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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 10.30.16

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur's senior staff (that's you) have been enjoying several days of leave at Deep Space 9 following the Battle of the Wormhole, while an extensive review of Excalibur condition has been completed to determine salvageability. Senior staff have been called to a meeting in DS9's ward room.


Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM


William Chocox -> ::nervously paces the wardroom::

Rhan K'hal -> :: makes his way into the ward room and finds a seat :: Keep this up I'm going to start to think I work here.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Finds herself back in the ward room, sans dress uniform this time.::

Cptn Swain -> ::drinking a cup of tea, on his way to the ward room::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Takes a seat.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::having been dragged from his buddies, he wanders toward the ward room, wondering what they'll hear this time::

Rhan K'hal -> :: pops a mint and sits back in his seat ::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Pulling her hair up into regulation form as she entered the room:: Good morning.

William Chocox -> That is yet to be determined.

Hunter Matheson -> ::he enters and checks it out before moving on in, taking a seat next to K'hal::

Rhan K'hal -> :: nods at Will :: I think I'll hold off on the "good" part until after we hear what's what.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Smirks:: Now, now, Will. Every morning that you wake up is a good morning.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::slips into her chair::

Hunter Matheson -> ::K'hal:: So... what's going on?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Already seated, Miranda glanced up from her data padd as the others entered, nodding in turn before returning her attention to the reports in front of her. Apparently, drumping one's warp drive resulted in a ton of paperwork.::

Rhan K'hal -> I would guess we're going to hear whether the Engineers were doing a check-up or an autopsy on the Excalibur.

Hunter Matheson -> Um....

Maryse Dubois -> He means if we'll still have a ship to go back to.

Hunter Matheson -> ::confidentially:: Think they'll give us a piece of her if they scrap it?

Tandaris Admiran -> ::enters the wardroom:: Huh, they've redecorated since we were last here.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::smirks::

William Chocox -> ::decides to sit down:: Enough mom spit and bondo and she'd fix up nicely.

Hunter Matheson -> ::Cho:: That's what I figure.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> No buffet this time, Commander.

Cptn Swain -> ::Makes his way to the wardroom, tea in hand::

Hunter Matheson -> Hell, she flew pretty damn well without the warp core. She can't be all that bad.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Frowns.:: Or an open bar.

Rhan K'hal -> Mornin' Cap'n.

Hunter Matheson -> ::adding:: Not all that perfectly, but we're in one piece, and I think that's pretty good.

Hunter Matheson -> ::stands when the captain enters:::

Cptn Swain -> As you were.

Rhan K'hal -> :: not having the Marine ramrod inserted where the sun don't shine, stays sprawled ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::sits::

Cptn Swain -> I hope everyone has spent the last several days relaxing.

Cptn Swain -> ::Smiles, taking a seat at the head of the table.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::semi-grin, wondering if you'd call it relaxing:::

William Chocox -> I was mostly worried about the ship.

Maryse Dubois -> I sense the other shoe is about to drop.

Hunter Matheson -> ::glance to Cho and the doc:::

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods:: I won't keep you in suspense.

Cptn Swain -> The damage is extensive and considerable.

Cptn Swain -> However the brass have decided that, in their view, the Excalibur is salvageable.

Hunter Matheson -> ::exhales::

William Chocox -> Oh think goodness.

William Chocox -> I left some stuff there.

William Chocox -> thank*

Rhan K'hal -> So do we get a rental while it's in the shop?

Cptn Swain -> The fleet tug Tortuga will be arriving later today to begin prepping Excalibur warp-towing to Starfleet shipyards for repairs.

Cptn Swain -> They estimate that the refit will take several months, during which time many of you will be stationed near the Excalibur during her refit. Those of you who wish to take extended leave may do so.

Cptn Swain -> If you so choose, you may also choose a new assignment.

Rhan K'hal -> :: yawns in response to that last option ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::his hands folded on the table, he stares down at them, listening:::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Considers her options.::

Cptn Swain -> Though for those of you choosing to stay with Excaliubur, Mister K'hal might be an invaluable resource to you, as the refit will be completed at the Caitian Aje'li Fleet Yards.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Pressed her thumbprint to the padd to sign off on something or another and then glances up to Swain, then looks to the crew.::

Cptn Swain -> In orbit of the Caitian homeworld.

William Chocox -> Huh...

Maryse Dubois -> Someone gets to take a trip home. ::Smiles at Rhan.::

Rhan K'hal -> :: flicks an ear :: You do remember I was raised in San Francisco, Cap?

Hunter Matheson -> ::his brain spins with thoughts of being recalled to the teams:::

Maryse Dubois -> ((haha))

Cptn Swain -> ::Smirks:: I am sure you have connections. And if not, at least you speak the lingua franca.

Cptn Swain -> ::Grins wider over his tea:: And if not, well if you so choose, a good time to reconnect with your roots.

