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Van Roy's Bio

SUBJECT: Lieutenant Commander Van Roy




Name: Van Roy, Michael

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Species: Vulcan

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Hair Color: Brown, Greying

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Too damn pale!

Place of Birth: Vulcan

Telepathic Status: High. Is vaguely aware of an activity called "simming".

Distinguishing marks:

* Multiple scars from stab wounds

* Scar from Red Star Nightclub boxing match above right eyebrow

Weaponry: daq'Tahg dagger, Lightsaber, both worn at the hip.



Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Primary Position: Chief Engineer

Assignment: IKC Qob-Lakota

Past assignment: USS Reaent (alternate reality)



Merit Award

Pennington Award

Silver Medal of Honor

4 Bronze Medals of Honor

4 Sword Service Slashes



STSF Simmer of the Month

Red Star Nightclub Boxing Champion



Van Roy was offered a full scholarship to the Vulcan Science Academy. However, he rejected science as an occupation as being too theoretical and at the age of twenty became the first Vulcan to enroll at the Ferengi School of Business, majoring in Economics. While on an internship with the campus Finance department, he discovered the campus's “creative accounting” practices and reported them to the school’s investors. The investors withdrew their funds, closing the campus (although other campuses continue to function).


With nowhere left to go, Van Roy enrolled at Starfleet Academy and was given clearance to intern for private sector engineering companies nearby (in what used to be Silicon Valley). Extra-curricular activities included the Varsity Fencing team. Mr. Van Roy’s Academy major was Operations with a minor in Special Land Tactics, and graduated 2nd in his class at the age of 26. He applied to the USS Reaent as Operations but was assigned as Tactical Officer.


Van Roy, now an Ensign, was traveling to the Reaent via the USS Lakota when that ship was suddenly hurled to the Delta quadrant along with the IKC QoB. Both ships were heavily damaged. To survive, both ships were cannibalized and merged into the IKC QoB-Lakota. The Chief Engineer at the time ordered those with engineering training to inspect and clean the tubes. Van Roy finished his tube 7 years later and was named the new Chief Engineer on 0211.23 with promotion to Lieutenant JG on 0303.25.


Through a quantum explosion that displaced the crew’s consciousness to an alternate reality, in which the IKC QoB and USS Lakota had been fighting each other in the Alpha Quadrant, it was discovered that in this alternate reality Van Roy did indeed serve as the Reaent’s Tactical Officer before transferring to the USS Lakota as Chief Engineer. Van Roy retained his Tactical Officer skills when the crew’s consciousness returned to this reality, although it was never explained how. However, due to the expansion of Van Roy's skills he was promoted to Lieutenant on 0309.16.


Following a temporary assignment as something called "STSF Featured Player" the QoB-Lakota collided with a 29th century Federation timeship, resulting in the ship's transportation to Earth of 2004. Van Roy detected a firefight between 3 B'rel class Birds of Prey, 2 Class 9 Federation shuttles, and the USS Enterprise over Las Vegas, Nevada. It was later learned that the B'rels were sent by the House of Duras to assassinate an ancestor of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, an important figure in both Federation and Klingon history. A series of crew disappearances, medical emergencies, and reassignments prompted Van Roy to assume the duties of Acting XO while ship and crew sought to stop these renegade Klingons and protect the timeline. Due to quick thinking in averting a warp core breech caused by a bomb disguised as a time-displacement field generator Van Roy was promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade on what would have been Stardate 0407.27.


Shortly after the Qob-Lakota's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Messner was installed as a member of the Klingon High Council representing the House of Bch. This required him to resign his Starfleet commission. Upon the QoB-Lakota's relaunch as a test bed for alternative FTL drive technology - the aforementioned temporal drive device - Van Roy is now the senior Starfleet officer of the Qob-Lakota. He was promoted to Lieutenant Commander on what would be Stardate 0511.22.



Mr. Van Roy is in robust physical condition. Van Roy possesses a Vulcan’s superior intellect, especially in matters of economics and negotiations, mostly due to his early Ferengi education. Despite being a pure Vulcan, he has a well-developed sense of humor that causes many to speculate he has some ancestry other than Vulcan. He does not seem to be as “squeamish” as most Vulcans toward culinary pleasures and has been known to enjoy a spicy Hasperat and a hot plate of live Gagh.


Van Roy was trained to be a Bridge Officer and has served in this capacity in the alternate reality. Because of this he can be found on the MeH as often as in Main Engineering, and has even assumed MeH command on more than one occasion. Van Roy strives to be a model, by-the-book Starfleet officer. This often places him at odds with the Klingon crew and, occasionally, some of the Federation crew.


Early in his career Van Roy looked over his ship records and discovers some of the awards given by then HoD BcH were for an activity called "simming", and that he and his shipmates are "simmers". He has yet to learn what this "simming" activity actually is but he suspects the QoB-Lakota crew receive inputs from other beings, and it is these beings who actually control the crew's destiny.



• Stardate 9608.00 - Enrolled at Starfleet Academy as Operations major.

• Stardate 9609.26 - Receives Operations Management degree from Starfleet Academy, promoted to Ensign.

• Stardate 9609.27 - Assigned to U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G, as Tactical Officer.

• Stardate 9610.03 - Reports for duty on U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G (alternate reality).

• Stardate 0211.21 - Transferred to USS Lakota as Chief Engineer (alternate reality). (Joins QoB-Lakota sim group in real life.)

• Stardate 0303.25 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (both realities).

• Stardate 0307.08 - IKC QoB-Lakota crew regains consciousness from alternate reality. Van Roy retains his newly acquired Tactical Officer skills.

• Stardate 0309.16 - Promoted to Lieutenant after capture of a live Boozam winged buffalo.

• Stardate 0309.23 - Eats buffalo wings for dinner.

• Stardate 0401.29- Becomes self-aware that he is actually a character on a STSF sim

• Stardate 0404.06 - Receives knife scar on neck for allegedly questioning Acting HoD K'walas's orders.

• Stardate 0407.27 - Promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade following brief stint as Acting XO.

• Stardate 0408.11 - QoB-Lakota returns to known space. Debriefed by Admiral Huff. Debriefing interrupted by the onset of Pon Farr. Granted medical leave.

• Stardate 0412.21 - Returns to duty aboard the refitted IKC QoB-Lakota. First assignment is to familiarize self and department with new temporal drive from 29th century timeship. Ship is eventually lost in the galaxy next to Far, Far Away (the Star Wars galaxy).

• Stardate 0510.01 - Spars with and defeats Da'har master-trained Koralev in off-duty boxing match.

• Stardate 0511.22 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

Edited by Dumbass

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