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Sky Harbor Aegis | 9 October 2015

Our congratulations go to:


Ltjg Tarisa, who was promoted to full Lieutenant

SubCommander tr'Korjata and Lt Commander Kital for earning The Pennington Award for Excellence in Writing



Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/9/15=/\=

Chirakis -> 31 January 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 13 hours.

Chirakis -> The time is 0600 hours (6 am) Aegis local.

Chirakis -> The station is no longer under alert.

Chirakis -> Engineering is investigating countermeasures for the aliens' shield technology.

Chirakis -> Dr. Pavilion has succeeded in reviving the alien, though its condition remains serious.

Chirakis -> If the the alien is strong enough, LtCdr Lawliet will make another attempt to communicate with it.

Chirakis -> Task Force Aegis is approaching Aegis space to assist us in what could be a full-on alien assault.

Kallah Ramson -> Any questions before we begin?

Kallah Ramson -> If none, then we begin.

Chirakis -> Shipyard, pick up a symbol.

Chirakis -> =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=

Chirakis -> =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=

Chirakis -> =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=

Jylliene -> ::quarters, tumbling out of bed and stumbling to the replicator::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::drags into the CnC, Starbucks in hand:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Is dead to the world ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::already on the CnC a bit early, frowning as he looks over reports on the various tasks at hand::

Chirakis -> (Note: Alpha shift begins at 0700)

Lawliet -> ::walking into his office with a cup of coffee::

Kallah Ramson -> ::in her office::

Annisha -> :: Is next to someone dead to the world...poke :: Daddy.

Scott Coleridge -> ::has been frowning a lot more since becoming XO::

Annisha -> :: poke :: Dad...

Chirakis -> ::in the main security complex since 0400, as is her habit, looking for Cayne::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: grunts ::

Tarisa -> ::Waking up from a long cat nap in her quarters.::

mimipavilion -> ::very, very tired::

Jylliene -> ::correction: Has already tumbled/stumbled, and has poured the requisite cup of ambition, and is making sure she is ready to go on duty::

Dacia Sandero -> ::awakens from her alarm and heads to the head to freshen up::

Schawnsee -> :: taking a breather in medical since things have calmed down.::

Lawliet -> ::sits down in at his desk and goes through recent reports::

Alexis McFarland -> ::still fast asleep, dreaming of ponies::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::slips behind his console after the shift briefing is passed to him by the poor slob who drew graveyard::

Kallah Ramson -> Alien>::twitching with the occasional attempt to thrash about::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Asleep in the bar with the best view of the commerce area, at the cafe location, hat over his eyes, empty bottle on the table ::

Annisha -> :: poke :: Daddy..

Fletcher Jackson -> ::now instantly awake::

Jylliene -> ::glances over:: One moment, Annisha.

Annisha -> :: Nods ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::reading through the report from graveyard::

Annisha -> :: sneaks in a poke ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::muttering something that should not be repeated::

Jylliene -> ::calls up a computer recording of the disco polka stuff from a while back, and has the computer play it at some considerable volume::

Dacia Sandero -> ::sighs, takes a shower in her sonic shower::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::glances around for Brown::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Fletcher:: What was that?

Schawnsee -> :: sitting at a console working on the beginning of the day reports::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: turns, mutters :: Whaa am I doing... ah um...

Fletcher Jackson -> Morning, Commander. Fourth watch has a lot going on, sir. Sending it to you now.

mimipavilion -> ::tries her best to get a look on the vitals of the alien:: Thrashing about like that won't help you at all.

Jylliene -> ::watches for full wakefulness before telling the computer to stop the playback::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: He'd seen a lot that night, one doctor reviving a species she'd likely not seen before.. sure out of his league, but impressive ::

Fletcher Jackson -> From the Missouri. Something about the possibility of an alien fleet.

Tarisa -> ::Changes into a uniform as Skitter scurries around the room.::

Chirakis -> +Cayne+ ::not exactly happy:: CAYNE! REPORT!

