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STSF_BluRox -> USS REPUBLIC MISSION BREIFING: 12.27.2010 The holiday party is wrapping up, and several others are assisting the Robinson s down to sickbay before August delivers there on the ice rink. A snowball war is in full progress, and Blu decides while the crew is enjoying themselves, that it s about time to meet with the night shift about getting underway shortly.






Joy -> :: retreats to stellar cartography ::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::has the two Robinson boys by the collar inside an ice fort on the holodeck::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::moving the Wife® down to sickbay::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::throws a snowball over the fort at Bardolph::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Moans/growls at Will::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::takes a snowball from Kasuga in the back of the neck:: Ack!

Jameson Bardolph -> ::squirms as cold water drips down his collar::

STSF_BluRox -> ::ducks a few more snowballs heading her way::

August Jax Robinson -> Gunner> ::Laughs and runs off::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::replicates an umbrella to protect herself against errant snowballs::

August Jax Robinson -> ::arrives at Sickbay::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::quickly gets her up on a biobed::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::lets gunner go, knowing he can't get outside the fort anyway::

James Fenn -> ::Is leaving sickbay after helping the Robinsons::

August Jax Robinson -> this is your fault

STSF_BluRox -> (Elizabet, ....Fiona....Fiona...Elizabet) got you some help for the evening...

Elizabet Margrave -> ::in med bay::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::wiping the cold water off the back of his neck, pokes his head over the wall of the fort:: Kasuga> So here's a question for you, lass...how long does one generally spend giving birth?

LtCmdrRobinson -> August®...now, I don’t want you punching any doctors this time, OK?

August Jax Robinson -> ::rests for a second on the bed, waiting for hell to happen::

August Jax Robinson -> :)

STSF_BluRox -> ::wonders how the Robinson's are doing::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Uhh, it depends. A few hours, I think?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::looks at Kasuga and then looks at the two boys, and gives an exaggerated sigh:: Right.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::grins::

LtCmdrRobinson -> <<Fiona, you can’t get out of this by pretending to be AFK! or Jax will just hold them in until next week>>

Ayumu Kasuga -> One person I know was in labor for 12 hours.

August Jax Robinson -> go find Weber

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::grins as well:: You're lucky you won't have to go through with it

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Many of those helping get August to Sickbay, dump her fast and get out before she can cast her wrath their way, leaving it all on Will, Elizabet and the soon to be found CMO

Fiona Weber -> (Sorry, I actually was AFK)

Fiona Weber -> (wait...)

Heather Jamieson -> :: dodges most of the snowballs and makes her way to the door ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Weber+ We have a situation in sickbay that needs your attention.

Jameson Bardolph -> Kasuga> ::brightens considerably:: Aye...I reckon you have a point there.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at Margrave:: Do your thing, but watch her.

James Fenn -> ::approaches the holodeck from he TL::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Indeed.

August Jax Robinson -> Don't be mean Will :)

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::picks up and gobbles a Borg Meatball::

Jameson Bardolph -> Gunner/Clone> Hey, lads. Come over here...you're gonna wear yourselves out.

Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "Where did you go off to?"

Elizabet Margrave -> ::monitoring August's vitals:: <Jax> How are those contractions? Happening more frequently?

Fiona Weber -> ::looks up::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sees a padd on the table by the door with a note attached reading "BluRox"

STSF_BluRox -> Hmm, wonder what this is

Joy -> +Heather+ Do you have a need to know? If you are bearing no snowballs or Borg cubes, I might tell.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Boys> ::someone fed them cookies last sim so they have plenty of energy::

August Jax Robinson -> Alright right now

August Jax Robinson -> ::Winces::

Fiona Weber -> Oh dear... +Sickbay+ I'll be right up.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::leans against the wall watching them:: Right...well, wear yourselves out then. I suppose that'll save me trouble in the long run.

STSF_BluRox -> (Fiona since you were afk you might have missed this, Elizabet was kind enough to help out last week so we've asked her to stay and help you tonight as well)

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::tries to stay out of Margrave's way::

Elizabet Margrave -> +Fiona+ we're ready for you. Female stable for the time being

Fiona Weber -> ::long sigh:: +Margrave+ Female?

James Fenn -> ::Barely dodges Heather exiting as he enters the holodeck:: Woah...

