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A Walk In the Park (Part 1)

A Walk In the Park (Part 1)

Joint Log with Khre'Riov t'Rexan and Daise'Maenak t'Ksa


“ Jolan Tru Morgana!! What a beautiful day is it na!?”


Morgana t’Ksa blinked at such an enthusiastic greeting by the Talon’s Khre’Riov, as well as the bright civilian tunic the woman was wearing. "Jolan tru. I trust au are menkha?" She stood and straightening her own simple garb.


"Menkha? Menkha? I am more than Menkha, I am fantastic," L’haiy took a deep breath, looks up at the sky and spun around. "I can't even tell you how fantastic either, there are na words to express my happiness," she grins ear to ear at t’Ksa. “And I have au to thank for so much of it!” She reaches over and pulls Morgana to her, giving the maenak a big hug before releasing her.


"Who put the happy pills in au's morning meal?" t’Ksa tilted her head, checking the woman out from head to toe. To the maenak’s knowledge, t'Rexan wasn't known for being so happy, or being the huggy type. For the first time, Morgana was beginning to wonder about L’haiy’s sanity.


"Elements Morgana, I can't tell you how relaxed I feel. I feel alive again, and whole," L’haiy held up her hand and wiggling the fingers. "Thank you so very much," She reached over, hugging t’Ksa again, before letting go and looking up at the trees and the sky. "What a beautiful day, is it na? I hope I am finding au on a good day too? You seemed a bit tense the other day. Though I can imagine, who wants to see their commanding officer while on leave?" As she giggles a bit to herself at that, t’Rexan continued, “Ie, Alive is the perfect word for it."


"Well, it is been a while since I attempted to socialize with a member of the crew while on leave, but I am menkha." Really confused now, Morgana scratched the back of her head, still trying to recover from being hugged na just once but twice as well as her shock at seeing the woman so..........happy. "I'm glad this break is doing au some menkha. I take it au have found something to entertain au'self?"


"Oh, Ie, Ie indeed. But I'm sorry....am I intruding? If au prefer na to have to see a crewmember while au are on leave, I'll understand."


"Na, na. It's perfectly fine. I need a diversion for a while. It's the first afternoon I have na been in a hearing or such at Galae Medical and I do na know what do with myself." She motioned to the path. "Shall we walk or would au like to sit somewhere and talk?"


"Walking is fine, and we're working on getting au out of so many questions, I believe we've gotten a lot of that taken care of behind the scenes now."


"Who's 'we'?" t’Ksa looked at t'Rexan suspiciously.


Smiling like nothing could ruin her day, she started to walk up the path, "Oh, I've been in," L’haiy cleared her throat, "uhm,…In conference with Daise'Khre'riov tr'Vatrix. I have it on menkha authority that au have been cleared of any wrong-doing, but au will have to put up with questions probably to the end of au days asking about how au did it, and how to replicate it. Besides, how can it be wrong to save au ship and au Khre’Riov? Na, if anything, I’d say au went above and beyond the call of duty." t'Rexan was about near to bursting wanting to just talk to Morgana about him, but decided to wait until they get to a more secluded area before starting the conversation.


Strolling along, t’Ksa exhaled heavily. "I feared that. Especially with all that happens. Perhaps things will quiet down once we're on our way to our next mission."


“Perhaps, but au will probably get a few papers written from this to say the least, and will be asked to speak at many conferences for sure. I already know of a few, which want to have au come and speak. Ah," t’Rexan waved her off, "Au will have fun with it na doubt."


Morgana did na share in L’haiy’s optimism, certainly na after the battering she continued to endure or because of the danger the nanogenes posed if they were recovered by the wrong hands. The maenak shook her head, looking as if the weight of ch'Rihan was resting on her shoulders. "I'm na sure I want that. Too many want information to further their agendas. I'd rather live quietly and away from any sort of spotlight…….or target on my back."


"Ok, we can take care of that for au as well, do na worry. Au actions during the mutiny, have earned au whatever rest au so feel inclined to take." t’Rexan smiled. “There's a quiet spot up ahead there a bit further up the hill. We can stop there and have a seat on those rocks and discuss," she paused "things."


t’Ksa shot t'Rexan a speculative look. The woman kept saying 'we' and t’Ksa's na sure if she's meaning "we" as in Galae, or "we" as in Talon crew or "we" as in...........what? "Ie," she nodded, motioning for the Khre'Riov to lead the way.


L’haiy finished making her way up the hill to where there is a scenic overlook, and stopped to enjoy the view. "Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if I were to stay here. Though, there are too many people here for me. My home on ch'Havran was inland, where the plains met the forests, not many people to be seen, mostly farmland, but I've found, I also very much enjoy the ocean, and listening to the tide come in."