Scott Coleridge -> Oh, yes.

Scott Coleridge -> Always with the alien fleets.

Kallah Ramson -> Alien>::misty shades of color ripple in the thick atmosphere around it's head::

Fletcher Jackson -> Doesn't lood good, sir.

Fletcher Jackson -> *look

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Jolts awake, taps at the wrong place on his jacket to reply :L:

Chirakis -> ::eyebrow::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Bah... :: taps :: +Chirakis+ Captain. A long night.. :: sits up ::

Scott Coleridge -> Consider the bright side. If this alien ship had been alone, we would be semi-responsible for wiping out a significant portion of their species.

Lawliet -> ::makes a few notes and heads out to the corridor::

Chirakis -> +Cayne+ Security. Now!

Chirakis -> ::cuts the comm::

mimipavilion -> ::catches the various shades of color that ripple in the atmosphere above its head:: What are you doing or want?

Fletcher Jackson -> ::turns toward him with a blank stare::

Alexis McFarland -> ::hugs pillow:: Annisha....pohhhh-neeey....

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Gets out of his chair and heads to security ::

Chirakis -> (Shipyard, kindly pick up a @)

Lawliet -> ::walks into a turbolift:: Sickbay.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::then a hard swallow:: Aye, sir.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: mutters :: What is going on? Is Annisha playing her recordings again? :: rubs eyes ::

Jylliene -> Computer, cancel playback.

Annisha -> :: shakes head :: Oh, but we can play those...

Kallah Ramson -> @Alien>::moving its head around, one arm still twitching::

Schawnsee -> :: looking at her screen scheduling the rechecks for crew that had been injured::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Makes his way to security :: Captain.

Fletcher Jackson -> Nothing else from Missouri, Commander. No ETA, no... nothing.

Jylliene -> ::to nijil:: Half an hour to shift.

Chirakis -> ::eyes:: My office. Now.

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps out of her office::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> 1/2 an... Oh.. :: jumps ::

Lawliet -> ::gets off as the turbolift stops and walks into sickbay::

Jylliene -> See you this evening, e'lev. ::kiss on the cheek:: Be good, Annisha.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Enters her office ::

Jylliene -> Try, anyhow.

Chirakis -> ::strides in, turning to wait::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: taking off his shirt :: You going already?

mimipavilion -> @::goes over to a console and moves a drone to scan it's twitching arm::

Alexis McFarland -> Mannisha...

Kallah Ramson -> Status report.

Tarisa -> ::Pats Skitter on the top of the head a couple times, then goes to the door. Making sure he doesn't get out, she quickly leaves the quarters. She then heads for the TL, taking ti to the commerce area.::

Jylliene -> Yes. ::waves::

Jylliene -> ::heads to TL::

Chirakis -> ::and the door closes:: Report, Commander. Full report.

Schawnsee -> :: hears the door and turns around:: Ahh Lawliet what can I do for you?

Dacia Sandero -> ::changes into her uniform and fixes up her hair...::

Jylliene -> ::arrives on CnC, takes position and is updated by the outgoing officer::

Kallah Ramson -> Alien>::what passes for a nervous system is showing different readings on one half of it's body::

Lawliet -> ::to Schawnsee: Good morning. Is Doctor Pavilion around?

Chirakis -> ::the dk'tagh is visible poking just above her boot, as though she has been polishing it, or perhaps sharpening it::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: goes towards the shower and shakes a finger at Annisha :: You already dressed? Who are you?

Fletcher Jackson -> ::takes the TAC console as well as OPS, slipping Flight OPS to the bay::

Schawnsee -> No She’s still off station working with an alien if I remember the report I read correctly

Kallah Ramson -> ::on CnC, repeats:: Status report.

Annisha -> Early Nei'rrh.. it's take me to work day, remember?

