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RES Talon Mission Briefing 51704.13

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51704.13 - The crew has been inspecting the repairs that have been made to the Talon, and are vetting out the new crew that will be coming aboard to replace those that had been lost or turned to the other side.......However, before we rush headlong after the Othan fvai.....t'Vatrix feels a quick shakedown flight is in due order.






Lerak trPexil: :: Inspecting the quantum singularity chamber for defects on a sub-micron level ::

STSF Seiben: ::piloting the ship, getting a feel for the controls and engines::

Lerak trPexil: :: Pexil brushed the scanner in his hand along the length of the chamber, watching and listening for changes in readings ::

tAehjae: :: working on checking through the personnel personal profiles::

Lerak trPexil: :: Thinking of how finally he got Laehval to visit his, well, strange home and his family within...plus one. Nalia living there had been a serious point of contention, but the accommodations were said to be temporary in nature ::

KhreRiovtRex: :: having watched those rhae the oira performing their diagnostics, decided to head back to her chambers, and look over the reports, of where their course might best take them, and to perhaps look at some of the crew records of those that had been added. She was na making that mistake again, she would let Laehval chose the new crew

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval sat in her usual spot on the bridge, reading through various reports and crew bios, doing the tedious work that came with command. It felt good to be back on the Talon, even if it did come with a mountain of 'paperwork'.::

Lerak trPexil: :: Pexil closed his scanner, satisfied the power source for the engines would not kill everyone aboard ::

Lerak trPexil: :: He strode over to the main diagnostic display, a view showing profile views of the Talon and current repair status indicators :

KhreRiovtRex: With the number of ships that had been destroyed or taken, she found that the fleet was severely weakened on various fronts, yet still held firm in several areas.


Lerak trPexil: +Oria+ Pexil here, the AQS has passed inspection. Moving on to hull integrity.

m_k_tksa: ::feeling a bit resentful that the Kheinsa made her be the messenger about the crew files he'd compiled, taps an impatient foot on the floor as she waits for the lift to deliver her to the Oira::

Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, get a readiness report from all departments. I want to know what's lacking before we take our test flight.

Laehval tTemarr: Not a good idea to push her to her limits if we know she can't take it.

STSF Seiben: ::Nods:: Very well. ::Presses the comm button:: +Dep't Heads+ Oira to all departments. Please report in your statuses.

m_k_tksa: ::when the doors open, she made a face as if she'd eaten something particularly sour:: (m)He knows I hate being up here. ::worries her lip as she glance around::

Lerak trPexil: :: Setting up a test harmonic to shake out any flaws or weaknesses in the hull and supporting structures ::

KhreRiovtRex: Before she could justify starting to move ships in the squadron's she controlled, knowing others back at Galae may second guess, she wanted the facts before her, to deploy them in the most efficient manner. They had to give our enemies the appearance of still having a full force, when in truth

Lerak trPexil: +Oria+ Engineering here. Engines test passed, moving to hull.

KhreRiovtRex: some areas gave the appearance of holey cheese...

m_k_tksa::: calling out as she steps further onto the Oira:: Medical is in a steady state. They've been able to make 70% of the repairs to both bays, all critical systems - the rest will be done as needed.

Laehval tTemarr::: She glanced to the door as the lift arrived.:: Daise'Maenak, au did na have to come up here to make your report in person, but Jolan Tru, anyhow.

tAehjae: +Oria+ All crew have checked out with the clearance I am allowed.

STSF Seiben: Engineering and Dheno responded so far.


KhreRiovtRex: :: she read over one ISD in particular, several times, noting that it contained the last recorded location of the Terronix......and as much as she wanted to drop all, and go search, she knew she could na

m_k_tksa: It's na like I had a choice:: waving Maec's ISD:: I lost the draw.

Laehval tTemarr::: She snorted.:: Do au na outrank him? ::She smirked and waved her over.:: What do au have for me?

KhreRiovtRex: On io hand, having the fleet leader found, would be heartening to some, but there would be still just as many, that he had actualy done the things he had been accused of.......

Lerak trPexil: :: Sends a team to inspect a weakness relative to the surrounding structure ::

m_k_tksa: The psychological profiles of some of our newest members. ::moving closer to Laehval's station:: And ie, I outrank him, but he's still a little too full of himself...lately. ::rolls her eyes::

STSF Seiben::: Receives a status report from the cardboard Science Chief:: All departments have reported in. All seems good with them.

KhreRiovtRex: But she needed to ensure the safety of the homeworld......though, even that gave her pause. Even now, back at command, there had been those that questioned her...even after she and the crew had just saved their behinds....

KhreRiovtRex: Just the thought made her angry enough to throw the ISD across the room onto the sofa, and then run her fingers through her had in exasperation


Laehval tTemarr: Menkha, S'Bien. I want au to increase our speed and change our heading several times. See how the flight controls respond. Put her through her paces.

STSF Seiben: Any particular speed in mind?

Laehval tTemarr: Ie, several. Send a shipwide to inform the crew we'll be performing flight tests.

Laehval tTemarr::: She took the ISD from Ksa and nodded.:: I suppose au can give him a pass *this* time.

STSF Seiben: Ie. Understood. +Shipwide+ Oira to Talon crew; we'll be making speed runs and other flight tests. Please prepare yourselves accordingly. Thank you.

