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Talon Tidbits

Our irreverent way of looking back over last week's log and making it perhaps, a bit more fun and silly....


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> eventually, when she's not looking, we can all roll our eyes and vomit

KhreRiovtRex -> be nice now

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> To you? Yeah, sure. When au admit that au are a clone sent to be the jol-kitten of a powerful senator, I will be nice. :( Whatever happened to that fearsome, iron-hooked leader who had a mounted collection of Cardassian spoons?

KhreRiovtRex -> She likes glitter and long walks on the beach now?

Kelton tr'Radaik -> lol

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> H'nah she models lingerie and buys tholian silk sheets.

Varlon -> <<There's nothing wrong with that...>>

KhreRiovtRex -> Jealous much??

t’Rex> I think I’ll agree with Var’lon! Nothing wrong with that!



Lerak trPexil ->::Pexil is eating a large sweet something on a stick ::

t’Rex> Bad move before an amusement park ride. Any guesses where this might be heading?

* t'Ditsy> ::Enjoying the street fair with the Pexil brothers, t'Ditsy points out the array of rides.:: Ohh! Look at those. I want to go on one of those that looks like it will make you throw up.

t’Rex> Careful what au wish for!


M_K_tKsa -> t'Mirok>::one of those said vultures, or vipers, circling around and looking for an opening in which to strike with verbal jabs and barbs::

t’Rex> ::wonders why I subject myself to this abuse!::



M_K_tKsa -> %Ksa>::has snuck away from her own party, which was starting to wind down anyway, and is spending some private consultation time with the Kheinsa tr'Aieme::

t’Rex> Oh..is that what that’s called now a days!?



Koga S'Bien -> I thought throwing a metal can at him would have worked better, but that just made him angrier.

Koga S'Bien -> Well, it wasn't so much of a can as a bucket. Yes, a bucket. But still.. he didn't seem to like that that much

t’Rex> Ya think?



Kelton tr'Radaik -> @Guests at the party> ::eyeing the new and improved T'Rexan ™; murmurs spreading around as people realize who she is::

t’Rex> I R Sexy H’nah!



Kelton tr'Radaik -> #::brain feeling extraordinarily fuzzy and disoriented::

t’Rex> Situation normal then!



Varlon -> @ :::figures what's one more time coming to the rescue as he walks into the door with a stone face:::

t’Rex> Really should open the door first, instead of walking into it with that stone face e’lev



Varlon -> @ :::ignores the two guards that snap to attention as he approaches and enters the room with the vultures/wolves:::

t’Rex> Don’t’ go in there, they’ll lick you to death


Koga S'Bien -> @::still warmed by the honor of the awards given to him. A nice warm feeling inside. OR was it the ale?::

t’Rex> I’d say the ale



Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Smiles awkwardly as his parents talk about Koga's past. Hopes they don't talk about what he did as a child as most parents seem to do when talking with their friends::

t’Rex> ::the naked baby in the tub pictures are coming out soon::



Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> % ::back at the pub, sipping another drink::

t’Rex> Io bourbon, io scotch and io ale



Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((i have na idea what tag i should be using :( ))

Varlon -> <<!@#$%^&*() >>

Varlon -> <<That should just about cover it there...>>

Koga S'Bien -> <THat's a Republic away team!" >

KhreRiovtRex -> <Rep knows it’s codes!>


t'Mirok> Ie ::titters, glancing at Korel, hoping for further entertainment::

t’Rex> Seriously? Au used ‘titters’ in a Rihannsu sim?



Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((oop, i misread what the guards meant. oh well, Kelton's a spaz right now anyway :) ))

t’Rex> What else is new?



Kelton tr'Radaik ->@tr'Korel> ::using the mention of crew as an in to sidle his way into the conversation, oily-like::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((gah, my NPC name slipped off the screen))

Kelton tr'Radaik -> @tr'Somebody> ::wide smile:: Au really do na think there are questions?

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((i'm gonna be so annoyed when i look back at the chatlog; "THAT was my name!"))

Varlon - > ((Cousin Whoever))

t’Rex> NPC challenged!!