Dacia Sandero -> ::Looks at the mirror, checks her appearance then heads out to sicbay::

Schawnsee -> Is there anything I can help you with?

mimipavilion -> @That's weird. ::moves the drone to verify what she's seeing::

Tarisa -> ::Walks through the commerce area, looking for a good place to have breakfast.::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::jumps:: Captain. Ma'am. I...::looks to Coleridge::

Lawliet -> I see. Well in that case, would you inform her I'm on my way.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> The doctors was able to revive the alien, but it's still in critical condition.

Schawnsee -> Aye sir

Chirakis -> ::waiting::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> All shops in the commerce level are back to normal.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Ramson:: Dr. Pavilion has revived the captive alien, but it's too weak to attempt further communication. No other progress from the shipyard.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Takes a lift to the sickbay::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Ramson:: Task Force Aegis should be arriving any moment now.

Lawliet -> ::nods and walks back out to the turbolift:: Transporter Room.

Schawnsee -> +Mimi+ Doctor Schawnsee to Dr Pavilion

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Ramson:: Aegean will be ready for departure by 1200.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Everyone is rather shaken up, and as such there were no security issues for civilians overnight.

Chirakis -> Excellent.

mimipavilion -> ::still looking over the vitals and scans of the alien:: +Kat+ Go ahead.

mimipavilion -> @*

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> I think the engineers are stressed, so just keep out of their way.

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps closer to Scott:: Anything new on the location the droid signal was targeting?

Chirakis -> it is my habit to allow them to perform their tasks. So long as their department is secure.

Lawliet -> ::gets off and walks into the transporter room:: Chief, one to beam over to the shipyard.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> That alien is in no condition to give us any answers, and I don't think it would if we tried.

Kallah Ramson -> Chief> Yes sir.

Dacia Sandero -> ::quietly leaves so as to not wake Alexis or Chester then presses the button on the turbolift::

Schawnsee -> +Mimi+ Dr Pavilion, Lawliet is on his way to meet up with you.

Jylliene -> ::has the display up, spots the task force incoming, ensures they have proper approach vector::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: In the sonic shower.. Hedgehog model for reasons he did not understand ::

Kallah Ramson -> Chief>::energizes::

Chirakis -> :;thoughtful expression::

Scott Coleridge -> ::lowers voice:: Nothing substantive. The nearest listening post has not picked up any signals beyond what SI shared with us.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::settles down, finally::

Annisha -> Father! Can Alexis come with us? She has no father here to have take your daughter to work day

mimipavilion -> @+Kat+ Ok. He is aware that I'm off station

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: gargling :: Whaaa?

Chirakis -> Anything else

Kallah Ramson -> I'm troubled by something.

Lawliet -> @ ::gets materialized and walks over to Dr. Pavilion:: Indeed I do.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Ramson:: Our long-range arrays also don’t detect abnormal energy readings. But with the aliens’ shield technology, they could probably conceal a large build-up from long-range scans.

Scott Coleridge -> Oh?

mimipavilion -> @+Kat+ Nevermind. He's here.

Annisha -> Captain Chirakis said Alexis should come with us. You don't want to disappoint the Captain.

Schawnsee -> +Mimi+ Aye Doctor I told him

Kallah Ramson -> The droid and the aliens, we have assumed are not friendly to each other. Correct?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: scrubs :: What? No I would not.

Alexis McFarland -> zzzzzzz....

Scott Coleridge -> Yes.

mimipavilion -> @+Kat+ Thanks. Pavilion out.

Tarisa -> ::Gets a breakfast sandwich and a hot tea, then sits in a quiet area to eat.::

Lawliet -> ::stops next to Pavilion:: How's your patient, Doctor?

Kallah Ramson -> Yet both signals are together.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Other than I need a better place to rest... Anything I should know from your vantage point?

Kallah Ramson -> Or, in close proximity.

Chirakis -> ::takes a look at the station calendar:: Yes, one thing.

Jylliene -> ::ponders:: A test? Or a ruse?

Chirakis -> The station has a "take your daughter to work" day. That will be cancelled until further notice.

