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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 6.7.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #612, STARDATE 51006.07 =/\=

The Manticore is docked at Maturin Station for a retrofit to make it ready to be the first strike in the war against Arcturus. The crew is almost finished. With their shore leave at Maturin Station while the Special Ops engineering teams add redundant, excessive and lethal new components to the ship. Tomorrow, we leave for enemy territory


Admiral Atragon-9 -> (It has been 3 days since the last sim - all ship upgrades have been completed)

Eva Jaz -> ::in Hilee's quarters, gettin dressed and ready to report for her shift ::

T'Prise -> :: In the main science lab, running simulations on the quantum cannons, testing accuracy and firing range with the new slipstream emitters. ::

MC_Escher -> ::sitting next to holographic projector in science, carefully studying the rotating holoimage of the newly slipstream'd quantum cannon::

kyle_mele -> ::is once again on the station, chillling out, maxing, relaxing all cool::

Hilee -> :: taking a quick sonic shower ::

Kansas Kenickie -> :::Snores::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Curled up in all the blankets::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::walks into the science lab noticing the holographic projecter and Escher::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::is already up and out the door, headed for security::

Hilee -> ::stepping out of the shower and putting a fresh uniform on ::

Vilanne -> :;in the medical lab brooding away while working on the equipment, playing with the physiology of the people they are about to go to war with::

Keb -> ::on the bridge, checking over the helm station::

Eva Jaz -> ::lookingat the chronometer on the wall :: Cheri, I gotta run .. come and give me a kiss!

T'Prise -> :: Turns towards Escher. :: Simulations are showing a 72% percent accuracy rate, witht eh slipstream field holding 81% of the time.

McFly -> ::moving around the room getting dressed trying not to wake KK::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters Security::

Hilee -> ::hurrying to kiss Eva :: Smooch! ::handing her a cup of joe to go ::

MC_Escher -> ::winces:: That really isn't that pretty. Is there anyway we could get either or both of those numbers into the nineties?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::back on the station and prowling, having been going around in circles in her thoughts for the past few hours::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees not a soul, turns heads for the TL:: Bridge.

Eva Jaz -> ::smooch back :: thanks! :: grabbing the cup , not wanting to hurt his feelings even though the sb coffee is way better ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::walking through Maturin, heading back to the ship:: +JAMI+ Jami, come in

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Streches, grumbles::

Turris Morran -> ::enters science, walking over to a console, looking at the floor and not trying to draw attention::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::frowns at the numbers and silently agrees with Escher::

kyle_mele -> ::stretched out in some lounge, probably in the back, people watching::

Hilee -> ::pours himself a cup as well ...and heads for the door as well ::

T'Prise -> :: Escher :: I believe if we narrow down the emitter's field of projection, the slipstream warp field will become increasingly stable.

Eva Jaz -> ::making her way to SB ::

Eva Jaz -> ::TL::

McFly -> ::looks up having finally gotten his comm badge straight after the fifteenth atempt:: sorry babe, didn't mean to wake you

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL onto the bridge, dismissing one of the security ensigns::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::enters the lounge, glancing around, noting Mele sprawled out over a chair::

Kansas Kenickie -> you didn't.... what are you doing?

MC_Escher -> ::nods:: Do it. You're much more capable at handling slipstream manipulations than I am. ::turns and notices Asteria:: Ahh, the meat. Welcome aboard, Ensign.

kyle_mele -> ::is actually sprawled out over a couch, i mean, comfort is necessary.. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::signs into the tactical console, complete with the new weapons panels and such::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((*couch))

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> (( :) ))

Asteria Jaxa -> ::smiles nerviously:: thank you

T'Prise -> :: Moves over to Escher's side and leans over him to make slight adjustments on the holoprojection. :: The emitter was designed to project a narrow beam but was calibrated for a wider field when the Engineering teams installed it.

kyle_mele -> [[ haha ]]

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::chews around on that circle of thoughts for a moment longer, then turns her path abruptly and walks towards him::

Hilee -> ::in TL with manuals under one arm , PADD under the other and coffee in hand ::'' main engineering''.

