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Captain's Log, Stardate 2387.094

Captain’s Log, Stardate 2387.094

Chirakis Kirel, SI-5

Sky Harbor Aegis, Undisclosed Location


As she gazed out the extensive viewport, Kirel surmised she was the VIP quarters of Pylon B, Tertiary Module Deck 57. The panoramic view afforded her a wide angle toward both approaching and departing traffic as well as the Midway, with Pylon A on the far side.


The room was spacious and very well appointed, its VIP security giving it extra shielding from prying eyes and ears. Though Kirel missed the holographic displays that appeared when she approached her office windows, she dismissed it from her mind, having put total trust in SubCommander Jorahl’s watchful eye on the sector and SubCommander tr’Jeth Dabi’s internal station management. In her mind, there was nothing better for station security than the presence of two Rihan officers.


The personal security guard had given the pseudonym of Alison Brown and addressed Kirel only as “Ma’am.” Clad in civilian clothes befitting an administrative assistant, the officer would fit into most any crowd, and the looseness of her clothing concealed all manner of weaponry.


She was human. A full 1.67 meters in height, her slight build was deceptive. Movement was clean and precise. That, and the musculature of an accomplished martial arts expert, told Kirel the officer could easily defend them both. Regulation length sun-washed brown hair curled slightly forward along high cheekbones and deep brown eyes seemed to take every detail in the room into account at once. Her voice came as smooth and practiced, with just a hint of Starfleet protocol.


She moved quietly through the room, speaking only when spoken to, and when dismissed she opened and closed the door, but did not leave the room. Instead, she retreated to an adjacent area where she could keep watch while also giving the captain her needed privacy.


The SubCommander had chosen well.


As for Kirel’s identity? She would be known as Ma’am for... however long it took to recuperate. Not long, she hoped, as she reclaimed her personal PADD, brought by ‘Alison’ along with the rest of Kirel’s effects.


As she paged through the backlog, her first concern was the station. All seemed to be well, though the presence of Resssk continued to cause a stir. Then came the latest from Aegean and Revenge. They had reached the Sietzen System and were about to explore the planet Irmaitu Upsilon - not the best place to be at any time of year. Kirel had never been there and didn’t especially care to go, but various sources were rife with rumors, and rumors were unreliable at best and often instigated to intimidate.


She paused in her thoughts to give a low chuckle. Of course the planet had been recommended by the High Command, and Kirel half wondered if the Romulans were testing not only the ships but their crews. That, or it was entirely possible that the planet harbored hidden resources that would be needed for Rihan survival elsewhere?


Regardless, they were in for quite a ride.


TBC in sim.

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