Chirakis -> All other similar events will be cancelled::

Jylliene -> ((LOL.))

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gets out and drys himself in one of those new towels... heated... ::

Chirakis -> (Indeed)

Jylliene -> ((Doggone it, and miss Moms and Muffins??))

Scott Coleridge -> ::considers this::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (( Sounded like take your engineer to the airlock day is cancelled too ))

mimipavilion -> @::Lawliet:: Critical but holding it's own. Weird thing is, half of it's body is showing normal on its neural system while the other half is... well, abnormal.

Jylliene -> ((No, that's just not scheduled in advance. It's whenever the captain feels the need.))

Chirakis -> Though we are no longer at alert, the threat is still looming.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Only fair due to the station status...

Chirakis -> As for you, take a few hours off at least and... ::deep breath:: ...shower and change your uniform.

Kallah Ramson -> Could they both be in battle right now with each other? If so, why are they picking a fight with us.

Scott Coleridge -> Good questions all. I have no answers for you.

Jylliene -> Do they think we're someone's ally, given the unwitting contact we've had?

Annisha -> :: Gets something in on her MyPADDy. :: Oh

Kallah Ramson -> ::Jyl:: Very possible.

Cptn d'Ka -> # Mr. Tan, run silent into Aegis system. Broadcast secure to Aegis.

Schawnsee -> :: back working on the schedule of appointments::

Annisha -> Aww daddy they cancelled the go to work day... station security...

Lawliet -> @ ::Pavilion:: This doesn't make any sense. We can't speak with it, we can't grasp its biological functions; it's almost as if it doesn't....

Jylliene -> ((Droids on the left, aliens on the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.))

Annisha -> Phewy on station security.. :: pouts :L:

Lawliet -> @ ::thinks for a moment::

Cptn d'Ka -> Tan> Running silent, aye. Broadcasting secure frequency ID.

mimipavilion -> @As if it doesn't want to live.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gets his uniform on ::

Jylliene -> Incoming. Secure frequency.

Jylliene -> ::to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> What do we have?

Lawliet -> @ No not that...I mean we already know it has little regard to it's own life, but I was thinking of something else.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gives Annisha a kiss :: Likely they cancelled school too, so you may have to stay with Alexis.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::turns:: Captain Ramson, USS Missouri entering system ,running silent.

Jylliene -> ::checks:: It's from the Missouri.

Annisha -> There's that...

Jylliene -> (I think?)

Jylliene -> Secure frequency - ID clears.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Arrives at sickbay, reading her PADD:: Oh, looks like they cancelled Take your daughter to work day.. and school. Lexxy should be happy about the last part.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::then sees that OPS is manned and is relieved::

mimipavilion -> @What is it, Lawliet?

Schawnsee -> Ohh Hi Dacia

Fletcher Jackson -> ::logs off of OPS, going to monitor only::

Dacia Sandero -> Morning Kat, Mimi still at the Shipyard?

Kallah Ramson -> Clear them. Tell Captain d'Ka I'd like a meeting with him as soon as possible.

Schawnsee -> Ya I saw that on the schedule earlier

Lawliet -> @ ::walks over to the medical scanner and makes a few adjustments:: It might be nothing, but I want to test something.

Schawnsee -> Yes she’s still there

Cptn d'Ka -> #::turns to Lei'ri, who passes him the latest intel:::

Kallah Ramson -> ::back to Scott:: All these questions need answers don't they.

Jylliene -> ::nods:: ::sends clearance, message to d'Ka with request for meeting::

Annisha -> :: Turns on more music :: I found music about beetles...

Scott Coleridge -> Yes …

Scott Coleridge -> ::getting a terrible feeling which direction this is going::

Dacia Sandero -> Yeah, Lexxy was supposed to accompany Annisha and Nijil since she doesn't have a father here on the station, and since she's not my daughter.

mimipavilion -> @I could use all the help right now, given how tired I am.