MC_Escher -> ::brain stalls a little with T'Prise so close:: Ah...right...well...engineers, you know...::gulps:: My it's hot in here.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks over the new display::

Eva Jaz -> ::arrives in SB and zooms onto the coffee machine , having drank her to go cup already in the 4 sec TL ride ::

McFly -> well... i was actually going to pick up some real food for breakfast while we still had the chance, i get spoiled whenever we go to a station

kyle_mele -> ::walked toward, raises his drink and takes a little sip::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SEC+ Security, this is the Admiral

Vilanne -> ::looks at the Acturian form she's programmed into the computer and keeps adjusting the internal organs as they are placed::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Mele> ::gravely:: Jolan tru, Daise ((chief)). ::pause:: Do you have a moment?

T'Prise -> :: Straightens back up and give Escher a curious look. :: Would you like me to adjust the tempearture settings before I head down to the station to adjust the emitters?

LtCdrFaldek -> +A9+ Go Ahead.

Asteria Jaxa -> Sir are you ok? ::thinks to herself it could even be a little warmer for her liking::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles, lifts brow:: were you planning on getting me breakfast?

Eva Jaz -> ::waves at the nurses, trying to not let anxiety creep in about going to war :: Good Morning Campers

kyle_mele -> ::takes the swallow, swishes the drink a bit in his glass, watching the purple liquid lap at the rim of the seductively curved glass:: For you.. of course.

McFly -> and risk breaking an arm before war? of course

Kansas Kenickie -> because I am sure I could be showered and dressed by the time you get back...

kyle_mele -> ::nods toward the seat across from him:: Please, join me.

Hilee -> ::exits TL enters MENG , heads for the office ::

MC_Escher -> ::flinches at the multi-front attack of feminine curiosity:: Nope! I'm fine! Totally fine! Just...you know...keep doing your thing.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SEC+ The upgrades to the ship include enhancements to the fighters. Yo and McFly should take them out for a little spin and see how they handle - NO LIVE ROUNDS

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Makes a face:: I don't eat that much.. you are the slob

Kansas Kenickie -> ::thwapps him with a Pillow::

LtCdrFaldek -> +A9+ Roger that.

LtCdrFaldek -> +A9+ ANy upgrades to the Chimera?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods:: Hann'yyo. ((Thanks)) ::settles herself into a seat across from him::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +FALDEK+ Not that I've heard of, but they did tweak the Pegasus, I'll be taking her out

Vilanne -> <<LOL A9>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::somewhere::

LtCdrFaldek -> +A9+ Affirmative, Faldek out.

Turris Morran -> ::stands and walks over to Escher:: Commander

McFly -> ::grabs the pillow:: you may not eat much but I don't dare come back with bacon on my breath without getting you any

Cmdr JFarrington -> +A9+ Farrington here, Admiral. ::at OPS::

kyle_mele -> ::throws a hand up, hopefully calling over some waitstaff::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Points at him:: you better not

T'Prise -> :: Turns back to the console where she was working. :: I will require assistance making these adjustment. Perhaps you are available to help Ensign Jaxa?

LtCdrFaldek -> +McFly+ We have orders to report to the fighters and test them out. Holo weapons test only.

Eva Jaz -> ::sits at a desk with her second cup of coffee , reading patient files ::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::smiles at Escher and continues to study the holographic image::

kyle_mele -> ::another sip:: What brings you here?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +JAMI+ I need to take the Pegasus out and see what they've added to her. You have command, as Captain Sovak is in briefings on the station

Asteria Jaxa -> of course what do you need me to do

MC_Escher -> ::turns again to see Turris:: Turris! My man! ::wraps him in a bear hug::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::grabs another poor Security ensign and sticks them at Tactical::

Keb -> ::absorbed in the helm modifications::

McFly -> ::cringes at his com:: +faldek+ does this need to be done now? i was just about to get some food

Vilanne -> ::staring at their figure and face, thinking they look so sad in their droopy skin and mis-placed organs::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Colorful words:: everything gets mucked up... noooo bacon!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::trying to phrase her question in a way that doesn't sound too...supplicative:: Rekkhai...the Manticore is going to war.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +A9+ Understood, Admiral. I'll request clearance.