Jameson Bardolph -> ::hoists himself up to sit on the edge of the fort wall where he can see everything::

Elizabet Margrave -> +Fiona+ Yes, pregnant female patient in active labor

STSF_BluRox -> What's this? ::picks it up:: Oh....Kania's...I should take it back...wait...message.

LtCmdrRobinson -> August®, just keep thinking positive thoughts. These are probably going to be our last ones.

Dallas Parker -> well maybe showing up on time might work lol

Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "Neither. I will be there in a moment."

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well at least a 50% chance.

August Jax Robinson -> they better be!

STSF_BluRox -> ::decides to take it up to her ready room to read it over::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks up, then over at Flashdance:: How's Jax doing?

August Jax Robinson -> You are getting fixed

Joy -> :: smiles ::

Fiona Weber -> ::stops dead in her tracks::

Joy -> :: wonders if she cheated and asked the computer ::

Jameson Bardolph -> Computer...replicate a large LEGO set suitable for two users inside the current fort construction.

LtCmdrRobinson -> I am NOT getting...that

August Jax Robinson -> ::Winces:: more pain... yes.. you are

James Fenn -> She's in sickbay, and I think Dr. Weber is being called in, so take that for what its worth.

James Fenn -> I left before anything could be thrown

Ayumu Kasuga -> For both their sakes, I hope the labor is short.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::remembering that mostly what he liked to do as a kid was build things, but that providing the young boys with scrap metal might be both a bad message and rather a poor idea::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::sips a glass of wine::

Fiona Weber -> ::forces herself to walk to the lift::

Jameson Bardolph -> Computer> ::deposits a large LEGO set circa 2255 in the middle of the fort::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Maybe that’s something you should take care of on your end...I like my equipment the way it is now.

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters turbolift:: Bridge...

August Jax Robinson -> ::does fancy birth breathing...::: someone... hit him

Fiona Weber -> ::Lift:: Sickbay.

August Jax Robinson -> Nurse> ::Smacks Will::

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> You are progressing right on track. I can give you something for the pain if you would like.

James Fenn -> ::Approaches the drinks table and grabs a glass of punch:: Me too. Well seems we got a bit of excitement in our holiday party.

LtCmdrRobinson -> August, lets control the mood swings. please.

August Jax Robinson -> Yes please!

LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes, please do.

LtCmdrRobinson -> And by the end of the night I might need something for MY pain as well.

Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll certainly won't forget it.

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Ok, I can give you something mild, it'll only lessen the pain since we dont want it to interfere with the labor ::injects pain med through IV::

James Fenn -> The Borg meatballs were awesome::Grins::

Heather Jamieson -> :: after consultation with the computer Heather makes it to stellar cartography ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::takes her hand so she can squeeze it to death like she normally does::

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters her ready room and activates the padd::

Joy -> Didn't get lost after all?

Fiona Weber -> ::heads out into Sickbay::

August Jax Robinson -> where the heck is Weber!

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes, they have a certain way of assimilating your colon don't they?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::pulls his legs up on the fort wall, waiting to see if the kids enjoy the building set; notes Fenn's arrival and nods at him with a casual grin::

STSF_BluRox -> ::starts reading over the note:: What in the blue blazes!?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Winces::

Fiona Weber -> ::not in full uniform, just in a black turtleneck and pants for civvies::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Probably putting on a helmet and pads.

STSF_BluRox -> Grrr....foolish woman....

August Jax Robinson -> ::Breaths:: nurse, hit him again

Heather Jamieson -> "I did, once.."

August Jax Robinson -> Nurse> ::Thwapps Will::

STSF_BluRox -> ::goes over to her terminal and uploads Kania's resignation request::

STSF_BluRox -> No no no....

Ayumu Kasuga -> < ooh >

STSF_BluRox -> Resignation from fleet denied.

Joy -> Ah, well. New facility. Same universe.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Chews on ice chips::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Grumbles::

Fiona Weber -> ::gives August a look:: Do you want an epidural?

August Jax Robinson -> YES

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::ducks away from the snowball fight to grab some food::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::smiles::

Fiona Weber -> Thank God. :: doesn’t want the screaming::

Joy -> I take it you aren't into simulated combat with frozen water either?

Elizabet Margrave -> ::checks dilation:: <Fiona> She's ready for one doctor

August Jax Robinson -> Gunner> ::Nails Ayumu with a snow ball::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Didn’t duck far enough, it seems.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::addresses the two kids:: Hey, you boys hungry? ::wanting an excuse to wander back over to the food table and get himself some more::

Heather Jamieson -> "Can you see my hair?" :: her hair being somewhat wet :: "They got me a bit as I heading toward the exit."