Kallah Ramson -> I intend to take Aegean to find some answers.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: cocks his head :: Bugs.. insects..

Annisha -> :: nods ::

Cptn d'Ka -> # Doland> Captain, Aegis confirms, entering system. Captain Ramson requests a meeting.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Au kids.. Well, I'm off for the morning briefing... :: exits ::

Scott Coleridge -> You intend.

Cptn d'Ka -> #::looks up from the report:: Very well.

Scott Coleridge -> And … that means …

Cptn d'Ka -> ::and hands it back to Lei'ri::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: to Chirakis :: Orders?

Lawliet -> @ ::adjusts the scanners to detect quantum signatures:: I've reprogrammed the scanner to identify the alien's quantum signature. ::begins scan::

Schawnsee -> I see

Jylliene -> ::sends the approach vector to the task force::

Chirakis -> Go take a shower. Fresh uniform. Rest.

Kallah Ramson -> @Alien>::two left arms twist against it's restraints::

Chirakis -> Rest.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: sniffs :: Yes sir.. :: exits ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::lets out a breath::

mimipavilion -> @Very well.

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles:: Means I was wondering if you were going to try and stop me. XO's are know to be troublesome like that.

Cptn d'Ka -> # Mr. Tan, our eta?

Scott Coleridge -> ::almost bursts out laughing::

Cptn d'Ka -> # Ten minutes, Captain.

Scott Coleridge -> ::holds up his hand:: By no means, Captain. For a moment I was worried you were going to put _me_ in charge of the Aegean.

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::nod, looks to Lei'ri:: Be ready with a full report for Captain Ramson.

Annisha -> :: Sings :: I say the light.. I saw the light.. :: she too leaves her quarters and heads to Lexy's ::

Lawliet ->@ ::Pavilion:: I want to know it our friend here is from our universe or not...considering everything we've been through, it wouldn't be surprising.

Scott Coleridge -> ::blinks:: But if you’re gone, does that mean I’m in charge of the station?

Kallah Ramson -> I did have that thought. But I want my ship back.

Annisha -> :: But she sings it in Rihan as best she could ::

Jylliene -> ::wonders which Coleridge would consider is worse::

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles::

Schawnsee -> I’ve been working on the recheck schedules for the injured. Do you want to take a look at this??

Annisha -> :: Knocks on Lexy's door ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::hears naw..thing::naw..thing::

Lawliet -> @ ::watches the scan results::

mimipavilion -> @Good point ::about ready to fall asleep::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters main engineering ::

Alexis McFarland -> Murrhkghjkgjhfkjggg... ::hears knocking and meanders to the door.. at least her anti-static hair shampoo worked, opens door::

Lawliet -> @ ::looks over:: You should sit down or at least have someone from Medical relieve you.

Cptn d'Ka -> # Mr. Tan, put us in orbital dock at Aegis, remain at full ready.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Enters his small quarters oddly close to her office.. keep your enemies close and your security officers closer ::

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> Aye, Captain.

Kallah Ramson -> @Alien>::very alien readings, but not trans-dimensional::

Scott Coleridge -> ::clearly relieved not to be leading up an away mission::

mimipavilion -> @I know ::pulls up a chair::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Brews up some Yorkshire Gold Tea, which hopefully tastes as good as people say it does since her player just bought some on Amazon....::

Chirakis -> ::exits the security complex ,enters the command lift:: CnC.

Jylliene -> Missouri is arriving now, Captain.

Lawliet -> @ ::sighs of relief:: Well, it's native so at least the universe isn't fractured again.

Kallah Ramson -> I will need you to stay here and see if you can get anymore information from either of our guests.

mimipavilion -> @Good.

Scott Coleridge -> Right. Oh, and what about those delegates from An-Ward? Are they still here?

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> +Aegis+ Aegis operations, USS Missouri requesting orbital dock.

Lawliet -> @ ::thinks for a moment:: What can you tell me about it's cortical functions? Brain waves?