LtCdrFaldek -> +McFly+ You wanna ask A-9 yourself?

Hilee -> +A9+Hilee here , estimated departure sir ?... we need time to warm eerything up

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Thus far I have been able to manage aboard her in a state of...limbo so to speak. I am na her crew, exactly; na Rihan either.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters TL:: Main shuttlebay.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::contacting Maturin OPS for Pegasus, is placed in the queue:::

McFly -> unfair... +faldek+ ::disappointedly:: i'll be there in a few

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +HILEE+ You've got a day, Mr. Hilee

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scrolling through any number of things while she waits:::

T'Prise -> :: Hands Jaxa a small hypospanner. :: We will have to adjust the emitters manually from the station.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Evening, Webbie>

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs another pillow, thapps::

kyle_mele -> ::glances up as a scantily clad waiter approaches the table, looking inquisitively at Jai::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Yo, Webbie!>>

Hilee -> +A9+ acknowledged , Hilee out

McFly -> hey this one isn't my fault

Keb -> ::smiles at Jami, a little weakly:: I admit I'm a bit nervous...

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL, and enters the shuttlebay::

Vilanne -> ::in a very somber state, turns off the holo-image produced by the equipment in the medical lab, and takes a slow stroll around sickbay::

Kansas Kenickie -> I wasn't called... so I guess I am free for bacon!

Eva Jaz -> ::putting down patients files ... and taking up inventory list for supplies ... just in case :"

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::Enters Manticore at the docking ring and heads to the bottom of the saucer section::

Eva Jaz -> *::

Turris Morran -> ::shies back a bit at Escher's hug, then gingerly pats him on the back::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +A9+ Maturing OPS requests direct contact. Passing you to them. ::press:::

McFly -> ::eyes her:: ...you suck

Asteria Jaxa -> ::takes the hypospanner:: ok sounds good

LtCdrFaldek -> ::tries to remember which fighter is his...::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Climbs out of bed:: I do!

Cmdr JFarrington -> *Maturin

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beat, then shrugs:: When I first came aboard it was suggested to me that I might eventually be able to join this crew proper. A field commission. Na limbo any longer, but something more concrete.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Dances past him::

LtCdrFaldek -> Ahh.... ::strolls up to the Griffin::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::as she continues to peruse other information pertaining to the ship, she glances at Keb:: Nervous about...?

Eva Jaz -> Anastasia.. can you come here for a minute :sipping ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::gets into the fighter and fires up pre-flight::

Turris Morran -> ::Escher:: I'm looking for my assistant. I imagine she should have been brought aboard back at Cold Station 9

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;glances at him:: I am starting to feel I had better find myself that stability. Au have had charge of me aboard this ship, seen me work. ::pause:: What do you think?

T'Prise -> :: Ignores the human need to display emotion and moves towards the exit, reading her data PADD as she walks. ::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: heading towards Eva :: Yes doctor ?

Keb -> ::little shrug:: Tomorrow. What'll happen. I've been practicing every moment Beran wasn't looking.

kyle_mele -> ::enjoys another long draw of his alcohol as he waits for her to order her drink::

MC_Escher -> ::breaks the hug:: How have you been? Have you uncrazified yourself yet?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +MATURIN OPS+ This is Admiral Atragon-9. We will be taking out the Griffin, Wyvern and Pegasus for flight tests. No live fire.

Hilee -> ::pauses , reading through the manual on the new augmentations, and rises form his seat heading to the main console ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stops:: What happens tomorrow? ::as though she needs a refreshing of her memory::

T'Prise -> :: Enters the turbolift, holding the door for Jaxa. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances over and orders a Saurian brandy, not paying too much attention to it::

Turris Morran -> ::quirks a brow at Escher's question curiously:: Why is everyone convinced that I was crazy?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maturin OPS> Acknowledged. You are cleared for launch. Maintain contact with the station at all times.

Turris Morran -> Or still am.

