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Rocky Road

Seiben and his friends Rolph and Sophie disembark from the McKinely station in Seiben's shuttle, after re-fueling and disembark for a road trip to Saturn.  They will tour the rings and inside for the cool scenery and gasial lights.  After that, they will go to the colony there and go to the restaurant there for dinner.  However, about halfway to Mars and Jupiter, they hear a big explosion and see flames coming out of Jupiter.  The holo-screen on Seiben's shuttle then displays scenes of chaos at McKinely, Jupiter, Mars and San Francisco.  "Oh no.. this is terrible." Seiben says.  They looks at the large fire at Mars, and Seiben is glad that his mother and sisters are in Berlin.  Seiben's mother is assigned to Mars Station as the CMO.  Just then, he hears the comm from the Republic stating that the crew is to return to the Republic.  Which meant that his shore leave is over.  The others understood as Seiben pilots the shuttle back to McKinely has fast as he can.  as Seiben turns the shuttle around another explosion takes place and debris start to hit Seiben's shuttle causing turbulence.  "It's going to be a bumpy road." Seiben said as the pilots ths shuttle through the flying debris.  The Porsche shuttle has built for speed and handling and piloting through the debris, pushed pilot and shuttle to its limits. Swerving to avoid a large piece of metal and avoiding a steel arm,  Seiben pushed the shuttle passed Mars.  He wonders where all the debris came from until he sawthe flames bellowing out from Mc Kinely.  Avoiding the debris, with only a few scratches on the hull, much to Seiben's chagrin, they dock at the station's shuttle port.  This'll cost alot of credits.  But right now, his priority is to get to the Republic as soon as he can.  Seiben aplogises to the others, as he rushes to the docking port in which Republic is.  He sees red lights and people running.  Pushing through the crowds, he spots some of his crew members at the door.  The airlock is locked, and noone can get in for now.  Seiben wonders if it is terrorists.  Probably, but who?  Time will only tell on what they will do.

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