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Unconventional Consultation (Part 2)

Unconventional Consultation (Part 2)

Daise'Maenak t'Ksa & Kheinsa tr'Aieme


Morgana nodded a bit, then took a deep breath, “Then I shall start with the recovery of the latium, as that seemed to be the start of our problems….” As she proceeded to tell her tale, she leaned closer to Maec and kept her voice barely above a whisper to keep their conversation private. Both maenak and kheinsa would scan the area to make sure that na pedestrians could eavesdrop (especially an ever curious Lai), an easy task considering the path was na well traveled to begin with. Unfortunately, she had to remind herself several times to remain professional and na to stray too far afield.


At the conclusion of her story, she found herself thankful he let her speak plainly, with little questioning or judgment on his part (unlike their aborted attempt at a conversation earlier that day). It was only at the end of her tale, that he asked her to clarify a few of the events in light of the information he had about the Khre’Riov’s nightmares and physiological responses to situations.


“Now these nanogenes,” Maec drew a lazy circle in the dirt in front of him. “Au do na think they pose a threat to her?”


“Na, they are na longer within her body or R’Mor’s,” She shook her head.


“Yet, au see them as a threat in general. I’m na sure I understand or see the difference.”


“There is,” she said gently. “But it is rather complicated to explain in a simplistic manner.” She glanced at him, then shrugged. “I’m sorry, I believe my brain is permanently stuck in medical jargon mode. I’ve spent I do na know how long on reports and hearings and…….what ever tortures the Galae Medical dream up, that I’m na sure I can clarify my opinion any more in simple terms. But I am willing to give it a try.”


“These nanogenes – they are similar in composition to the nanites we’ve used with io difference. The nanites can be programmed to repair microscopic tissue as directed by the programmer. The nanogenes, on the other hand, have the ability to scan, evaluate then re-grow tissue on the cellular level without direction from a programmer. Not only are they more intuitive than the nanites, they also carry with them the basic necessities to provide for cellular growth. They deactivate and leave the body naturally once their task is complete, unlike nanites which must be recalled manually. It’s like nanites are adhesive tape and nanogenes are……..”she paused, trying to come up with a suitable descriptive word.


“Mold spores?” tr'Aieme shrugged at Morgana’s confused expression. “I’m sorry, I was trying to come up with another self replicating plant life.”


“Mold spores,” She grumbled, shaking her head. “But au see my point now, ie? In the hands of the wrong individuals, be it Galae, Tal Shiar or some other private entity, this technology can be very dangerous. Beneficial in some applications, but equally disastrous in others.”


“Why did L’haiy’s appearance change so dramatically, but R’Mor did na?” He hesitated before asking, “Au didn’t……do that……did au?”


Morgana pulled back, slightly offended by the question, “The nanogenes need a parent organism to compare the damaged cells to. Several of our crew members underwent a screening while we were on the station facility. Most of them now, as I look back, were the younger, more naive members of our crew. Therefore, the assumption can be made on the nanogenes’ part that older cells would have been ‘damaged’ and in need of repair, especially since the directive from the maenakenn was to repair the damage to the eye and hand, both of which were also older wounds. All the scans show she is growing older, again, normally. There is na further damage but what I caused in the first place.” She sighed, “I would have stopped the scans of the crew sooner if I was na preoccupied other ship’s business or if I’d known the implications of my actions. Fvadt. If I hadn’t been so zealous about trying to ‘fix’ things she would na be in this mess. Nor I for that matter. ”


She shifted her sitting position to face Maec, “Au have to understand, I was trying to save re people’s lives, L’haiy and R’Mor. It also meant that perhaps I had a chance of keeping N’Dak off the chopping block and I could stay in safely in medical where I belong before some verrul thinks otherwise.” She started to tick off her reasoning with her fingers, her whispered voice almost hissing, “It is clear I do na belong on the oira. It was my indecision that put is into jeopardy in the first place. Had I taken the leadership role with the crew, we would na have gone to the Gamma quadrant in the first place. Then I hesitated again when t’Rexan asked how we should deal with the damaged ship – I wanted to hear opinion of all the senior staff before making a choice. So while I was listening to a staff meeting, fvadt mutineers had time to organize. I wasn’t able to stop them from stabbing her. Then there was the second attempt in my medical bay. To top it off, I didn’t stop the scans of the crew. I’m the io who authorized the those fvadt nanogenes. It’s my fault this is such a mess. My. Fault.”


“Stop,” Maec spoke softly, “Stop, stop, stop.” She realized he was trying to get her attention only when he reached out and pulled her against his shoulder. Feeling the hot tears stream down her face onto his jacket, she realized how hysterical she was starting to sounding. How hysterical she was feeling. She took several gasping breaths, trying to calm herself before she pulled back, hastily swiping a hand under each of her eyes to remove the tears. Maec waited a moment before gently pulling a piece of hair that had become plastered to her cheek during the episode, causing Ksa to shudder both in fear that she’d start another hysterical fit and because it was, well, he’d brushed her skin.


“Pardon my outburst.” She smiled shakily. “And fhaen do na do that,” she swatted his hand away, staring down at her lap.


“Why? I am na au’s Kheinsa.” Maec ducked his head down to meet her eyes.


“Ie,” She leaned forward, whispering. “But we’re talking business and it is na proper to flirt with io’s colleague during consultation.” She allowed her smile to grow stronger, letting a teasing tone taint her admonishment.


“Ie, well…” he smiled at her, searching her eyes she supposed to make sure she would na grow maudlin again. “So the nanogenes pose na threat to her. But does she pose a threat to au’s crew?”


“Na any more than usual.”


“Na any more than usual? Khera, she cut out the tongue of io of the mutineers. Do au na think that’s a little………extreme?” He leaned back, eyebrows raised.


“I’m surprised she just cut his tongue out.” Morgana answered matter of factly. At the skeptical look she received in response, she continued. “It’s na out of character. Look, she’s an old battle Enarrain. It’s how she was, for lack of a better word, ‘raised’ in the Galae. She’s fought and survived in wartime…and a mutiny is a declaration of war. She’s na the only io of them still out there, either. “


“How can au say th—“


“Rulon, if I thought she was a danger, I would na be campaigning so hard on her behalf in Galae Medical.” She leaned again closer to him. “Nor would I stay in the same room with her. I have a very strong sense of self preservation. I know how to avoid threats if needed.”




“What?” Morgana’s eyes shifted from side to side as confusion set in. What did adrenaline have to do with anything?


Maec blinked, shifting uncomfortably for some reason, “Io the theories about her behavior and more vivid nightmares was that the nanogenes might have recognized the high levels of adrenaline in her system at the time of ‘death’, which was the result of the mutiny, as ‘normal’ and have elevated it to such a degree that she’s having such issues.”


The ‘ah-ha’ moment finally arrived. Morgana tilted her head as she contemplated the question. “It is possible. I’d have to review the tests we took, as well as do some additional testing. In that case, we can do some medical therapies to correct the condition. Or, monitor the situation to see if correct itself naturally. Probably my preference, since I’ve all ready used her as a pin cushion over the last few weeks. But it won’t solve the problems of the nightmares themselves, only the physical reaction to them.”


“It’s a start.” Maec leaned in again, “The t’Temarr woman? Do au think she intended to inflict such damage?”


Ksa rolled her eyes at the mention of Laehval’s name.

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