Eva Jaz -> ::hands Nurse B. the inventory PADD :: Can you help me double check that we indeed have everything as stated here . we better make sure while we're still docked

Asteria Jaxa -> ::glances at Escher and the man he was hugging but quickly follows T'Prise into the TL::

kyle_mele -> ::waits for the water to sashay away before answering:: Doctor, just so you know, I have a strict policy against discussing business whilst drinking.

McFly -> ::walks to the door:: I expect fair compensation when I get back

MC_Escher -> ::blinks once:: Do you remember your mutterings? Or taking over Manticore?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::small grunt, hearing the exchange between A9 and OPS:: They sure are on edge.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: you will get a just reward

T'Prise -> :: Doors close behind Jaxa. :: Weapons bay. :: Turns to Jaxa :: Ensign, I trust you have been introduced to Lieutenant Morran?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::enters the Pegasus and seals the hatch back to the ship, beginnig powerup sequence::

Keb -> Isn't everyone? It's not every day we're asked to...start a war.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Jumps into the shower::

Hilee -> ::logs onto main console :: "computer , disengage sec. lock out main console , authorization command Alpha -Omega 2"

Asteria Jaxa -> I do not believe I have but there are many crew members that I do not know still

kyle_mele -> ::swishes his drink absently, staring at it.. then levels his gaze to meet hers:: However, I can say with no hesitation or reserve that your professionalism and know how are quite impressive.

McFly -> ::briskly walks to the TL and to the shuttle bay::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::finishes pre-flight, all checks ok:: +OPS+ Griffin requesting clearance to depart.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::blink, full turn towards Keb:: I wasn't aware we were starting a war.

Turris Morran -> I did precisely what needed to be done.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > ::nods heading for the storage area and begins couting ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at him silently, but is gratified by the comment and it shows::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Wash-a-wash-a::

Eva Jaz -> *counting

Vilanne -> ::absentmindedlywandersuptothefrontdesktoseeEvaandAnist.exchangingworklogs::

Keb -> First strike sounds like it to me. And they armed us to the teeth.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::gets dresse quickly::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maturin OPS> You are cleared to launch. No live fire. Remain in system and maintain contact at all times.

Eva Jaz -> << thinks vil as a space bar problem :: >>

LtCdrFaldek -> +OPS+ Right, Faldek out.

MC_Escher -> And when you thought that you weren't on Manticore?

kyle_mele -> ::small chuckle:: You know, normally, it'd be difficult for a member of a race not in the Federation of Planets to join Starfleet.

T'Prise -> :: Nods. :: Lieutenant Morran is another science officer. He is returning from a recent...medical leave. :: Steps out of TL and starts heading across the bay. ::

Vilanne -> <<No, just a "space" problem ::points between ears:: LOL>>

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +BRIDGE+ Pegasus preflight complete, I'll be out for a little drive

LtCdrFaldek -> ::waits for the shuttle bay doors to open::

Eva Jaz -> ::nods seeing VIl :: Hey Doc ... juts quadruple checking our supply inventory

kyle_mele -> However.. we are Manticore, and few of our policies really.. "meet" Starfleet protocols.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::faint grin:: So I'm coming to understand.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::wonders about the leave but follows T'Prise out across the bay::

Vilanne -> Yeah... I see that.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::exits quarters and heads to the station loungeLL

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::back to work, her interest piqued at Maturin OPS:: We've always been armed to the teeth, Keb. It just wasn't as obvious. And as for our mission. ::stops, turns to her once more:: we are to watch and learn.

Turris Morran -> I admit I had some.. difficulties.. seperating reality from... other things.

Hilee -> +OPS+ Hilee here , lock outs have been removed from main system you have control of the main hangar doors at your leisure

kyle_mele -> ::small ponder, takes a sip::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::Drops the Pegasus out of the docking clamps at the bottom of the saucer and starts a slow circuit of the ship::

kyle_mele -> I wonder, though.. are you able to work under those conditions?

McFly -> ::arrives at the shuttle bay as the bay doors start to open::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::follows A9's progress, resisting the urge to wave:::

Eva Jaz -> Vil> richard had to go in to verify the new installations n eng .. figured re checking inventory wouldn't be a waste of time ... and I have nothing more to do on the station

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Under which? A lack of traditional protocols?

