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Rising Sun, Rising Tensions

A Joint Log by Khre'Riov L'haiy Kallen t'Rexan and Daise'Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix


A brisk morning breeze blew in from the sea, as if to herald the incoming of the tide just beginning to crash on the rocks below. The very rim of the horizon burning red, as if ablaze from the glow of the newly rising sun making its accent from the sea towards the heavens. All the while, the pair said not a word, but held hands, smiles and eyes only for one another as they climbed the steps up the bluff to the waiting manor above.


As they enter through the gate, a pair of guards salute them both, their eyes not betraying their thoughts on seeing the two of them returning in the same clothing as they had left in the night before. Though, the guards had known from their locator signals in the t’Liss’s that the two wore, that they had been safe on the protected beachhead below, without having to have been spied upon from above, and allowing them their privacy.


Entering the villa through the llaga garden, Var’lon stopped, “Elements! It’s na fahd.”


“What is that Var’lon? Did au lose something?”


“Na, I was looking for the llaga bloom that would match au beauty, but alas, I can na find io fahd.”


“I never knew au were such a romantic my e’lev.”


“E’lev is it hnah? Menkha, I think I like that. Ie, I like that a lot,” as he picked a flower and set the stem behind the curve of her ear. “It does na even come close my jol, but it will have to do for hnah. I suppose we should try to get upstairs before the entire household is up to make breakfast and start the daily chores.”


“I’m sure it’s already too late to keep tongues from waggling,” she replied. “If au hru’hfe is as good as I took her to be yesterday, with a guest in the house, I’m sure she’s already up and has the cook about her duties. However…..if au want, I’m sure we could try to sneak hrrau a window. But then I’m sure the guards would be talking, “she laughed a bit at the thought of trying to climb up in the tight evening dress.”


“Ie, we’d best make for the side door, and get cleaned up. We can then make our plans for the rest of the day. I do need to check my messages though, I hope au understand?”


“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I understand,” teasing him. “Aur silly messages are more important than walking in the sand with me,” putting on a smirking half put-out look, then biting her lip to keep from giggling at him.


“And au tell me I’m bad,” as he sneaks a glance up and down the hallway. “All clear, make haste!” giving quick military hand signals to advance, as they quickly make for the stairs and up to the rooms above. Hearing the creaking of io of the doors down the hallway opening, he pulls her into his room and quickly shuts the door, as she’ll never make it back to her own unseen. “Well, looks like au will just have to get cleaned up fahd. Luckily, behind that dresser is a door which adjoins that extra room hrrau which au are staying. Well, aur things are staying at least. We have just to move it, and au can fetch au things with nobody the wiser. But after the fresher,” as he swept her off her feet, carrying her into the other room, kicking the door shut behind him to keep the draft from the window out.


Drying her hair with a towel a short bit later, with another wrapped around her to keep warm until she was able to retrieve her own clothing, she walked out into the main bedroom to see where Var’lon had gotten off to. She found him already mostly dressed, sitting in front of his work terminal. “Just had to peek at that before breakfast, didn’t au? Au know, those Elements be cursed machines are the most common cause of missing meals recorded hrrau Galae?” She came up behind him, reaching over the back of the chair, stretching her arms over his shoulder and around his neck to hug him and nuzzled his ear, “So, anything pressing?” She noted that his screen had several messages, both from Galae, and from the Fvillah.


tr’Vatrix frowned, keying off the terminal, “Always. It looks as if I’ll have to be away for a day or two at least. As much as I hate it, I do have to go. But I’m hoping if I go now and clear up some items, I should then be free to spend the rest of the week with just the two of us. I’m sorry L’haiy, I know I told au we’d have this time together, just the two of us.”


“Na, e’lev, I know it’s what au do, and au must do it. Let me guess, problems on some colony? Everyone wants some of that latinum we brought back? Or is the Tal’Shiar complaining about me?” She watched his face noting him frown with each guess, but more so for the last. “Don’t tell me, all three? I’m at least guessing that I’m part of aur issue, as fast as au turned off au terminal when I approached. Worried I won’t keep au secrets?”


“Do na worry about it L’haiy, and na, I’m na worried about au keeping my secrets, I just didn’t want au to have to see some of the rampant parade of veruuls sending me messages about, well, about au and still questioning aur recovery,” he paused.


“My recovery!? They still believe me to be some sort of cloned abomination? The veruuls have but to check with Galae Medical to see the testing results. I spent several days upon my arrival undertaking virtually every test they could think up. I’ve been poked, prodded and virtually turned inside out. Believe me Var’lon, as I told au already, I will na hurt au or au career, na matter how much I jol au. If au need to send my ship and I away, then I will proceed to my ship and get underway immediately. I can na do this to au, na after all au have done for me.” She appeared ready to spit pure venom if she knew whom the target was.


Swiveling in his seat he pulled her around the arm of the chair and down to sit upon his lap, “Na, na my e’lev, au will go nowhere. This is why I did na wish au to see it, I didn’t want au upset. Besides, if Talon were repaired it would be io thing to send au back out so soon after just arriving back rhea ch’Rihan, and I know au would aptly deal with some klinn’hannsu fvai that are testing aur borders. However, there’s still the matter of the rather sizable area of au hull being replaced and I believe au submitted a rather extensive list of laboratory replacements which still needs to be installed,” he paused. “It’s a menkha thing au came back with so much latinum, otherwise, I may not have been able to approve such a sizable expenditure list.”


He continued, “But this is what I jol about au, just how perceptive au are. Au are also correct about the latinum and well, the other issue. I’ve already devised a detailed list of where I am recommending the latinum be dispersed, with a major amount going to repair and upgrade Talon as it is io of our most prestigious ships. The rest divided between sending to the Fvillah and to the Deihu to fund their projects, it should be enough to quiet them for the time being. As for the other, fhaen, do na worry, I will take care of this. I want au to relax, and to take care of that other matter I asked you to see to. I want au well and rested. I’ve forwarded to au, the name of the Kheinsa I trust to au communications terminal.”


“Hann’yyo, I will see to it while au are away rhea aur errands.” Looking down at the towel she was wearing, “I suppose I should dress hnah, so we can grab something to eat quickly and be upon aur way. That and the morning is still a bit chill.”


“Ie, I must depart within the hour, so it will have to be a quick breakfast, but at least we will be able to share it together.” As she stood up, and he reached out and snatched her towel away from her, “Then again, I could skip breakfast.”


“Give me that! Na Var’lon, as much as I’d like to e’lev, au must eat something before au go, and I need au to open that door and get my things. Otherwise, I fear we’d forget the time, and then au would have to explain to the Fvillah just why au are late. Imagine his face when au tell him au had been seduced by the evil clone? Na,when au return, there will be plenty of time for us. Hnah, the door if au would please?” pointing for him to move the dresser.


“And au have still na told me what this secret of aurs is yet? Au are going to torture me and make me wait, ie?”

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