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RES Talon Recap from previous log

Talon Recap from earlier log Distant Warnings.....


Dumok'azen Recap previous transmissions recieved...


Timestamp: 2018.10.12.17

“Dumok’azen Outpost, Daise Erei’Riov tr’Dranek reporting. Governor tr’Darius has implemented increased production at the remaining production facility to make up for the damage at the two that were sabotaged. We have moved more troops to protect this remaining facility as well as the newest that has just about completed construction. The governor and his aide have been given increased guard as well, but our numbers thin each day with increasing attacks. tr’Darius requests that we begin to subjugate the villages one by one and get them back under control. However, if we move too many troops, we leave the production facilities insufficiently guarded. We respectfully request additional troops from Galae. tr’Drank ta’khoi.

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