Fiona Weber -> ::nods to a nurse to give Margrave the hypo::

August Jax Robinson -> :::Does Fancy breathing::

Fiona Weber -> There's two of them in there. ::looks up at the monitor:: I'm not seeing any complications yet.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Clone> ::peeing in a corner::

Joy -> :: Nods :: I took a hit as well.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::sighs::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Nice and easy August®, just like last time.

Jameson Bardolph -> Clone> Oy. Pull your pants up, kid.

Joy -> I don't know. I don't seem to be a party person.

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> You are doing great. I need you to sit up for me so i can give you the epidural

Joy -> Perhaps should have stayed on Earth.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Clone> All done. ::Grins and does so::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Leans forward:: Why can't life be a little more easy for me ::leans on Will::

STSF_BluRox -> ::types into the computer new orders for Kania:

Ayumu Kasuga -> Eh, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Fiona Weber -> Because you keep having more children. And then they somehow self-replicate...

Fiona Weber -> How far apart are the contractions?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at Fiona::

James Fenn -> ::Eats snacks watching the clones::

August Jax Robinson -> Fiona, do me a Favor... and Fix Will

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::sipping some more wine, watching Gunner and the Clone::

Elizabet Margrave -> ::goes behind August and injects epidural::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Winces:: not far

LtCmdrRobinson -> HEY! Lets deal with your problem first.

Jameson Bardolph -> to Clone> ::somewhat amused:: Yes. I can see that. Look here, next time you ask someone to take you to the head, you hear?

Heather Jamieson -> "This is very nice..." :: looks around the large room ::

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> There we go, now lay back down and keep on breathing

STSF_BluRox -> Types:: Commander Kania Kawalas Ace is hereby granted back family leave equaling approximately 2.4 solar Earth years, in which time she may take it straight through to spend time with her daughter, and following which, she will be assigned to my personal staff back on Earth until she finds another post of her liking. Pay grade remains current. Housing per diems grade 2.

Joy -> Yes. Nice, if not quite as roomy as a Galaxy.

STSF_BluRox -> ::grumbles:: Fool woman, what was she thinking...passing up on all that paid leave...

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lies back, takes a deep breath::

Fiona Weber -> ::looks at Will:: We. Talk. Later. Either that, or you get the cat to hire me an obstetrician.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Boys> ::Go back to playing like feral children::

Joy -> I just wonder if we'll have a chance to use her.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::sighs:: Like talking to a brick wall. I am never having children. ::to no one in particular::

Joy -> We seem to be on a political-military mission.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::chuckles::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at Fiona:: We can talk afterwards.

Joy -> It's a bit of a change... the cat chasing the dog.

Heather Jamieson -> :: nods ::

Heather Jamieson -> :: after some silence :: "Who is Apollo?"

Joy -> He was the last science chief of the last Republic.

Heather Jamieson -> "I thought I asked before.. he seems... oh."

Jameson Bardolph -> ::notices, somewhat belatedly, that the snow is soaking through the seat of his uniform trousers::

Jameson Bardolph -> Oh, {{redacted}}.

Joy -> He was always more interested in his quiet little projects than supporting bridge ops.

Heather Jamieson -> "Friendly.."

LtCmdrRobinson -> <hope its not yellow snow>

Joy -> We eventually switched rolls so he could be left to his studies.

Fiona Weber -> ::looks over to Elizabeth:: Get me some Trivalium.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((not unless your boys have incredible aim and reach :P i'm up on the wall))

Cmdr Holly -> ::shows up sitting in the chair across from Blu::

Cmdr Holly -> You sure you want to do that?

Elizabet Margrave -> ::checks time:: <Fiona> ::nods and goes over to cabinet, pulls out Trivalium::

Cmdr Holly -> She's going to get mad you changed her orders

Joy -> Friendly to most. He ended up swinging a club at Dave once.

STSF_BluRox -> She wasn’t' thinking

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::still holding Augusts® hand, trying to keep her anger focused at him instead of the Doctors this time::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks up at Barcode:: Forgot your snow pants?

James Fenn -> @ Bardolph> Kinda like watching cadets at the Acad huh?

Joy -> Then again Dave ended up shooting Will, and Will several times shot the Admiral... so things go around here at times.

