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Message from Home for tr'Vatrix

L'haiy had been taking her rest upon the back porch of the villa, as had become her usual morning

routine, usually sipping a glass of cool fruit juice, while contemplating the many factors that took up

her days, and worries that took up her nights. A taste of salt hung in the air from the spray of the

ocean crashing repeatedly upon the rocky cliffs below, dissipating as it worked inland and up to

the house set above, overlooking the emerald sea.


The seabirds soared lazily overhead, riding upon the updrafts and currents of air rising from the inlet below. She watched the birds for what seemed like hours, comparing their movements to that of her own graceful ship, thinking how free they were, gliding without a care other than eating, able to be off where they would, and she became a bit envious of them, remembering the days of command and being able to take her ship and speed off to adventure. Na, that was just her being tethered to the ground here at this time due to her condition. Varlon would na have her gallivanting around space, na when the safety of their child could be at stake..


It had been well over a month since Var'lon had been called away to handle an urgent matter,

one she suspected entailed the very mission her own ship had been called away to handle months ago, yet as far as she knew, no resolution had yet to be found. However; at the time of his leaving, she did not press him on the matter, as much as she wanted to as curiosity began to get the better of her, but assuming he’d tell her in good time, she had decided na to press the matter. She could tell the matter had him stressed, and to the point of anger. The fact that it had to be kept silent and was under a communications blackout concerned her deeply, as it implied possible deceit and power shifts within the higher ranking echelons. That, or possibly it might be related to the earlier mutinies aboard her very own ship, and he was finally found who had been behind the act.


Regardless, she did na want him out there without her by his side to help protect him. Finishing her drink, she set it aside on a small table, only to have one of the household staff quickly wisk it away, while she smirked to herself for a siuren, trying to decide if she were even being realistic at this point. Looking down at her growing abdomen, she knew she was being a veruul.. He had excellent arms men as his personal body guard, as well as the fact, she was literally in 'na shape' to protect anyone. For that matter, her shape had become that of being a tad bit round of late.


Rubbing her stomach as she felt the child within her kick yet again, she thought how much her life had changed this last year. Once where she thought her life forfeit, here she was about to bring new life into the world. She owed so much to the man who had stayed loyal and had cared for her all those years, even when she hadn’t known it.


Thinking of her Var'lon, she decided that she would at least like to send him a communication, and

at least show him how much his son had grown already by the size of her abdomen. She knew it made him swell with pride, as his former wife had not provided the heir he had so badly craved.


Rising from the settee, waving off the serving girl who had been waiting to see if she were needed, L’haiy turned and went inside to Var'lon's personal study, were she could activate his private viewer and send him a secure message without fear of anyone intercepting it through the layers of encryption he had upon it. She was the only one he had ever let use the device other than himself, so she knew it was safe. Sitting down at the desk, she reached across and entered her command codes and received clearance to activate the unit.


“Etreeh, ta'Rhae,”


Quickly typing in another passcode, she then was able to proceed.


“Dearest E'lev,


After being alone all these many years, having au hrrau my days of late, has shown me how much au are now part of my very being. Although your household is full of a very fine staff, it is very much empty without au presence here. It is like the sky without a sun, a night without the moon, a ship without an AQS.”


Grinning at the screen, she knew this would put him at ease, that she dropped in the ship comment, and let him know all was well at home. “Rekkhai, I know, I am na much of a romantic either, so please excuse my poor attempt at it. I just wanted au to know, that I miss au deeply. I know au had to leave suddenly on an urgent mission, and were unable to spend much time speaking with the medics about our child, but I wanted to let au know, I recently visited Galae Medical, where they announced that all was well and that they expect us to have a strapping, healthy son na too long from now.” She stood so the screen could show her abdomen, as she had been hiding it behind the desk. “I half suspect, that au ran off because I have suddenly become too fat!?


Laughing at the screen, she turned side to side, and as she sat down again she continued, “Na my Jol, I know au would na do that, for this is the son au have wanted and I can na wait for au safe return so that au may be here to name him should he decide to come early. I hope in my heart that au are able to receive this message, and though I know au can na reply, I know what au would say. Come home to me safely as soon as au can my jol, my e’lev. Au are ever hrrau my thoughts Rekkhai.”


Grinning at the screen, she saluted knowing he’d get even with her for the gesture, smiled and closed the message.


‘Etrehh ta’khoi.’

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