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RES Talon Tidbits 06Oct11

The Talon Tidbits - a Sarcastic and irreverent summary of last week's sim...


Lerak trPexil -> :: gets behind brig force field ::

t’Rexan> Hrrau our br’tehh, it’s the safest place to be!



Demi t'Shia -> ((I am sort of here, but I have to finish my last question on homework, about IP Classes ::dumbfounded look on face:: I'll return shortly, and hopefully smarter.))

t’Rexan> Dheno…..na, na a chance!



Lerak trPexil -> (( I want my paranoid Dheno ))

t’Rexan> Me thinks au should watch what au wish for!



Lerak trPexil -> :: sees t'Aehjae in orange :: "Oh...my."

Koga S'Bien -> Orange?

tAehjae -> Orange?

Lerak trPexil -> The paint color

tAehjae -> ya I forgot about that,

Koga S'Bien -> So did I, lol. Thought something was wrong with your monitor

t’Rexan> so glad last week’s plot was so memorable!



tAehjae -> :: slowly backs away from Ndak, hoping he doesn’t kill her for embarrassing him::

t’Rexan> Anyone taking odds on this?



NDak -> I am on the phone with fearless leader and she has yet to find a McDonalds

Lerak trPexil -> What? They are everywhere.

Koga S'Bien -> Unlesss she's in the middle of nowhere

t’Rexan> Ie, like Lloann’na space. Veruuls don’t even have a drive through large enough to accommodate our ship!



NDak -> ::Still in the cargo bay, having had his triumphant moment, turns his attention to t'Aehjae::

tAehjae -> :: looks to the body of tr'Baris:: Shall I remove it Rekkhai?

NDak -> Of all the dumb ... irresponsible ... ::pauses:: How... just how do au find ways to screw up so badly? Like.... I did na know it was possible for au to sink lower on the scales of incompetence.

tAehjae -> ::just stands there silent for the moment::Rekkhai the painters spilled the paint and I was splattered, I did na stop the change when ordered to deliver trBaris.

NDak -> ::Looks to Valdrin:: I can not imagine h...How did he get free?



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Fizzle:: Ow! ::Fizzle:: Ow! ::She touched the forcefield again. Zap!:: Ow!t’Rexan> The scary part is, I can see this going on for an hour or so, with her just fascinated by it!

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She sighed, but couldn't help touching the field again. Zap!:: Ow!

Lerak trPexil -> :: smiles :: "A force field fetish?"



NDak -> ::Looking at t'Aehjae letting his pent up annoyances finally get out:: Like, just how does that happen?Au are supposed to be a Daise? Have you na clue how to do au job!

tAehjae -> I know how to do my job Rekkhai :: straightens Up::

tAehjae -> My dheno was tricked and will be spoken to ::thinks 'if I live long enough'::

NDak -> Do au?

NDak -> Do au?

NDak -> Oh blame au staff!

NDak -> Imbecile.

tAehjae -> ::glares at him calling her an Imbecile::

NDak -> And then au have the... the lack of place to comm me while au know I am meeting with the tr'Tronious and tr'Vatrix to tell me of au incompetence?::Glowers::

tAehjae -> Rekkhai I was told to keep au apprised and I was doing so

tAehjae -> ::her voice getting louder with each word:

NDak -> I suppose there is nothing for it. Yelling at au will not make au suddenly competent. However when we return, I am going to make sure that au go through rigorous training exercises at the Retor on how to properly secure prisoner the br'tehh... actually I going to send the entire d'heno staff to retrain!

tAehjae -> I do NA Need retraining Rekkhai!

NDak -> ::Glowering: My rear end.

NDak -> Au and aur staff have continued to under perform.

tAehjae -> I told au My dheno was tricked.... It will NA Happen again!

t’Rexan>Oh….this is going to get epic!!



NDak -> Even tr'Pexil has shown himself to be competent.

t’Rexan> Barkley! Hey..he’s been doing a great job lately!


Lerak trPexil -> "We are NA spies! And if this is your idea of investigation.."

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> I am na a spy! I do na even know the prisoner. I know few people outside my department. ::She hit the forcefield again.:: Ow!

t’Rexan> then again, isn’t everyone on the ship a spy?



NDak -> Au are right... it will not. After au have gone through copious training exercises and have proven that au are fit to wear a uniform.And since au are already wearing the paint...

NDak -> Au can help tr'Pexil finish!

tAehjae -> WHAT!!

NDak -> Perhaps he can give au some tips on leadership!

t’Rexan> Oooo..burn!