Elizabet Margrave -> ::hands trivalium to Fiona::

Jameson Bardolph -> Ayumu> ::grns:: So it would appear. ::hops back off the wall to lean against it instead::

Heather Jamieson -> "I'd rather not get shot.."

Ayumu Kasuga -> I hate it when that happens. No one likes a wet bottom

Jameson Bardolph -> Flash> ::cocks his head thoughtfully and then grins:: I'm pretty sure most of us were worse at the academy, one way or another.

Heather Jamieson -> :: taps on the panels ::

Fiona Weber -> ::injects it::

Joy -> Same here.

STSF_BluRox -> How is everything going down at the party?

Joy -> But you are relatively sane for a Republican, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

James Fenn -> Or in many ways, LT.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Hmm, yes. I crashed into a space station in my first piloting mission. Mind you it was a simulation, but still..

Ayumu Kasuga -> as a cadet

Cmdr Holly -> Finishing up. Though, some of them were in the eggnog pretty hard....not sure I'd be letting them pilot for a bit.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Squeezes Will's hand::

Fiona Weber -> This will help to calm you down a little.

STSF_BluRox -> Not planning on it, I'll need them fresh when we start getting near the quarry....

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::doubts it::

STSF_BluRox -> let them rest or...in Jax's case...yea...

STSF_BluRox -> Hey, I need you to do me a favor....

Cmdr Holly -> What's that?

Heather Jamieson -> "Ship has a way of changing you? The old Rep was my first post."

James Fenn -> Well, I’m gonna grab up the Robinsons's gifts and deliver them to their staterooms.

Fiona Weber -> All right...

Ayumu Kasuga -> That doesn't sound like a bad idea

Jameson Bardolph -> Fenn> Point to you, Ensign. ::wide grin at the "many ways" comment::

Joy -> Ships have personalities... in part set by their captains.

Fiona Weber -> Contraction time? ::looks to Elizabet::

STSF_BluRox -> Rian's pretty beat, she barely made it through that party......., I sent her to her quarters to get some rest and work on the specs and assignment rosters

Joy -> Did you spend much time with the Excalibur people?

Cmdr Holly -> and.....?

Heather Jamieson -> "Not as much as I would have liked."

STSF_BluRox -> ...and I'd like you to stand in for her with me on the Bridge until she's feeling a bit better, perhaps take a shift or two

August Jax Robinson -> time to push?

Cmdr Holly -> See, I knew you'd come craw....asking me to help you!... I'd be happy to help..

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Almost

Jameson Bardolph -> I should probably get these kids somewhere besides an ice castle, too...::eyes them a bit skeptically::

Joy -> Corizon... definite military mind set and a part time spook. Draws controversial assignment, often hot.

James Fenn -> Absolutely Lt. How do you think i got the call sign Flash? ::Grins and begins gathering the presents::

Elizabet Margrave -> <Fiona> Contractions are 6 minutes

STSF_BluRox -> Come on Holly, not now, I seriously need your help...

Joy -> And has gather somewhat of a crew with a military attitude as well.

Heather Jamieson -> "I was an ensign for so long it feels like until recently.."

Cmdr Holly -> Fine....

LtCmdrRobinson -> Gunner> ::shoots at Barcode with a toy phaser::

Joy -> Are you concerned about rank at this point?

STSF_BluRox -> Do me a favor...can you check on August for me quickly?

Fiona Weber -> ::slightly dryly:: If ever a time there was to hurry up your work, Mrs. Robinson...

Cmdr Holly -> Sure...be right back.....

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> As soon as they are down to 4 minutes apart, you can start pushing

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::replicates two sets of Nerf ball machine guns:: While you're going there, can you drop these off too?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::hands them to Flash::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::and some other stuff as well::

Cmdr Holly -> ::transfers herself to sickbay, and pops up between Fiona and August:: Hey there...how's it going? Admiral was asking......

James Fenn -> Sure, but i get to wash my hand of the consequences :chuckles::

Ayumu Kasuga -> hh.. they're from an anonymous donor

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes.. that’ll do..

Cmdr Holly -> (oh, and as Joy was asking last week, yes, holoemitters around the ship, but tiny, enough for Holly to move about, or for the computer to pop up small 3d diagrams, but not full scale simulations)

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks over at Holly:: Slowly..