Hands on her hips, moments later Morgana joined t'Rexan on the hill top. "Then au would like Mhiessan. Although na many appreciate its beauty. Too many cliffs for those beach dwellers. But the waters are.....beautiful. " t’Ksa could na help but smile about her home although she had yet to visit it due to her current situation.


"I've na been there, but I'll have to put it on my list of places to visit for sure."


"I used to climb those cliffs, up and down to the water, almost daily when I was a child. My mother claimed I did na come from her womb but the sea." t’Ksa laughed.


She smiled and laughed a bit at Morgana's expression, "Ok, so I have to ask au, what happened to tr'Aieme? Au two seemed like au were the perfect couple? And where did au find au 'new' find?" Na wanting to say anything poor about him in case Morgana was serious with him, but L’haiy didn’t like the look of that one from the start."Come, sit. We've really na ever had a chance to talk, like this before. If au would that is. I've, considered au na only my most trusted officer, but over the years, a friend. If au do na wish to discuss it, I will respect that."


"Au are starting to sound like my rinams now." Morgana’s expression soured as she took a seat, practically plopping on the ground in a pout. "And it is a looooong story. One of deception, betrayal and rebellion." She smirked. "I'm na sure I should bore au with such details." Now Morgana was na completely naive, she knew her utterance would peak L'haiy's attention and she too is dying to confide in some io, but more at annoyance at what had been done to her. Slyly, t’Ksa glances over her shoulder to see if her 'shadow' had disappeared as promised when she was in the company of Galae officers, then turned innocently back to t'Rexan.


"Fhaen, I have the entire day to myself, I promise na to be bored. Besides, the way au described that, it's almost like a story hrrau those magazines au get. I just hope that 'sounding like au rinams' isn’t' a bad thing," t’Rexan grinned back at Morgana. She looked around at the view, and wished Var'lon were here to share it with her, but as this was close to his office, she was sure he'd seen it before. Instead, she smiled and sighed contentedly to herself as she is thought of him.


Morgana suppressed her giggle by covering her mouth. "My rinams can be quite a handful." She sighed. "The story is na that interesting, but...." Ksa shrugged then resigned herself to telling t’Rexan the shortened version. "Lai serves as a member of the military police here on Galae." She raised her brow, hoping that t'Rexan might draw a further conclusion without t’Ksa actually saying it. When na comment came, t’Ksa continued to briefly fill her in on the facts. "There has been much talk about those who'd like to get their oily hands on technology we discovered that restored au to....well....that..." she waved her hand dismissively at t'Rexan's appearance.


"Ah, so au really were na with him, he was just protecting au? My apologies, I should have thought of that myself, but when we were all removed from the ship, we really haven't had the chance to speak with each other since."


"In a matter of speaking, ie, but there was more to it than that. I was asked..." she paused. "Na....more like arm twisted into attempting to assist in some sort of operation to ferret out a nefarious io’s in hopes that io or re of the individuals might approach me and attempt to bribe me for the technology. Unfortunately, my reputation being the stellar io it is," t’Ksa rolled her eyes. Who knew her personal integrity would cause this sort of problem. Wasn’t it people without integrity that got into this much trouble? She continued, "The plan was to make me more approachable by causing chaos in my personal life. Lai was supposed give the appearance of being with me as a shady weak link." She frowns, na pleased at the memories she shared with Lai during that phase of the operation.


"So, au and the kheinsa, are still together?"


"Ie and na. The agent in charged staged a public display of......" she shuddered at the ugly memory. "…well, let’s just say it was a rather public and loud fight with tr'Aieme. Without informing me! So for all intense purposes, our arrangement has been canceled. Hence my rinams harassment," She shrugged a little. "To the public, na we are na together. Privately.........I sort of rebelled and changed the rules. While we have na recommitted to the arrangement, I still…..." she paused trying to formulate the words, na used to speaking of such personal expressions before. “…uh care.”


"I see. Then I'm glad I asked au before I said anything ill of him," Finally something she was thinking of made t’Rexan frown.


"What did he do to annoy au?" Morgana noticed t’Rexan’s expression. She was curious to hear her side of the story.


"It is of na matter at the siuren, fhaen, continue au story if au would."


"I told the agents na more messing with my personal life." She smirked. "I make whatever public displays of interest in medical facilities as they need, but na more meddling in my private affairs. So na, if au hear rumors about my departure from the ship, listen as I tell au directly, I am na leaving. Talon is my home, na matter what happens here." She made a slight face, glancing back over the city.


Meanwhile, t’Rexan was literally was biting her tongue na to call him a thrai or kllhe.

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