NDak -> ~Oh for the love... +Talon+ I thought I said I was going home. What is it now?

t’Rex> Avon calling!



M_K_tKsa -> t'Ksa>::giggles, breaking loose and dances out of the way, having a good time flirting::

t’Rex> This…from the evil maenak??!!



Kelton tr'Radaik -> @tr'Somebody> ::enjoying t'Rexan's discomfiture immensely::

Koga S'Bien -> <discomfiture? Nice word>

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((:) thank you... ))

t’Rex> Talon word of the week……Discomfiture…



M_K_tKsa -> t'Mirok>Oh come now t'Rexan. We are na that naive. ::gives her a look::

t’Rex> Well, there was always hoping!



Lerak trPexil -> * :: screaming like a girl as they bank into seemingly deadly turns and twists ::

t’Rex> The truth comes out!



M_K_tKsa -> t'Mirok>Oh so the rumors of au spending time with the Daise'Khre'Riov at his personal estate are na true? Or the ios of au and he....well........::whether or na she has a specific rumor in mind, she's enjoying trying to cause discomfort with the woman::

t’Rex> Again….jealous much!! rofl


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> % ::smirks, having received usage rights to her late husband's higher-end flitter::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> % ::momentarily mollified::

t’Rex> But….just momentarily….



M_K_tKsa -> t'Ksa>::giggling and basically making a fool of herself::

t’Rexan> Somebody found the open bar…..



Varlon -> @ Please see me as soon as you are finished. There are a few things I need to cover with you.

t’Rex > Namely, the covers?



Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> % ::pulls out the note, taking another slow drink while she reads it::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> % ::enters into "her" flitter, finding another note:: Elements... ::opening it::

t’Rex> Next week on the amazing race, t’Jhiin finds another clue heading down the highway to the danger zone….



Lerak trPexil -> * :: zips the bag shut and waves his hand to either stop her laughing to signal he was okay

Laehval tTemarr -> * t'Ditsy> ::The bag Pexil was holding flew out of his hand.::

Lerak trPexil -> * "Where did it go "I lost the bag!" :: he was not sure anyone heard that ::

* t'Ditsy> I'm sure someone will find it! In their face! ::Jerks as the cart comes to an abrupt halt, then moves along the track toward where they started.::

Lerak trPexil -> * :: looks up :: "Oh na!" * :: finds the bag.. hurtling toward his face.. and the zipper did not hold ::

Lerak trPexil -> * :: Pexil goes completely silent, his face covered in.. ::

* t'Ditsy> ::She was out of the cart as quickly as possible, not wanting any of Pexil's puke on her.:: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Koga S'Bien -> <ewwww!>

t’Rex> That has to be one of the grossest self-inflicted ickiness I’ve seen!



Lerak trPexil -> * "This is the worse shoreleave ever!"

Varlon -> <<It can always be worse.... TRUST ME...>>

* t'Ditsy> This is the best Shoreleave ever!

t’Rex> Schadenfruede



tAehjae -> $+Ops+ I need transport to Medbay for 2. PLease infor NDak that I have found trRadaik he is loaded. I am placing him in Medical then the brig.

t’Rex> Tattle-tail. And like au have never been drunk on leave?



Lerak trPexil -> * "Take a picture, quickly. My sister would kill me if I did na."

Laehval tTemarr -> * t'Ditsy> ::Activates the camera option and takes a holo of Pexil.:: Au look horrible.

t’Rex> A sack of puke will do that to ya.


Lerak trPexil -> * :: wants so much to grab t'Ditsy to thank her properly ::

t’Rex> Oh, I’m sure grabbing her while you have a sack full of puke spilled on your head really tells a girl “Hann’yyo”.



Laehval tTemarr -> * t'Ditsy> ::Points to a nearby fountain.:: Go clean off or something. Au reek.

Lerak trPexil -> * :: sees signs for the facilities, but the fountain first ::

Lerak trPexil -> * :: as he approaces the fountain several laugh and give him a wide berth ::

t’Rex> Secuity, make sure he don’t go posing there like a statue peeing in the fountain.



Koga S'Bien -> OPS Dude> +NDak+ Ie rekkhai?

t’Rex> West Coast Rihan?

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