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Getting to Know You...

After Mimi, Loxil, and Torate had finished their meal, she decided to get to Loxil a bit better. After all, this Rihan woman could possibly carry her husbands Rihan children.


“Well, Loxil, I would like to get to know you a little better, as seeing my husband has an interest in you,” Mimi stated.


“Of course, Dr. Pavilion... or should I call you Mimi,” Loxil asked.


“Mimi is fine when I am not in sickbay or on duty, Loxil,” she replied.


Loxil nodded, “Well, I was born in the Capitol City. My family either served in the RSE or were well-respected business people. As for me, I am a mild-mannered woman, who use to sell vegetables and fruits to her people.”


Mimi smiled at Loxil, “And you should continue doing so, once things settle down of course. I just want to know one thing for now, Loxil, what makes you an excellent candidate to give birth to pure Rihan children for my husband.”


Loxil looked down for a moment, trying to come up with an excellent response. “Well, other than finding his handsome physique appealing, I have none.”


“I understand. Thank you, Loxil. If I have any other questions, I'll contact you,” Mimi replied. Loxil nodded and left.


Mimi wondered what her husband could have said to these women he wants to carry his Rihan children and why he chose Mimi to be his wife, other than her beauty and brains.

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