Hunter Matheson -> ::maybe if he thinks long and hard, he can use some kind of telepathy or something to sidestep the recall:::

Maryse Dubois -> Consider it a cultural experience.

Rhan K'hal -> True enough. Everyone remember not to make direct eye contact and to sleep with one eye open.

William Chocox -> Well then.

Hunter Matheson -> ::then gives K'hal a "huh?" look:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: big toothy grin ::

Cptn Swain -> At any rate, I won't keep you much longer. As I said you all have options. Thanks to our celebrity, Fleet is being incredibly... flexible in allowing senior staff from Excalibur to decide what they'd like to do next.

Hunter Matheson -> ::still staring::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> And what option are you going to choose? ::Pointedly to Swain.::

William Chocox -> (m)What would I even do with that much leave?

Hunter Matheson -> ::blinks back to reality:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: likes that question, look at Swain ::

Cptn Swain -> ::Puts down his tea, smiles warmly::

Cptn Swain -> Before I respond, I want you to all know how proud I have been to command you these past two years. This command was never my idea of what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to be. We, more than most crews, have been tested time and time again in ways most officers and crews will never know.

William Chocox -> He's leaving.

Cptn Swain -> I am sorry that I missed the ceremony the other day, but I think you all understand why I did.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Tries not to thwap Will.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::glances to Miranda::

Rhan K'hal -> :: nods :: Give my regards to Cdr Cormoran the next time you see him, sir.

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods:: I will, thank you K'hal.

Cptn Swain -> And as for my decision, I haven't made it yet.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Smiles.:: I have a present for Arden, I'll have it sent over.

Cptn Swain -> For now, once Arden is back on his feet we're going to take some time off together and go see my folks on Kynareth. ::Pauses:: It's been a long time since I was home.

Hunter Matheson -> ::come to think of it, it's been a long time for him, too:::

Cptn Swain -> Then...then I'll decide. I'll be honest, I don't know if I will see many of you again. I wish that I had a better answer for you. You deserve more of one, but I don't.

Hunter Matheson -> ::lessee... two.. three years?::::

Rhan K'hal -> :: nods in understanding ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Pressing her fingers to her temples, she massaged them to ease the sudden headache that developed. Briefly, she caught Ithene's gaze and simply shook her head.::

William Chocox -> (m)Maybe I will take leave.

Cptn Swain -> ::Smiles:: I don't have anything further for you. As I said we all have decisions to make. I do have two final orders for you before we go.

Hunter Matheson -> ::listens up:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: was gonna put Miranda on the hook, but noticed the universal signal for "ow, my head" and put it off ::

Cptn Swain -> First, I expect all you to join me in Quark's later tonight for a drink or two.

Rhan K'hal -> :: has no problem with that order ::

Rhan K'hal -> :: gives Hunter a light elbow jab :: Isn't that where you're supposed to jump up and say "Sir, yes sir!"

Maryse Dubois -> ::Giggles.::

Cptn Swain -> ::Smiles::

Hunter Matheson -> ::eyes move in K'hal's direction, then away:::

Hunter Matheson -> (w) He's not my dl

Rhan K'hal -> :: sighs; literal Marine is literal ::

Hunter Matheson -> (w) He's the captain. Wouldn't do that to him.

Cptn Swain -> And finally, one last standing order. In the word of the poet, be that which you are, one equal temper of heroic hearts. Strive to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Cptn Swain -> ::Smiles once more, standing:: I'll see you all tonight.

Rhan K'hal -> :: doesn't poke his usual levity in at this point, though seeking, finding and not yielding are sorta hardcoded into the Caitian DNA ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::stands in respect:: Semper Fortis, Sir.

Rhan K'hal -> Aye, Cap'n.

William Chocox -> Aye sir.

Rhan K'hal -> :: stands, puts paws on hips :: This is a disaster. Do you know how long the list will be of relations my mother is going to put together for me to visit on behalf of the family on Earth?

Cptn Swain -> ::Slips out the back::

Tandaris Admiran -> Well then.

Hunter Matheson -> ::stays put, staring, pretty much oblivious to everything around him:::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Leans back in her chair, considering all of that::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::was busy picking away at a PADD with upgrade ideas::

William Chocox -> How does one take leave?

Maryse Dubois -> ::Stands, looking over at Rhan.:: Well you don't HAVE to go to Caitian.

Hunter Matheson -> ::wondering where he goes from here:::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Chocox:: Who says you're taking leave?

Rhan K'hal -> :: blinks, looks at Cho :: Really? :: pause :: I'll just send you the paperwork.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She slid her data padd off the table, rapping it thoughtfully on her thigh. She looked to the others, gaze shifting to William at the question, then Tandaris, with a slight smile.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::then he laughs quietly, at the irony;::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> Engineering is going to need all the help they can get, but you are still allowed leave, if you wish to take it.

Rhan K'hal -> Oh yes I do. She probably knew the Excalibur was going there before I did.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Grins.:: Mother's intuition?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> I take it that means you're staying with the old girl Miranda?