NDak -> Ie!

tAehjae -> This is preposterous!


Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> This is the last time I try to be nice to a dheno! ::She grumbled and leaned against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.::

t’Rexan> Na gletten for au!



NDak -> Are au questioning my orders?

t’Rexan> I’ll take Dheno issues for $300 strips of latinum


tAehjae -> ::starts to say something the stops looking at the sword in his hand still:: NA! ::in an angry voice.::

NDak -> Mehnka! H'nah, I suggest you return to au br'tehh and begin au punishment. I will arrange for the training at the retor for au and au staff once we return home.

t’Rexan> Ooo, the daily double!



Lerak trPexil -> "Actually I could probably get out of this cell now that I think of it..I've been an engineer for a long time."

t’Rexan> Ooh, Pexil Houdini!



Demi t'Shia -> ::making sub-notes about Pexil's threat to escape the cell, prior to his trial for these actions against the Rihan community as a whole::

Lerak trPexil -> "For what it is worth I'm sorry for the awful timing of me catching your boot." :: moving his hand along the wall :: "I have never been a good dancer."

t’Rexan> ::voted off Dancing with the Galae Stars!::



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> Oooh! ::To Pexil.:: That sounds like a challenge. We should try to short the field emitters. Do au have any tools on au?

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: "That's good thinking, but I'd do something else. Something to make the room even more paranoid."

Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aehjae+ Rekkhai.. the prisoners are forming a plan to escape and wreck carnage aboard the ship::

t’Rexan> I think it’s working Pexil!


NDak -> ::Rolls her eyes::

t’Rexan> and what lovely eyes you have!

NDak -> ::Looks at Valdrin:: Walk with me...

t’Rexan> Now I know he’s good looking and all, but you’re going to have to fight off half the ship if you want to keep him to yourself!

tAehjae -> # YY’A Anyoi that escapes!!!

t’Rexan> Command may be upset if you yy’a the best engineers we have…



NDak -> I swear... ::motions in the general direction of t'Aehjae:: Why I have not simply ridded myself of that annoyance is beyond me. Ruining my moment of glory.....

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::smirks and holds up the sword within N'Dak's view:: Au could have made it a double execution.

NDak -> True. A two for io special as the Lloann'na say, ie? Perhaps another day.



Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked at t'Shia sadly, thought he was gaining a new friend on the Talon, but after this...? :

t’Rexan> Maybe she just really looks bad in Orange and is blaming au!?



tAehjae -> :: etners the brig:: I SHOULD YYAA THE LOT OF ALL HERE!!!!

t’Rexan> Cause Caps mean more!! And Truth!



Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at Aehjae ::: unmoved by t'Aehjae's volume ::

t’Rexan> Oh lookie here, he’s becoming the cool collected type!



Lerak trPexil -> "Na t'Ditsy. Something to wear. Au can mull on that."

t’Rexan> I bet it was a cape!!



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> Something to wear? ::Going back to the conversation at hand now that t'Aehjae was gone.:: Is it a hat?

Demi t'Shia -> Quiet! THere will be no more of aus chatter. Silence, or I will seal your cells, with no light, food, or air.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Laughs nearly as loud as t'Aehjae's yelling :: "I like au t'Ditsy."

t’Rexan> Dang Demi, they’re talking about capes and you’re talking about removing their air?! You’re a meanie! I love it!



NDak ->::points to the bloody sword::

t’Rexan> tr’Valdrin must have done a crappy job of cleaning it!



NDak -> ::Looks over to tr'Guard, genuinely surprised::Hann'yyo. That means much coming from you.

tr'Rexan> Word!!



NDak -> ::Valdrin:: I am curious who they will appoint as the new governor...

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> As am I. ::he was still pondering the offer, though was inclined to take it::

NDak -> ::Jokingly:: Perhaps they will offer it to au Valdrin?

t'Rexan> Envisioning two guys, trying to pee into the wind



Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked into t'Shia's eyes :: "Na. It could keep au warm I suppose."

t'Rexan> Ooo, take curtain number 1 instead of the box..I bet it’s another cape!



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> Warm? Is it socks?! ::She really liked socks.::

t'Rexan> Do na say that hrrau medical, au might end up with a date!



Demi t'Shia -> ::comes into the office:: Forgiveness, Rekkhai... but the prisoners are planning an escape. tAehjae -> Then Au better stop them!!

t'Rexan> Wow, and I thought t’Rexan was paranoid!



Lerak trPexil -> "How is aur new life as a prisoner treating you t'Ditsy?"

t'Rexan> All 20 minutes of it……Nobody knows, the trouble I’ve seen…..