Laehval tTemarr::: She took a glance at the first set of profiles.:: I could give him menial tasks to do, but as our Kheinsa, he's already suffering through the worst we have available.

STSF Seiben::: increases speed slightly, getting a feel for the engines::


m_k_tksa: Hey, I'm na that bad, am I? ::smirks:: I mean I"m strict, but really..."the worst'? ::has her own thoughts on what the worst that Talon has, but trying to keep the conversation light hearted::

tAehjae: :: orders her Dheno team to gets ready for maneuvers::

STSF Seiben: Hmm, good acceleration.

Lerak trPexil: :: Goes to his seat at the engineering command chair ::

m_k_tksa: ::does a quick glance at the view screen as they travel through space::

Laehval tTemarr::: Flips through to another set of crew profiles. One eyebrow lifted at the counselor's opinion of one of the newcomers. She swiped him to another column to be transferred. Certainly na the worst. The most stubborn, perhaps. The most ruthless when it comes to medical needs. But both of those make for a menkha Daise'Maenak

Laehval tTemarr: Does the Kheinsa approve of his room assignment and roommate, or would he like a transfer? ::Slight glint of amusement in her eyes as she glanced up at Morgana.::48

KhreRiovtRex: :: after making several notes on the maps, and deciding what sectors to re-deploy some teams, then going back to check the crew messages, wondering what t'Aehjae had wanted, as she had never come back.

m_k_tksa: At the moment, he's satisfied. And if he does he doesn't, well, if he doesn't like it, he knows where the couch is. ::smirks:: Or maybe he could bunk with S'Bien ::trying to see if the OPS officer is eavesdropping::

STSF Seiben: ::beep boop boop beep:

KhreRiovtRex: :: noted t'Temarr must have become busy with the initial testing as well, and presumed she would still stop by when able::

Laehval tTemarr: I think S'Bien's waiting list for potential roomates is very high at the moment.

m_k_tksa: Well, then the Kheinsa is stuck where he is, isn't he? ::trying na to look too amused and failing miserably::

STSF Seiben: ::imagines t'Ditsy is at #1


KhreRiovtRex: :: looks out the window at the emptiness around them, and realizes just how utterly alone she is in the universe now::

Lerak trPexil: :: Nodding to other engineers as the engines go through various phases :L:L

KhreRiovtRex: 2 minute warning

tAehjae: :: satisfied with her teams action during the brief drill, leaves another dheno in charge and heads for the Oira::

Lerak trPexil: :: Sees new faces in engineering, not having the time to introduce himself ::

Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, full stop. Shields up, weapons armed. Condition Red.

STSF Seiben: Ie rekkhai. Full stop. ::puts on the brakes, shields up and condition red as ordered:: Condition red.

m_k_tksa: ::winces at the klaxons:: I still hate those things.

tAehjae: :: enters the lift:: Oira

KhreRiovtRex: :: hears the klaxon go off, assuming that t'Temarr is still putting the ship and crew through it's paces....but can na take that chance, and stands up, and heads towards the door, exiting onto the Oira as they sound, and surveying the view around her.

Lerak trPexil: Is that na a great sound?


KhreRiovtRex: Ennarain, status report?

Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, how's the draw on the power grid?

Laehval tTemarr: ::Gives t'Rex a nod.:: Fine, Rekkhai. Only testing all of our systems.

m_k_tksa: ::melts back into the background now that the Khre'Riov has arrived on the Oira::

tAehjae: :: exits the lift onto the Oira with hand on weapon:

STSF Seiben: ::checks:: Power draw is well within normal parameters, on the lower end actually, especially compared to before the upgrades, so that's a plus

tAehjae: :: eases up hearing its a test::

Laehval tTemarr: Menkha. Stand down from Condition Red. Disarm weapons and lower shields. Continue flight test.

STSF Seiben: Aye. Standing down. ::deactivates the condition red and returns the ship to normal operation, and continues on with the flight tests, happy with the increased power efficiencies::

tAehjae: :: moves over to the dheno console checking it out::

Lerak trPexil: Logs... I want logs people..

KhreRiovtRex: :: continues over to her seat, and sits:: Continue.....meanwhile..... the rest of au, how are au departments shaping up?

m_k_tksa: I think I'll head back to medical. ::stands near the lift, wishing it would come to give her a faster escape::

tAehjae: Dheno is shaping up nicely, I conducted a short drill before I came to the Oira::

KhreRiovtRex: :: turning to look at tKsa, wondering just how long the woman would continue to avoid her, wondering .......if she held her in contempt for what had happened?::






Laehval tTemarr: ::Paused::

KhreRiovtRex: Good sim you guys, nice interactions

KhreRiovtRex: :: deciding what inanimate object to start talking to, so I can have a conversation too... lol::

Webmaster: ((By the way... found a way to left justify your chat messages that you type. I've just saved the CSS to the server. So the next time your temp internet files clear, you should pick up the change.))

Lerak trPexil: Oh good

m_k_tksa: I gotta go guys. I'll see you next week

Laehval tTemarr: Awesome, Webbie. Thanks.

Laehval tTemarr: Nice simming, all

Webmaster: It still does not display your name.

Webmaster: But at least the blue box will be on the left.

STSF Seiben: Sweet

Lerak trPexil: Night all

KhreRiovtRex: thanks!

Laehval tTemarr: Night, guys.

KhreRiovtRex: Crew dismissed

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