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Chocox:: What she said. But I'm not going to let some pencil-pushing designer from the Corps take charge of refitting our ship.

Hunter Matheson -> ::then he blows out a breath, shaking his head:::

William Chocox -> They didn't mention doing an inventory of Engineering did they?

Hunter Matheson -> ::and he starts to laugh:::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Chocox:: Yeah, we still need to have a talk about that at some point.

Rhan K'hal -> No, Mother is the head of Starfleet Medical's security and has minions everywhere in San Francisco.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::holds up the PADD:: But first, I have an idea for modifying the plasma injectors to increase our intermix flow speed. Should give us smoother rides at low warp factors.

William Chocox -> That'd be fun.

Rhan K'hal -> :: looks over at Hunter :: I hope you just thought of a good joke to tell tonight, otherwise I might worry about you.

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns to K'hal:: No, sir. More irony than anything else.

William Chocox -> What do we need to talk about?

Hunter Matheson -> You know, when I was taken off the teams and assigned to this ship.. I mean, Excalibur... I thought it was some kind of punishment...

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She looked to Ithene.:: I'd thought to take a trip to Risa, first. I need a vacation.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Chocox:: _You_ know what we need to talk about.

Hunter Matheson -> They dragged me kicking and screaming to this... ::he shakes his head:::

Hunter Matheson -> ...and now I don't wanna leave.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Grins:: Are we allowed back on Risa after last time?

William Chocox -> It was probably there when I was assigned.

Hunter Matheson -> And for the life of me, I can't figure out why I want to stay around this crew.

Tandaris Admiran -> Wait, what did you two do on Risa?

Rhan K'hal -> :: claps a paw on Hunter's shoulder :: Ah. Neither can I. Welcome to the nuthouse.

Hunter Matheson -> ::snort:: I think that's it.

Hunter Matheson -> The nuthouse.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Hears Risa.:: That must be an interesting story.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Smiles innocently:: Nothing really. It was... It was all a misunderstanding.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> I've arranged for assumed names and fake biometrics.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Nods:: Excellent.

Tandaris Admiran -> "Misunderstanding," hmm?

Hunter Matheson -> ::then hears the commander:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: perks ears :: I know we go through temporary chiefs of security like breath mints, Commander, but really? You should at least pretend to whisper that.

William Chocox -> Nope! I think I still have some of your memories from that time.

William Chocox -> ::covers his ears::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She grinned at Rhan.:: Hmm? I didn't say anything.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Takes a PADD and begins inputting something.:: Oh, well since you are planning to relax. ::Hands Miranda the PADD.:: That's the holodeck program info that I promised. The Dominion bath house that you and ithene missed. I promise, no drugs in the water.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Looks at Will, sternly:: Would you like me to share with the group the time you and your roommate and the academy went to that seedy little place in the back streets of Korvus Minor?

William Chocox -> I don't know what you're talking about, ma'am.

Rhan K'hal -> :: sits back down, leans forward attentively :: Ooh, this is getting good.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::K'hal:: Oh yeah, I heard that last guy still hasn't woken up from the coma since the battle.

Rhan K'hal -> :: Maryse :: Here we are without popcorn again.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She took the data padd and nodded her thanks to Maryse.:: My thanks. ::Rising from her seat, she tucked both her padds into her tunic.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Grins::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::K'hal:: Do we still have the standard condolence card on file to send to the family?

Maryse Dubois -> ::Looks between Will and Ithene.:: Oh...What happened on Korvus Minor?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Snickers, rising for her seat:: Later, maybe at Quark's.

Rhan K'hal -> :: Tandy :: I'm sure the Captain has a draft of it ready as soon as he got assigned.

William Chocox -> Even if that was the last time I purposely had fun.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Smiles at Rhan.:: Someday we'll actually manage to have some.

Cptn Swain -> (( Three Minute Warning ))

Rhan K'hal -> :: Ithene :: Tease.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::smiles devilishly as she leaves the wardroom::

Rhan K'hal -> :: Maryse :: So, are you going to hound the Engineers to make sure they don't move your biobeds around?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> Everyone should take a little time to think about what they want to do and where they want to go. I need your assignment or leave requests as soon as you've decided. If you need recommendations, please come see me.

Rhan K'hal -> :: nods at Miranda ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::excuses himself and leaves the ward room to meet his buds and fill them in:::

William Chocox -> Will do ma'am.

Hunter Matheson -> ::and he's pretty sure they'll think he's crazy for not wanting to rejoin them::

Maryse Dubois -> Absolutely. I don't want anything to change in my sickbay. It took a long time getting it the way it is now.

Rhan K'hal -> :: grins ::

Cptn Swain -> ...and...

Hunter Matheson -> ::yeah, those were great times... crawling through jungles, dodging cobras, wallerin' in mud holes, falling into cess pools:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::enters the bar::


Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

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