, and mapping the region of damaged space to send to Star Fleet Sciences to come study....had started to head back towards the nearest Star base.....: However, for whatever reason....those on the bridge, did so at best possible speed.....substantially above the already posted limit in this region, and definitely something harmful to the area and being we just told we would prevent this from happening again.

As the ship was going Warp 8, the computer safeguards kicked in, and did an override abrupt stop to prevent further damage to this region, however, the damage has been done, and some possible damage to the ship....and possibly, another tear forming directly beneath us.






STSF_BluRox: :: In medical, the doctor refusing to allow Blu to leave yet, but having ushered the others out to go tend to the new emergency::

STSF Seiben: ::heavy sign, feeling pretty bad now::

August Jax Robinson: ::Yelling in Engineering::

Rue Wydown: ::was in medical, looking in on Blu, but the sudden decrease in speed has her worried, starts cursing in her native language...words that sound rather like English sent through a lawnmower blade as she rushes back to the bridge::

Heather Jamieson: :: On the bridge, scanning the local region ::

August Jax Robinson: +Bridge+ What the hell was that?!!

Heather Jamieson: Kasuga, what happened?

August Jax Robinson: +Bridge+ I have alarms screaming and Smoke down here!!

Rue Wydown: ::manages to make it on to the bridge in time to hear Jax bellowing through the commlink::

STSF Seiben: The brakes came on. Computer override. I don't know why I went to warp 8


ACTION: Medical is receiving several calls about minor injuries caused from the sudden stop and the inertial dampeners not able to compensate in time


Rue Wydown: You don't know why you went to Warp 8? ::glaring at Kasuga::

August Jax Robinson: ::Starts sending repair teams to location::

August Jax Robinson: ::Starts calling in the Bata shift in to help::

STSF Seiben: No, sir. Before I realized, the ship had already accelerated to warp 8. I was probably too tired to realize.

Heather Jamieson: I am checking the warning buoy logs...

Rue Wydown: That's not good enough. You know why we're here.

STSF Seiben: Yes, I know. There was a strict limit of warp 5, and I went way over. I... really don't know what to say.

Heather Jamieson: :: Both listening and pouring over logs ::




Rue Wydown: Kasuga, you're relieved of duty. Report to your quarters and remain there until a full investigation is completed.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Understood.. ::logs off and heads to the lift::

Heather Jamieson: That warning means we can never leave this area.

Rue Wydown: ::muscles in her jaw are working, has never been seen this angry by this crew::

Webmaster: ((Quarters?? Have her put on a suit and get out and push!))

Heather Jamieson: :: frowns :: Shall I update the buoy with new information?

Rue Wydown: :::inhales slowly before turning to Jamieson:: That's not an option either. How bad is the damage.

August Jax Robinson: ::Sends damage report::

Rue Wydown: ((I'd send her out without a space suit to push :P ))

August Jax Robinson: ::Curses and heads to the lift::

STSF Seiben: ::arrives back at her quarters, heavy emotions start filling her mind:: Ahh.. I can't believe that happened.

STSF_BluRox: (good thing this isn't the Romulan ship)

STSF_BluRox: (tksa would have stuck her with a rusty needle)

STSF Seiben: (Yes... the turbolift would've been shot out into space lol)

Webmaster: ((Oh great... someone to try playing sleeping beauty.))


August Jax Robinson: ::Hate mail starts to fill Kasuga's in box::

STSF Seiben: (if she's lucky, that is)

Christina_Nickles: :: enters the bridge after ordering her Security team t help where needed::

STSF_BluRox: (I think Christina should go try to console her)

Rue Wydown: Ms Nickles, I want a log of what Ms Kasuga was doing before, during and after this incident.

Rue Wydown: Jamieson, how bad is the damage?

STSF_BluRox: ::telling the Doctor she is fine and that she needs to get to the bridge::

Christina_Nickles: What in the world was that?? ::looks to see Ayumus seat empty:: Wheres Ayumu?

August Jax Robinson: ::Steps off the lift::

STSF_BluRox: (you're on Heather..you got a big sciency thing here......have at it!)