Schawnsee -> Dacia, I am starting the rechecks as of 1300 hours, is that ok with you??

Kallah Ramson -> The Federation Envoy is still working through the treaty negotiations.

Chirakis -> ::enters the CnC::

Annisha -> Can I come in? Why is one half of your hair sticking up?

Jylliene -> +Missouri+ Aegis operations. Acknowledged, Missouri. Orbit being transmitted now. Welcome back.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: scrubs ::

Jylliene -> ::transmits the orbital path to the Missouri::

Scott Coleridge -> ::nods at Chirakis::

Kallah Ramson -> I guess if we get desperate for answers we could just put all three groups in a room and see what happens.

Alexis McFarland -> Huh Yeah, sure.. ::fixes her hair:: I probably didn't use enough shampoo last night

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> +Aegis+ Acknowledged, Aegis. Docking received. Captain d'Ka will meet with Captain Ramson at her convenience.

mimipavilion -> @::thinks:: I want to say it's similar to the Breen.

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::stands:: I will meet with her now, Mr. Tan.

Jylliene -> ::glances to Ramson::

Annisha -> I've been practicing.. let me spin the brush...

Lawliet -> @ Could they be a relative? Like a Vulcan is to a Romulan?

mimipavilion -> @Possibly.

Alexis McFarland -> ::grabs her iPADD to check the time:: Oh... did they cancel Take your daughter to work day? They cancelled school too though... uh... okay?

Kallah Ramson -> ::Jyl:: My office as soon as he is onboard.

Annisha -> Yep,. not out of danger

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> Aye, Captain. +Aegis+ Correction, Aegis. Captain d'Ka will meet with her as soon as docking is secure.

Jylliene -> +Missouri+ Acknowledged, Missouri. Captain Ramson will be waiting in her office.

Schawnsee -> Dacia Sandero:: I am starting the rechecks as of 1300 hours, is that ok with you??

Annisha -> :: Runs to the brush ::

Annisha -> :: nudges Alexis :: There.. sit on the edge of the bed.

Dacia Sandero -> Sounds good to me. ::nods: Sickbay should be ready if the need arises

Lawliet -> @ ::walks over to the universal translator:: I'm configuring the UT for Breen. If the UT is focused on a particular language, it might be easier for our friend to understand us.

Schawnsee -> ::nods

Alexis McFarland -> Okay... ::sits on the bed::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: All manners of engineering form a line to give their reports in person ::

Jylliene -> +Missouri+ Aegis out.

Schawnsee -> :: continues working on the schedule placing appointments every 15 minutes::

Lawliet -> @ ::finishes and walks over to Pavilion:: Care to give it a shot?

Annisha -> :: Sprays a detangler into the brush and starts untangling the mess ::

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> ::slips the Akira into her orbit::: Going to station keeping, Captain.

Cptn d'Ka -> # Very well. Commander Lei'ri, you have the con.

mimipavilion -> @::Lawliet:: Worth a shot.

Lawliet -> @ ::gestures hand to her patient::

Cptn d'Ka -> #:: stands and leaves the bridge, entering his personal transport room to beam to Aegis::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Steps out of his quarters clean and fresh.. well, at least one of the two ::

mimipavilion -> @::walks over and presses the button:: Alien lifeform... I'm Dr. Mimi Pavilion of the United Federation of Planets.

Jylliene -> Missouri's confirmed in orbit.

Kallah Ramson -> @Alien>::on hearing a Breen voice stops...pauses a moment, before an eruption of violent colors warp around it's face::

Chirakis -> =/\=PAUSE SIM=/\=

Chirakis -> =/\=PAUSE SIM=/\=

Chirakis -> =/\=PAUSE SIM=/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you. Well played.

Chirakis -> TBS, Captain?

Kallah Ramson -> 5 hours, that should bring us to 12:00, correct?

Chirakis -> It should.

Chirakis -> comments for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> None other than thank you.

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