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Call to Duty

Call to Duty

11 October 2386 - 1600 Hours Aegis Relative (just after the last sim)


She wasn’t exactly surprised.

She wasn’t particularly pleased.

She was, however, satisfied. For once it seemed like a logical move, something not exactly commonplace within the upper echelons of Starfleet.


=/\=Office of Starfleet Personnel=/\=

SFHQ San Francisco, Earth

Notice of Reassignment


To: Torak, Director, SI-5

To: Chirakis Kirel, Commander, SI-5

RE: Transfer Orders


Chirakis Kirel, Commander, Starfleet Intelligence Section 5, is to report immediately to Allied Command Post designated Sky Harbor Aegis, Alpha Quadrant, immediately, to assume the position of Executive Officer under the direct command of the station commanding officer. Such assignment will commence immediately and will extend until further notice....

The rest was formality. Acknowledge receipt. Report on station.


The black Intel uniform’s outer tunic gave a sharp snap as she tugged it into place, the insignia in perfect alignment, its collar trim precisely regulation as she profiled for a check and the computer verified it. Orders in hand, she left her quarters and entered the lift for the control tower and Cdr Brown, who would enter the event into the station log and enable her command codes.


The last time she was thrust into command it seemed a death sentence. This time it made sense. Given recent events - political and otherwise - what better place to permanently station an operative than in command of a strategic facility, in neutral space, under the control of the Federation and its allies. Once again she would be in the station’s cross-hairs, but with a new commanding officer.


Stepping into the control tower, she paused for threat assessment. The lift doors closed behind her and she found herself at odds - comfortable with command, yet coveting her independence. Shaking off the thought, she approached Cdr Brown for the formalities. Minutes later she was on her way to Cargo Bay 3 to inform Cdr Lepage.

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