Demi t'Shia -> I wish aus professional direction out there, and wish to move them to opposite ends, perhaps with sealed doors or perhaps locking them in cuffs, chained to the walls, so there is no chance of them escaping.

t'Rexan> A bit hard to paint if they are chained in cuffs to the wall, but hey, if au and tA want to do it all yourselves



Lerak trPexil -> "I for one am glad to get back into the spy game."

t'Rexan> See!! I’ve said it for years!! I’ve known it all along!



Demi t'Shia -> ::finds all forms of sucking-up at this moment to help with the problems::

t'Rexan> Nickname coming to mind……



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Too busy trying to guess what her present was to answer his question.:: Is it MITTENS! ::She'd just die if he got her mittens!::

Lerak trPexil -> "Ugh... na. Na mittens. If I had thought about it more it would have been boots unable to be placed on a table."



KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga!! I heard the perfect song for you! LFMAO's Fall Anthem "I'm sexy and I know it)

Koga S'Bien -> (Lmao!)

Laehval tTemarr -> (That's MY jam!)

Lerak trPexil -> (( to the spotify ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (ha!! trying to get that song in NDak's head, have it on the car ipod!.)

NDak -> ( going to keeeeeel her )

KhreRiovtRex -> (worse, now I see Koga and Kavek strutting around the oira like on a catwalk!)

Koga S'Bien -> (So sexy, it hurts...)

NDak -> ( Wearing nothing but their capes! )

KhreRiovtRex -> (Capes! you love the attention)

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> (wiggle wiggle wiggle)



Demi t'Shia -> ::to t'A:: And they need to be searched entirely now, they could have a paint brush or other tools::t

t'Rexan> Because that might be helpful, when having to paint the br’tehh?




NDak -> ::Doesn't mention that he would have felt he disappointed t'Rexan greatly by spurning her confidence in him::

tAehjae -> Au got me on trouble with NDak I should make au pay for that. I disgraced him in front of ... tRexans Mate!!!

Demi t'Shia -> ::firm hand, unwavering, holding the disruptor to his forehead now, finger on trigger, steady and ready::



t'Rexan> tr'Vatrix> :: reading the letter, and looking at the included scan of the fetus:: Smiles seeing his son looking strong and healthy

t'Rexan> Peanut picture!



Kavek tr'Valdrin -> Ie, but it was of short duration and I knew it would only be temporary. It was rather difficult to let go, as I am sure yours will be when the time comes.

t'Rexan> Oooo, nice dig! Reminding him he's got to give it back!



NDak -> I would thank him for removing t'Jhiin from my hair, but I think it would be in bad taste.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Guard> I do na think that is a name au will ever have to utter again, from what I heard

NDak -> ::Lifts his brows:: Mehnka.

t'Rexan> Na, Vriha savory



Demi t'Shia -> Do au think me stupid? :;grabs his hand, twists him to the ground, wraps his arm twisted up behind him, squats down over him::::disruptor back to the back of his head now::Shoot him, Rekkhai?

t'Rexan> Thinks Demi really ‘might’ consider killing him, as if he gets free, and he’s an El’Riov (senior grade) and she’s an Erein, he can make her life miserable!




KhreRiovtRex -> So, next week, we find out....


A.) maybe...who the new governor is

B.) NDak -> Who does the best cat walk... I mean... what she said.

C.) Kavek tr'Valdrin -> It is a cape-off.



KhreRiovtRex -> that's awesome

NDak -> Yes!LOL

KhreRiovtRex -> YES...with capes...let's see who works their cape the best

Koga S'Bien -> Nice! I got this.

Lerak trPexil -> Except Koga.. you know the reason.

Demi t'Shia -> I don't know... Demi's got some serious moves.



Lerak trPexil -> Are we moving to tights next? I have this great one picked out.

NDak -> What does this look like, a lloann'na ship.

Lerak trPexil -> Dancing with the Galae Stars.



Koga S'Bien -> Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Demi t'Shia -> thanksgiving? ::checks calendar quickly::

Demi t'Shia -> A little early

tAehjae -> Na for him

tAehjae -> Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Koga

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> Thanksgiving in Canada?

Lerak trPexil -> Koga.. really? First bagged milk then early Thanksgiving?

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> What do you eat?

Koga S'Bien -> Turkey! SAme as you guys

KhreRiovtRex -> Bagged turkey

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> Well, at least you aren't *that* odd.

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::swirls cape:: Good evening. See you all next week.

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I can't believe I go on vacation and I come back to Dancing with Galae Stars.

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