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Talon Tidbits 12.23.2010

Varlon -> There's my new wife!

KhreRiovtRex -> Ie master


KhreRiovtRex -> @ Has just beamed over to tr'Vatrix's ship, and is pacing around the room in a total rage still.

Varlon -> @ :::on his ship watching his new wife stalking the room:::

t’Rexan> Perhaps not the best time for a hug…


Varlon -> @ Do I need to get out another set of javelins?

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Do you think I could reach them from here with one.

Varlon -> @ I could arrange it....


Varlon -> @ +N'Dak"+ Has your crewman been transferred?

NDak -> ::Destorie steeled himself, putting on his best face:: +tr'Vatrix+ About that.

Varlon -> @ :::freezes hearing his response... that can't be good when someone responds saying "yeah... about that thing I wanted you to do?" :::


Lerak trPexil -> +taps+ :: Contacts t'Ditsy letting her know he is in command of engineering, at least for this fast tracked mission ::

t’Rexan> Just don’t blow up the AQS !!


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ I grant you my personal assurances that she will be punished severely, think of it as a gift for au So'Rdoz.

Varlon -> @ +N'Dak+ A "suitable" punishment would have just been to point a disrupter at her back as she tried to leave the room and squeeze the trigger.

t’Rexan> remember when nice set of crystal or an appliance would do?


Koga S'Bien -> ::looking out at the view screen:: I have to say.. that.. went well.

t’Rexan> Na…. Na really…


Lerak trPexil -> "Ie. It was interesting to watch...."

t’Rexan> Sorta mesmorizing….like watching a train wreck in progress?


KhreRiovtRex -> @::hearing a bit of the conversation keeps her tongue and let's Var'lon deal with it as she has promised him over in the htiej room of her ship.

t’Rexan> OMG…I’m keeping quiet!? He’s already affecting me!


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ And while Virk’l Prison is an infinitely suitable place for such fvadt, it doesn't quite get the message across.

t’Rexan> Yy’a doesn’t convey well?


Varlon -> @ +N'Dak+ And au thinks I am not capable of handing out an appropriate punishment?

NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ Of course, na. I think au are more than capable, I simply would like the opportunity to prove to both of au how serious I am.

t’Rexan> Nice recovery….


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ And as atonement to t'Rexan for not acting quicker.

t’Rexan> Now…only if he were being …..sincere..


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ It is her so'rdoz, and that deserves to be honored, honor that was na given to her or to au.

Varlon -> @ I'll tell you what Enarrain... figure out exactly what a "suitable" punishment will be and I'll consider it. You're right in that you need to start setting an example for the crew. I'll give you that chance.


Lerak trPexil -> "Reassignment the call it? We had a... er, conflict before getting home. She'd na want to meet anyhow."

t’Rexan> I’d say she took extreme efforts not to have to go to dinner….


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ I would also suggest she forfeit salary for a year -- it could be donated to a charity.

Varlon -> @ :::wonders what the hell this charity stuff is:::


Lerak trPexil -> "However, my duty is engineering now and they are watching closely."

t’Rexan> Very closely….


Koga S'Bien -> I don't think a lot of people in the higher crust trust us after the mutiny attempt

t’Rexan> Bingo……we have a winner…


NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ I was thinking the electrowhip. Then she should be properly punished under the codes of justice. Perhaps five lashes?

Varlon -> +N'Dak+ You're joking right? Why so few?

NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ Ten?

Varlon -> +N'Dak+ I seem to recall at least 70 being given for smaller offenses.

NDak -> << I think I only got 50 >>

KhreRiovtRex -> <I passed out around 55 of my 70> <and lost an eye>

Varlon -> @ +N'Dak+ So you think your offense was that much less severe?

NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ Her offense was severe, do na misunderstand me. Fourty-five lashes it is.

Varlon -> @ +N'Dak+ 50... along with the demotion. She is also not to be put directly in the presence of Khre’Riov t'Rexan again.

NDak -> +tr’Vatrix+ Very well, Enriov. As you desire.

Varlon -> +N'Dak+ Fine. 50 lashes and see to the rest as described. I expect a written report once the task is completed.

Varlon -> <<Bonus points if you include the video>>

t’Rexan> Well, I know which of these two I’d take with me to trade at the market or an auction!


Koga S'Bien -> Gifts? The Khre'Riov got flowers from Daise'Khre'Riov Vatrix. I was going to give her something too, but then that little fracas in the Observation Lounge happened and now I don't think getting them a wedding gift is really apt at the moment

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (A signed poster is never inopportune, Koga)

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (though if you want to give her a signed centerfold you might have to be more discreet)

Koga S'Bien -> < Lol >

t’Rexan> Na so sure the timing is appropriate! That might get you a ticket to V'irk'l also.


Varlon -> @ :::deactivates his t'Liss and lets out a frustrated sigh::: I should have just shot her when it happened. I always end up regretting not listening to my first thought.

t’Rexan> You big softie!


Issaha> Fifty lashes?!?

