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I just want to say thank you again to the crew (past and present) of the USS Republic for it's enduring perseverance and it's many members over the years that have helped keep this game running strong and still playing nonstop since 1991. Through change of venues, college computers, to Netscape, to AOL to STSF you have endured and keep a proud tradition going. You guys are the best!! Congratulations again!!


Now a bit of history. Yes, some of you have seen it before, it's the boring part, but we’re posting it again so we don’t lose it. Such as the gif of the original ships’ plaque passed to me by Admiral Morgyn, which is on a floppy disk, in a box buried somewhere in my basement.


The USS Republic Sim began in November 1991 on a small university server, under the command of Captain Kruge. The ship them moved through a short interlude with Netscape and then shortly after that, the ship was moved over to play on the America Online service, where it played under the auspices of StarFleet Online, later renamed Spacefleet Online due to various legal issues that arose. Bouncing around the AOL forums with our hosts having to sport many different titles over the years, and I know many of our past and present crew members wore many of these names. You often saw us with the prefix of OGF, Host OGF, Host PCG, Host Games, Guide, Hometown and many more, but through it all, we remained the same players with the same surnames.


Following in the footsteps of Captain Kruge, 'The Republic' has also been commanded by Captain Kraf, Admiral Erinna Morgyn, Captain Fish Vir, Captain Jael, Captain Kilgore, Vice-Admiral Ender Wiggins and Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox.


In 2002, the USS Republic-D, a Galaxy-class ship serving as a flag vessel for Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox and Commander Kania Kawalas, moved to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Republic, part of the founding of STSF, had to delay making the physical initial jump to STSF from SFOL, due to room limitations as we shared a time slot with the USS Manticore, commanded by our current Fleet Admiral Atragon, (he’s so handsome, how could we defer to him!?), but at the time, we only had the one chat room, so many of the crew would participate in the new STSF Monday Academy (run by BluRox and Kbear) as a warmup to the Republic sim, then pop back over to our old room to play. Once a second room was built, (many thanks to our ever amazing Webmaster for ‘making it so’) the move was completed, and our voyages continue here to this day. We love ya Webbie, thanks again!


Most recently, we moved onto the new USS Republic NCC-1371-E, a nice newly modified Sovereign-class vessel, with the crew all having a hand in the unique naming of our shuttles, and yes, we do have a pink glittery one reserved for our chief of security, but only because we picked the ship up early before they could redo it’s paint job, a standing joke while at the Utopia Planatia Shipyards.


And now we thank our current crew, many of which have been here on average 15 years themselves:


Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox,

Captain Rian Kwai

Commander (Senior Grade) August Jax

Lieutenant Commander (Senior Grade II) William Jared Robinson

Lieutenant Commander Kasuga Ayumu

Lieutenant Tisa Sen

Lieutenant Victoria Margaret Elizabeth Knight

Lieutenant Heather Jamieson

Lt. jg Christina Nickles


Lieutenant Commander David Michael Johnson <LOA>

Lt. Commander (Senior Grade) Jameson Gordon Bardolph <LOA>

Lieutenant C.J. Jacobs <XXLOA>




Holly (Classified program/CNS)

BobO (Jax's Engineering scrub)

Gunner, Archer, Max and Rebecca (the Robinson kids)

Blob (Andy Carter’s science blob in stasis)

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