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Talon Tidbits 01.06.2011

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil was surrounded by engineers from all subdepartments :: "Everyone please... please.... EVERYONE SHUTUP!" :: entire deck went silent ::

t’Rexan> Ooo…a new side of Pexil. Give him a little authority, and the yelling begins!


NDak -> ::Rhae the Oira in his chair, watching the starfield stream by, anxious begin testing the systems newly installed on his ship::

t’Rexan> Who’s chair?!


Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil lost his train of thought for a moment ::

t’Rexan> derailed!


Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::has by now moved mostly past his withdrawal symtoms; coming on shift with the general feeling at the back of his mind that he has a lot of ground to regain::

t’Rexan> at least til he finds another fix…..


NDak -> ::Glances over to the executive officer, who he was fairly sure needed spaced, and nods:: Status report?

t’Rexan> such friendly thoughts


tAehjae -> ::sitting at her desk going over the changes Ndak wanted in place:: He HAS to be kidding.

t’Rexan> Something tells me even if he was, I’d do it!


M_K_tKsa -> ::in the medical laboratory at the moment, finding the cellular pattern of her sample oh so interesting at the moment::

t’Rexan> slow day eh?


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> All departments reporting readiness. New systems online and waiting to be tested, ::glances to N'Dak, supressing a twinge of irritation:: ...rekkhai.

t’Rexan> Everyone seems to have that twinge of late!


Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Somewhere in the back, not really paying attention.::

t’Rexan> at least she’s honest about it…


NDak -> ::Smiles, of course there was the satisfaction of making him submit to his authority, wasn't there?::

t’Rexan> sadist..


NDak -> ::Leans back into his chair::

t’Rexan> my chair….


Koga S'Bien -> <let'se see how long I last>

KhreRiovtRex -> <I call 27 seconds>

Lerak trPexil -> <slaps a sliver of latinum down>

Koga S'Bien -> <i call 3 minutes>

t’Rexan> you can’t bet on yourself! That’s cheating!

KhreRiovtRex -> <shenanigans!! He bet on himself and left at 3 min!>

Koga S'Bien -> <oops, that was me. Wrong button ;) >

t’Rexan> cheater!



Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil feard t'Ditsy had fallen back to her old ways, but nothing he could do about that now other than to watch her closely and prod her when required ::

t'Ditsy> ::She pressed the section that would deal another round of cards, continuing to shuffle them into the correct piles.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Squints at t'Ditsy, was she goofing off or..."

t’Rexan> Pexil….she has that down to an art form….

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She shuffled another round and quickly minimized the game program whenever Pexil came near. Her other screen was a diagnostic.::


Koga S'Bien -> <test>

tAehjae -> <<pass>>


Lerak trPexil -> :: wished Laehval was here, na that he minded being in charge for a change, but her iron will was often helpful. Her 'reassignment' better be worth it. :

t’Rexan> more like an iron lung at the moment…


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::still in her quarters, mostly glaring/staring at the knife and the ale::

t’Rexan> ::and the telekinesis thing still just isn’t working for her, but she’ll keep trying to master it::


NDak -> It is my experience that on this ship, things change rather quickly and rather unforgiving. If he is to continue in his post, he needs to show that he is not just a disheren with a better sash.

t’Rexan> It’s all about the fashion.


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::indeed, very interested in weeding out those that tr'Vatrix would consider harmful to the ship::

t’Rexan> That would pretty much be… everyone but tr'Valdrin!


M_K_tKsa -> ::exits on the lift about to haunt the oira in a rare visitation::

t’Rexan> Don’t let her touch anything!


Lerak trPexil -> "Move the test up, fire up the engines. Let's push the Talon to max."

KhreRiovtRex -> <don't you go breaking my ship Pexil!!>>

Koga S'Bien -> <you break it, you bought it>

t’Rexan> And by bought it, he means 6 feet under….


Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Testing the engines, eh? ::Scans for any blackholes, finds none:: Alright

Koga S'Bien -> <wormhole rather>

Lerak trPexil -> < scan for both please >

t’Rexan> Because we know how you drive!



M_K_tKsa -> ::watching action on the Oira for a few moments, fascinated by it in a weird way...like watching an alien life form that io would never, ever want to touch::

t’Rexan> Or it is just that N’Dak that makes you feel that way? I sort of remember him trying to pretend to be your bondmate at one point in time and you feeling the same……


Koga S'Bien -> Uh poh! ::drops out of warp::

t’Rexan> Koga is just an image of stoic masculinity with utterances like that……


tAehjae -> +dheno+ ALL DHENO Secure STATIONS AND REPORT!!



Koga S'Bien -> ::sighs:: We're pretty much 'dead in the water', if I may borrow an old Lloahn'nna saying

t’Rexan> Why do you know their sayings? Spy!!


Aife> If I am na mistaken, I believe some io broke the ship.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::half-grins in the dimness:: That seems a valid assumption.

t’Rexan> And nothing out of the ordinary for us


M_K_tKsa -> Aife>::puts herself between the maenak and the dispensary, just to deter temptation::

t’Rexan> hmmm, trust issues eh?


KhreRiovtRex -> # RES Teronix> ::tr'Vatrix's ship on way to Sudeka III for a brief vacation and water sports

t’Rexan> Water skiing or skinny dipping??!!


Koga S'Bien -> ::Glad t'Rex isn't on the ship anymore...::

KhreRiovtRex -> <well, gee thanks alot Koga!>Koga S'Bien -> <lol! I'm sure Koga and Pexil would’ve been kibble by now :) >


NDak -> ::If the crew thought Destorie would na be hard on them, they were in for a mistake. He was determined to prove himself, and if that meant putting them through hell's forge, then so be it. They would emerge like a blade, stengthened.:::

t’Rexan> that was his job as XO, so what had he been doing instead? Oh yea, flirting with CSci…


tAehjae -> +Koga+ Have we bee ingaged?

t’Rexan> Koga, I think she’s proposing, but not sure!


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ACTION> Koga finds a curious program integrated with the Talon's normal programming, embedded within one of the subrelays.

Koga S'Bien -> ::checks out the program:: +Pexil+ There's a problem integrated in a subrelay along with Talon's normal programming. It's quite curious.

t’Rexan> The amazing Koga and his powers of perception!


NDak -> ::Glances back to tr'Valdrin:: If they have not restored power within another hour, continue your test. The longer he goes without solving it, the harder I want it to be. If he wants the job, he's going to earn it. Au have the Oira.

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ "Give me more details on what au see at that relay. "I will check this out personally and hav the head of who is responsible.."

t’Rexan> I’m putting my money on tr’Valdrin, sorry Pexil.


Post Pause:


NDak -> Destorie will whip the crew into shape yet!

NDak -> Some more literally than others.


KhreRiovtRex -> and nobody even noticed t’Ksa on the bridge for like a third of the sim...lol

M_K_tKsa -> I should get a new career as a stalker.

tAehjae -> I could use au in Dheno Ksa. ::grins::


KhreRiovtRex -> Watch it, you'll be the next they mutiny on N’Dak

NDak -> Don't give them any ideas.

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