Elizabet Margrave -> ::Recalls 4-1-1 rule from med school. 4 minutes apart, 1 minute each, for 1 hour::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::notes the light from gunner's toy phaser on his chest, looks over at Gunner and does a dramatic "aaaagghhhh", falling over in the snow::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Hates ice chips::

Fiona Weber -> ::gives Holly a look:: If you can speed up contractions...

August Jax Robinson -> ::takes a deep breath::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Will:: how much longer

Cmdr Holly -> Electric shock?

Fiona Weber -> ::Holly:: We're doing just fine, and by we, I mean August.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Lets not speed anything up, Holly.

Fiona Weber -> ::smirk at Holly, with the "don't tempt me" face::

Fiona Weber -> ::vq:: Speak for yourself...

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shrugs at August®:: How am I supposed to know? You're the one having them.

Cmdr Holly -> Well, you asked. Ok..I'll let the big cat know..... keep me informed.

LtCmdrRobinson -> They should have clawed their way out of your belly by now.

Cmdr Holly -> ::transfers back::

Heather Jamieson -> "Not so much. Just was in the background for so long."

STSF_BluRox -> Well?

Joy -> Tempted to change that at all?

James Fenn -> I’ll see you all later. Good luck LT. ::Hoists the pile of toasters, nerf guns, waffles, toast, action figures ect... :: Hurk... I feel like Ens. Claus today...

Jameson Bardolph -> Gunner> ::soberly:: You got me...::rubs his chest and rolls over::

Cmdr Holly -> I'd say it's not visiting hours yet, she looks grouchy....

Jameson Bardolph -> Fenn> ::from the floor:: Thank you, Ensign. ::dryly::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Don't forget your waffles

Ayumu Kasuga -> Thanks, Ensign

STSF_BluRox -> ::hmmph:: Well...brought it on herself I suppose....

Heather Jamieson -> "I'd like to try. After manning two stations I would like more training... I pulled it off, but.. ugh."

LtCmdrRobinson -> Gunner> ::jumps on Bardolph and tackles him::

August Jax Robinson -> <<Weber is grouchy, I am working!>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Does her breathing thing::

James Fenn -> ::Heads to the TL::

STSF_BluRox -> Well, it's late, so not going to send this shipwide this time of night, do me a favor and send a copy to each terminal for later....

LtCmdrRobinson -> Clone> ::jumps on as well::

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Ok, we're almost there. Now, we need to monitor contractions carefully. Everytime you feel one, I want you to squeeze on his hand for the duration of the contraction

August Jax Robinson -> I can do that ::squeezes::

Jameson Bardolph -> Ahhh! ::grinning as he is jumped on::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Sure, punish ME some more.

Fiona Weber -> It's the least you can do.

LtCmdrRobinson -> She said when you have a contraction, sweet heart. Not whenever.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::rolls over and sits up to let them clamber around on him::

August Jax Robinson -> yeah

LtCmdrRobinson -> No, I’m pretty sure I already did the least I could do.

LtCmdrRobinson -> That was the fun part

Fiona Weber -> ::so tempted to offer to do a C-section::

Joy -> Hmm. Any specific form of training?

Fiona Weber -> ::trying to think if there's any medical reason she can use::

STSF_BluRox -> "By order of Star Fleet Command, the USS Republic-E is hereby ordered to pursue the now AWOL USS Excalibur and take it and its command staff into custody until such time that the reasons for its disappearance can be ascertained.

Fiona Weber -> (Could we *please* put them in the brig?)

Fiona Weber -> (I'll pay. Literally.)

August Jax Robinson -> ::squeezes::

James Fenn -> <<I was hoping you meant custard>>

Heather Jamieson -> "What OPS does mostly. Some engineering beyond my knowledge of sensor probes."

STSF_BluRox -> Additional charges pending for abandoning a severly damaged ship already in distress, namely the previously mentioned USS Republic-D

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::is squeezed::

Fiona Weber -> (Bad dogs are supposed to go to the pound, after all)

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol*

Joy -> :: Nods :: Ops is pretty much Ayumu's domain on prime shift.

Joy -> Asset allocations, usually the navigation and helm duties as well, communications and cooordination.

Elizabet Margrave -> <Fiona> Doctor, I do believe we are ready ::checks dilation:: Would you like to confirm this?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Closes her eyes:: It's time... it has to be

Cmdr Holly -> That's pretty serious

James Fenn -> ::Arrives at the Robinson's stateroom and places a pile of gifts inside the quarters, including 2 nerf blasters::

Joy -> My sisters have served Ops on various ships. Two handled a Sovereign for a little while, the Excalibur in fact.

