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Her List

Her List

Daise’Maenak t’Ksa &Head Nurse t’Mercu


Aife t’Mercu diligently watched the wall chrono for dev suiren after Daise’Erei’Riov N’Dak departed medical before attempting to access the Daise’Maenak’s office. NDak had na looked pleased when he departed, so t’Mercu assumed the same was true for t’Ksa. The nurse felt it was better to let the Daise’Maenak collect herself first before being accosted by io of the staff.


She entered the Daise’s office, the woman did na bother to turn away from her etrehh console to see who it was.


“Aife, I have a list.”


“A list?”


“Ie, a list.” She turned, disconnecting the ISD from her main etrehh console. “Here,” she handed the device to her. “I want au to recall the following personnel. Etre tr’Radiak is na to be left alone in medical without supervision. I have set up a schedule that will allow each of us to have at least some measure of leave for the duration of Talon’s repair cycle. Regardless of their shift assignment, I want all staff present and accounted for in io hour for debriefing.”


Morgana stood, tugging her tunic down. “You’ll find t’Culli on the list of personnel. Before she returns, have her pick up a stock of medrisi from the Galae dispensary. It should help with the physical withdrawal symptoms of our patient.”


“t’Culli?” Aife winced. She did na particularly like the older nurse.


“Ie, I trust her,” t’Ksa leveled a look at t’Mercu that clearly told Aife that while t’Culli was trusted, she was na. It took a great deal of self control na to scowl back. “After the briefing, we will have tr’Radiak moved to io of the private suites and set up a containment field until I’m satisfied he will na harm himself or others. Hospital gown with pants, fhaen. This humiliating incident is bad enough, we do na need to damage his dignity any further.”


“Maenak, why do we na just send him to Galae Medical for treatment. This is a lot of trouble for io person.”


“If au were in his position, would au like me to ship au back to Galae Medical?”


“Well na…”


t’Ksa seemed to be losing her patience, “The same applies here. We will deal with the situation here. If it escalates, then I will reevaluate and make the determination on what is best for Etre tr’Radiak. Do au understand?”


“Ie, maenak.” Aife sighed her compliance.


“Menkha. Now go check on the verrul.” t’Ksa ushered the head nurse out of her office before returning to her etrehh console once more.


t’Mercu pouted as she stomped back towards Kelton’s room. In Aife’s opinion the dha'rudh deserved to stripped down naked and dropped in the middle of the public market for the embarrassment he’d caused Talon. And here she thought he’d be full of promise and an possible ally. So what does he do on his first shoreleave after receiving his maenak position? He imbibes in illegal drugs. She shouldn’t have wasted her time then, nor now. Why did t’Ksa bother with this trash?

When she entered the room, she felt something was amiss. Kelton seemed too………..happy and content. Then she spied the hypospray laying on the tray near his biobed. Picking it up, she pulled the canister out and read the label: Defloxo.


Fvadt. How did this get here? Who’d given the dha’rudh the dosage? And exactly how was she going to explain this to the Daise’Maenak without being y’ya’d for being the messenger? If t'Ksa was in a bad mood now, Aife could only imagine what this news would do. Fvadt! She turned on her heels and stomped back to the Daise'Maenak. If the fvai survived this mess, she was going to y’ya him. He was now on her list. Fvadt, fvadt, fvadt!

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