August Jax Robinson: ::onto the Bridge::

Heather Jamieson: I am reading additional damage to local subspace.

Heather Jamieson: The wake we created is the main issue...

STSF Seiben: ::sits on her bed, pondering the fallout of this... none of which are particularly any good.::

Christina_Nickles: ::sheakes it offf :: Oh Aye sir Ill get right on it

STSF Seiben: Either way, I don't see how I can get out of this. I wonder what New Zealand is like this time of year.

Heather Jamieson: I am wondering if any of this can be repaired.. will take a bit of calculation.

Rue Wydown: And? ::waiting for Jamieson's report::

Christina_Nickles: :: moves over to Ayumus console and starts pulling activity logs::

STSF Seiben: ::mysteriously, Ayumu kept increasing speed. Warp 4...5...6........7....8....::

Rue Wydown: I've just relieved Kasuga of her duties. Nickles, could you assign a guard outside of her quarters until a review what happened is completed. Not that I think she'd go anywhere, but...

Heather Jamieson: We may be able to apply an inverse subspace wave to mediate the damage

STSF_BluRox: (what do you think Admiral Calvert....Willful destruction of shipping lines?)

STSF_BluRox: ( I think she fell asleep and her nose was on the up arrow key)

Christina_Nickles: Yes sir.

Heather Jamieson: I need to look at the sensor logs.

STSF Seiben: (That was probably it! At least that was the IRL reason rofl)


Heather Jamieson: :: Displays a visual representation of the short warp 8 flight ::

August Jax Robinson: What happen up here, Engineering almost blew up?!

STSF Seiben: ::Racks up the charges in her mind... :: Hmm, not good not good.

Christina_Nickles: +Security+ Nickles to Samuels, Report for guard duty outside of Ayumus quarters She is not to leave until this incident is cleared up.

Webmaster: ((Destruction of shipping lines, attempted destruction of fleet resources (ship), attempted murder of a few thousand people, attempted sabotage of a treaty....))

Rue Wydown: ((Wow. Those are some charges))

STSF Seiben: (She dun goofed!)

Webmaster: ((And to rub salt into the wound.... speeding and postal fraud.... because everything SOMEHOW involves postal fraud.))

Rue Wydown: Gross negligence and dereliction of duty.

STSF Seiben: (always..)


Rue Wydown: Jax, can you help Jamieson out and see if we can figure out a way out of this mess. ::rubs her temples:: I"m going to have to inform the Admiral.

Heather Jamieson: ((Told Starfleet secrets to the Romulan ambassador)

August Jax Robinson: ((So no mail!!?? :O ))

STSF Seiben: (Kicked the Federation President in the shins)

Christina_Nickles: :: pulls activity logs from the work console::

Heather Jamieson: :: Winces being asked to work with that b-beautiful engineer ::

August Jax Robinson: ::Frowns:: who did this?

Christina_Nickles: Sir I have the before logs in hand if you wish to see them. Or would you rather the complete set before looking them over.

Heather Jamieson: :: Looks at Jax ::

STSF_BluRox: :: manages to finally give the doctor the slip....having pretended to fall asleep, then sneaking out when he wasn't looking::

August Jax Robinson: well?

Heather Jamieson: It was not I.

Rue Wydown: I want the compete set, Nickles.

STSF Seiben: (sneaky.......)


Christina_Nickles: Yes sir ::goes back t work on gathering the records requested::

STSF_BluRox: :: makes it to the lift:: Bridge::

Heather Jamieson: :: Mathematically applies an inverse subspace wave to flatten out the damage behind them. Simulation shows promise ::

Heather Jamieson: Hmm.. :: continues to work ::

August Jax Robinson: ::Starts looking over read-outs of power flow through out the ship::

Rue Wydown: +BluRox+ Admiral, when you have a moment....

STSF_BluRox: +Rue+ One my way.....if Medical asks..... I'm 'not' around.. and you don't know where I am.

Heather Jamieson: :: Working on what could generate the inverse wave ::

Rue Wydown: Oh great, this is getting better and better

Webmaster: ((With as many implants that are in her now, they should have no problem tracking her movement. Puh-leeze!))