Fiona Weber -> I'll trust you. :: staring suspiciously at the monitor, and the twins within::

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Ok August, I need you to start pushing NOW

Heather Jamieson -> "The sensation was so odd, like I was.. 'high' or something. The bridge disappeared... I guess I really focused."

Joy -> I think the coordination and asset allocation is the tricky part if you haven't done it.

August Jax Robinson -> ::pushes::

STSF_BluRox -> Yes, sadly it is. They did come to our aid, but I have to say, I'm furious at them for leaving the ship when they had orders to escort it back. They had no backup systems. One problem, and you're talking about 700 dead

Joy -> Yes. That was an overload situation.

STSF_BluRox -> Alright Holly....please join me on the bridge

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Ok now keep breathing ::mimics breathing::

Jameson Bardolph -> Gunner/Clone> ::as they tackle/clamber/jump:: Alright, boys, look...my pants are wet and this simulation is getting quite realistically cold. You boys think you could behave yourselves if we were to go somewhere else?

Cmdr Holly -> ::instantly on the bridge, still has not formally given her seat up to 'Spot's yet::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::perfectly serious grown-up voice, not talking down to them, and hoping to god they decide to respond decently::

STSF_BluRox -> ::exit's Ready room onto the bridge: You're enjoying that too much Holly

Heather Jamieson -> "I see we all got cabin assignments."

LtCmdrRobinson -> Boys> Nooo.

August Jax Robinson -> Gunner> noooooo

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::stumbles over to a wall, quite tipsy from all the wine she'd drank::

Joy -> Yes.

August Jax Robinson -> ::breaths::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::sigh::

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> And again. PUSH

Cmdr Holly -> Hey, how would you feel if you spent the last 15 years cooped up in just your ready room? I'm just...stretching my legs a bit.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::it's always that way with Christmas parties::

Joy -> And mind seems pretty well sterile at the moment.

Fiona Weber -> ::quite happy that she gave her some sedatives, since they seem to be working well::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::leans forward and sits cross-legged, giving them a raised eyebrow:: Alright, then, what do you suggest we do?

Heather Jamieson -> "Deck 4 cabin 23. Have not been there yet."

August Jax Robinson -> ::pushes::

James Fenn -> ::Walks back into the Holodeck:: Well I’m done playing Santa, but I forgot my own toaster...

Joy -> It will come.

STSF_BluRox -> ::addresses the night shift:: Ok..time to get underway again....1/4 impulse drive until we leave the system please

Elizabet Margrave -> <August> Doing Great. Take some breaths and give me another big push

Cmdr Holly -> ::checks on the night ensign at Helm:: 1/4 impulse.....

August Jax Robinson -> :::exhales, then takes a deep breath::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Boys> ::Do the same and mimic Bardolph::

Heather Jamieson -> :: sees an indicator go off :: "We are moving."

Jameson Bardolph -> ::can't help laughing at the serious expression on both little faces:: Right, just sit here, then?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::feels the ship lurch:: We're moving. Looks like we're going dog hunting

Heather Jamieson -> :: rights herself in the chair :: "Let's bring up a view of local space."

James Fenn -> Anything you need LT? Lt. Kasuga?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Wine?

Joy -> Computer, show the current starfield with zero zoom, true scale.

Fiona Weber -> ::checks:: We should be starting to see a head...

STSF_BluRox -> ::mumbles to herself:: Corizon...what in the bloody blue blazes are you up to?

[Joy] :: Looks about ::

[Elizabet Margrave] <Fiona> Yes we are, she is crowning.

[Joy] :: Even recognizes some of the star patterns, given the time her sisters have spent on Earth. ::

[LtCmdrRobinson] Boys> ::nods, looking serious::

[Fiona Weber] Excellent.

[Elizabet Margrave] <August> We're almost done. I promise, just one more big push NOW

[Joy] :: Smiles :: Have you ever played with the Peter Pan holodeck flight programs?

[LtCmdrRobinson] Almost there, August®

[Jameson Bardolph] Boys> And what about when your pants get all cold and wet too? ::still completely deadpan, enjoying that he's got their attention and they're sitting still::

[Fiona Weber] I would be prepared for some serious hand-holding, Mister Robinson.

[James Fenn] Maybe some water? If we’re moving its gonna be game time soon... ::is obviously excited to be heading out on his 1st mission::

[Ayumu Kasuga] Perhaps you're right. Alpha shift is a few hours away.