Issaha> Destorie this is madness.

t’Rexan> decides na to go with the Sparta response….lol


Issaha> This is madness. She does na deserve that sort of punishment for insubordination. How can au deliver that to someone? With au history!

Varlon -> <<One stroke at a time?>>


KhreRiovtRex -> @ As I too, felt I should have just dealt with it there...but at least now, I know what I am dealing with, with my crew. I would have thought they'd have supported me, my renewal and new found happiness, but I guess na.

t’Rexan> Ie, they’ve definitely just let the golden ticket fly from their hands…she was in such a good mood and probably would have granted most requests…but Elements save them if she returns……Aefvahd to the Failboat….


NDak -> ::Frowns, unphased:: We do what we must Issaha. It will be painful for her, but she will endure. Besides, she would likely have died in Virk’l. I am doing her a favor.

t’Rexan> And besides…it’s na his back, and he’ll look good to tr’Vatrix for it.


Issaha> I doubt she'll see it that way, Sheuji.

t’Rexan> Ie, au think?


Lerak trPexil -> "In lighter news I got my own place now."

t’Rexan> He finally moved out of his mothers basement!


Varlon -> @ :::wraps his arms around her:::

t’Rexan> Ooo….I like this part of the sim…


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> # ::saying na thing, her mind full of unholy curses and vengeance upon the veruul tr'Vatrix and his new jol-clone::If she ever walked free of the filthy place, she would have vengeance for this on both of them.::

t’Rexan> Well….that’s na mnekhra….


Varlon -> @ :::lets her vent, knowing she'll eventually calm down and the best thing he can do is let her work it out of her system so she does not keep it pent up and explode later:::

t’Rexan> It’s that exploding part he wants to avoid.


Koga S'Bien -> ::shudders inwardly:: Can't help but feel this great disturbance in the force. I don't envy us when the Khre’Riov returns. ::frowns::

t’Rexan> LOL Koga… <envisioning a little yoda at helm>


NDak -> Speaking of which, as of this time au are to assume the responsibilities and title of Daise'Science officer.

Issaha> ::Blinks:: Sheuji, no.

t’Rexan> think I agree with Issaha


Varlon -> @ For now... we have our time together. I just will have to work a bit harder to get your mind off the past and instead looking at our future.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Ie, I'm.....I'm so sorry....au should never have had to see, or deal with that.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ I am ashamed that my crew, is nowhere near that which serves au


Varlon -> @ Now I seem to recall you telling me they were among the best and brightest in Galae. Just like a child misbehaves, you still love them even though you don't approve of what they did. I still think you care for them.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (aww, she still has jol for us. otherwise she wouldn't care!)


Koga S'Bien -> Au don't need to remind me. I never met such an....enhusiatic...fan. If au get my drift

t'Rexan> And you have a problem with this?


KhreRiovtRex -> @ As I said Rekkhai, au wisdom is above that of my own. I will defer to au and au decisions on the matter.

Varlon -> @ And what's with this Rekkhai again? Are you not my mate and partner in life now?

Varlon -> @ :::swats her slightly:::


Koga S'Bien -> Hmm. Au have been on this ship a long time and aus crew knows au well. They might take to au's leadership.

Koga S'Bien -> Then again.. I don't know most of Engineering. ::shrugs, smiles::

t’Rexan> Way to ‘waffle’ Koga….


# ::prison population:: jeering at the Galae uniform on the woman::

Koga S'Bien -> <<picturing Big b'Ertha making a new prison 'friend' >>

# random prisoners: > Look what we have here........

Varlon -> <<lol>>


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> # ::has a sinking feeling that this is either a horrible joke, or if it's serious, she's about to have io hell of a blood-debt to a very nasty group of people::

t’Rexan> They didn’t have time to find out unfortunately for them…then again, you are going to owe NDak bigtime…

NDak -> ::Is a very nice person, really::

NDak -> ::Not nasty at all.::

NDak -> ::or mean::

Koga S'Bien -> Lol, yes.. a real Mister Rogers, he is::

tRexan> ::cough, cough::


KhreRiovtRex -> @ still don't know if she should cry or scream, is still full of pent up rage, and decides to instead kiss Var'lon to let him know she appreciates all he tried to do for her today:

Varlon -> @ :::holds his wife tightly knowing it's going to take some time for her to get past what happened:::


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::feeling dizzied by the fact that she was actually hrrau Talon::

t’Rexan> It’s a dizzy place alright!


Aelion> I am just as surprised as au that we meet again. Few people return from Vkir'l alive. How was au trip? ::Moving to pick her up::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::not really capable of standing on her own, leans on him more than she'd like:: Oh, the usual. Too many sights. ::coughs:: Na enough time to see them all.


KhreRiovtRex -> @ I dont' know if I want to go for a workout, or to lay down

What do au suggest?

Varlon -> @ :::arches a brow suggestively:::

NDak -> << suggestive eyebrows my my >>

Varlon -> <<Comes with years of command experience.>>

t’Rexan> I’m shocked!! Ok…not really… we’re both deviously bad..

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