Webmaster: ((The Kardashians would be impressed.))

STSF_BluRox: (rofl)

STSF Seiben: (lol)

STSF_BluRox: :: exits the lift onto the bridge and looks around, stepping out::


Heather Jamieson: :: under her breath :: Risky... risky..

STSF_BluRox: Someone had best tell me , who or what broke my ship?

Christina_Nickles: :: wants to read the report she has in her hand but suppresses the urge and continues her work::

Christina_Nickles: ::cringes hearing the tone of Blues voice::

STSF_BluRox: Rue......?

STSF_BluRox: Would you care to explain?

August Jax Robinson: uuuuuumm...

STSF_BluRox: Holly> :: materialized on the bridge in the XO's seat:: Yea... I'd love to hear this too......

Webmaster: OPS Person> Well... you see what had happened was....



STSF_BluRox: lol

STSF Seiben: (rofl)

August Jax Robinson: ::Looks at Blu:: I was in Engineering when it took place... I just arrived myself

Rue Wydown: ::looking for all the world that she'd rather *not* explain, but must do so anyway:: We've had a breach in protocol. The ship, on the watch of the helmswoman, reached a speed of Warp 8 before the computers kicked in with an automatic braking solution. She's been relieved of duty and is now in her quarters until a full investigation has been concluded.


August Jax Robinson: ::Hides under console::

Rue Wydown: ::managed to say all that without actually uttering Kasuga's name 'cause she's just that mad:::

Heather Jamieson: :: Working ::

Christina_Nickles: :: finishes the "During incident activity" log::

STSF_BluRox: Wait..... Warp what?! Did you say 8? We came here...to take home an angry subspace creature, who's space was damaged by a ship going Warp 7. And after we are almost killed and 'punished' for others' wrong doings....and those back on the station that have been killed over a Warp 7 tear...... you are going to stand there...and tell me our helmsman went Warp 8?

STSF_BluRox: Do tell me…. that is ‘not’ what you are telling me

Rue Wydown: Unfortunately, yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you.

Christina_Nickles: :: continues her work::

August Jax Robinson: :::Keeps working, blending in::

Christina_Nickles: :: thinks to herself:: Oh how Id like to read this activity report myself::

Rue Wydown: ::knows she'll bear the brunt of the claws now::


STSF_BluRox: And......just how did this happen?......Did we tear more of the space?

Holly> Well....at this point, we'll be lucky if we can even move above impulse drive without making it worse.....unless science comes up with something brilliant

Rue Wydown: Jamieson can give you a damage report. Nickles is working on the helm station logs

STSF_BluRox: And this was Ayumu?

STSF_BluRox: :: grumbles about having ever let Seiben leave::

August Jax Robinson: ::talk very low:: I am heading back down to Engineering..

Heather Jamieson: (reading logs, sorry)

Christina_Nickles: :: Completes part 2 and starts pulling the after until when Rue took Ayumu off duty::

Heather Jamieson: (What I thought)

August Jax Robinson: ::Slips onto the lift:::

STSF Seiben: (Cuz Seiben only did that once and crashed into a Ferengi Marauder and destroyed the ship... but that was later a different timeline and didn't officially happen.. win!::

August Jax Robinson: {{you forgot about the big Murder of those birds}}

STSF_BluRox: I want Ayumu up here right now...... and I mean... 2 minutes ago.....

STSF Seiben: (yes, but that was also Kasuga)






STSF Seiben: ::Paused::

August Jax Robinson: ::Paused::

August Jax Robinson: :-*

Christina_Nickles: ::paused::

Webmaster: It's about to get real now...

STSF Seiben: Yes.. yes it is

STSF Seiben: dun dun dun

Webmaster: I've got some popcorn around here somewhere.

STSF_BluRox: Nice sim, been awhile since we've been able to sacrifice someone..... I mean...railroad.....rickroll...... yea, we need a scapegoat....

August Jax Robinson: yaaay

STSF_BluRox: For those having to go.... Crew Dismissed!





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