[LtCmdrRobinson] Boys> Take em off.

[August Jax Robinson] ::Squeezes Will's hand hard and pushes::

[Heather Jamieson] :: Shakes head :: "No I have not lass."

[Ayumu Kasuga] ::still not happy Excalibur abandoned them either::

[Jameson Bardolph] That won't help -- you'll still be cold and wet.

[Cmdr Holly] Passing through the Kuiper belt out beyond the orbit of Neptune....

[Elizabet Margrave] ::as baby is pushed out, grabs head and carefully slides baby out::

[Joy] It's an interesting way of exploring the universe, just flying around the galaxy.

[LtCmdrRobinson] ::Trying to be manly and not wince at the pain in his hand::

[Jameson Bardolph] ::knows enough about children not to bother arguing the point strenuously enough to make it a fun idea::

[James Fenn] I’m sure they had a good reason, I’m just glad we had the new ship en route.

[Joy] I have a set where the Cartography data base can be fed into the holodeck.

[Fiona Weber] ::faint smile - one down, one to go::

[Ayumu Kasuga] They'd better. I'd sure love to hear it

[sTSF_BluRox] Once we clear the system..take us to Warp 6 ensign...

[Fiona Weber] ::And then she would never have to birth another one.:: Note time of birth.

[Heather Jamieson] "Exceeding warp 9 plus to speed things up a bit.":

[Elizabet Margrave] ::cuts umbilical cord and hands to nurse::

[August Jax Robinson] ::Looks over:: is she OK?

[Joy] Yep. Pixie dust and thinking lovely things has its advantages.

[Fiona Weber] Nurse> ::coos properly:: You have a baby girl.

[Fiona Weber] Nurse> What are you going to name her!

[James Fenn] If not, well... That’s what Admin is for, right?

[Heather Jamieson] "Sounds like academy holodeck views of the universe."

[August Jax Robinson] ::Looks at Will, once they ask about a name::

[Ayumu Kasuga] Right. Either that or the Admiral could use Corizon as a new bear rug

[Joy] Yep. You spent much time exploring that way?

[August Jax Robinson] ::Then at the Nurse:: Kate

[Cmdr Holly] We've cleared the solar system....

[sTSF_BluRox] Take us to warp....

[LtCmdrRobinson] ::lets August pick the names this time so she can’t complain:: Sounds good.

[Fiona Weber] (We still haven't named the clone)

[James Fenn] ::Pours two glasses of punch and offers one to Ayumu::

[Ayumu Kasuga] Thanks, Ensign ::takes punch::

[Fiona Weber] (Though I'm sticking with Trigger and going to put it as that in his physical eval and make it official if you don't pick soon. :))

[Heather Jamieson] "Some astronomy was done that way... views of the galaxy, the massive black hole at the center of ours.."

[August Jax Robinson] ((We still don't know which one is the clone))

[Cmdr Holly] I didn’t get to meet these new Excalibur people......why would they steal a ship?

[Joy] :: Nods ::

[sTSF_BluRox] I dont' know....that's what we're going to find out......

[Elizabet Margrave] <August> We're halfway there. How's the pain?

[August Jax Robinson] not that bad right now

[James Fenn] Terran police used to use dogs for bomb sniffing and narcotics work....

[sTSF_BluRox] and I hope to blazes that we don’t have to use these new weapons systems on them if they refuse to surrender.....but if they fire upon us, I'll have no option....

[Joy] I'm just as glad never to have gone near the center.

[James Fenn] Perhaps their Capt could be reassigned.

[Ayumu Kasuga] Perhaps, but I doubt it'll be that extreme of an outcome.

[Ayumu Kasuga] ::sips punch::

[August Jax Robinson] ::Winces, grumbles:: two

[Elizabet Margrave] <August> That's good, that’s numero dos telling you she's ready to come out

[Cmdr Holly] We do have quite a few extra weapons systems installed, over the standard ship, don’t we?

[sTSF_BluRox] We do...I'm tired of always being a target....now...it's diplomacy...and a stick to back it up

[James Fenn] I’d bet he has a good reason... you don’t become a captain by being crazy do you?

[Cmdr Holly] ((Blu did James!!)) ::runs::

[Ayumu Kasuga] <<Rofl>>

[sTSF_BluRox] ((you're lucky I cant' kick you!))

[sTSF_BluRox] and.......





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