T'Prise -> :: Stops at the main console and logs in, making small notations on her PADD. :: We will need to make very slight adjustments as the emitters are very sensitive.

MC_Escher -> ::smiles:: Well, you seem to be back. What can I do for you? are you back in science officially?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the Lounge, places order for pancakes and bacon::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees McFly enter the bay as he turns the Griffin around and heads out the bay doors with inches to spare::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pages through the manifest:::

Keb -> ::shakes head:: Of course. Unless something happens. And then...well...

Hilee -> ::going over main systems routines and ensuring that all systems are ready to power up ::

Vilanne -> I was messing with the Acturian anatomy ... they are rather sad looking people

McFly -> ::enters the wyvern and performs a quick pre-flight::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::nods:: understood

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +BRIDGE+ ::Comm still open:: ::low whistle:: Will you look at this stuff!

Eva Jaz -> ::half chuckles :: Yes they are ...

LtCdrFaldek -> ::kicks on the new regenerative shield systems, and brings the new miniature torpedo launcher online::

Eva Jaz -> Plastic surgery must be one technological advance they never got to

Turris Morran -> ::lifts his wrist, showing Escher the monitoring device:: I am free to do as I please and continue my duties, for the time being.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::contining her work at the console:: Keb, if something happens we'll be ready. As always.

Vilanne -> I mean... not just their eyes.. .or their saggy faces, but... their whole being, they just seem SO sad. ::moved::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((aw, Vil))

McFly -> +ops+ wyvern ready to float

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Gets order and spots the doctors, heads over to where they are::

MC_Escher -> ::smile fades a little when he sees the bands, but nods:: Excellent. Are you reporting for duty?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::loads up a complement of "sim" mini photon torpedos::

kyle_mele -> ::glances around to ensure they're out of earshot of anyone else, swings his legs onto the floor and lean forward conspiratorially:: No, what I mean is..

Turris Morran -> ::nods:: I suppose I am, sir.

Hilee -> +A9\Faldek+ Gentlemen , I hope the new augmentations meet your approval ::snickers::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glances up at A9's comm, keeping her face as passive as possible so as not to show she is as alarmed as Keb is :::+A9+ New toys? ::small smile:::

Vilanne -> <<::sniff sniff on Jai's shoulder::>>

McFly -> ::taps finger waiting for approval::

LtCdrFaldek -> +Hilee+ If they do you'll be getting a nice bottle of Tennessee Whiskey.

T'Prise -> :: Moves over to the first turret, silding around one side. :: I wil adjust the setting if you use the hypospanner to realign the field.

kyle_mele -> Well, let's be honest. We're going to have missions that question our moral standings as doctors. We're likely to have missions involving Vulcan. Or Romulus. Or a thousand other planets.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> (Don't forget McFly, he's flying a fighter, too)

Eva Jaz -> ::shrugs:: Let's just hope they're too sad to cause any real damage ...

Hilee -> * and Mcfly

Keb -> ::nods at Jami:: Yeah, I guess. I don't like flying while someone's shooting at me. It's a little harder to avoid than your general asteroid.

McFly -> <<mcfly was late he's waiting for the go ahead>>

Vilanne -> Maybe that's the problem, they are sad and this is how they react..

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> If I remained aboard, we would have them anyway.

Asteria Jaxa -> ok ::moves over to the field with the hypospanner in hand::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +BRIDGE+ We look scary now. If just half of this stuff works, nobdy's gonna mess with us

Hilee -> +Faldek+ make that Genuine tennesse whisky

MC_Escher -> ::spreads his arms:: Welcome back. We are currently working on fine-tuning a slipstream tunnel emitter we added to the cannon so that it's slightly less dangerous

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots the Pegasus, and flies in fast behind it::

Vilanne -> Well, I have all of the schematics adjusted in our systems in case we have to do any medical attending on them.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maturin OPS> +McFly+ You are cleared for departure. No live fire. Stay within system at all times. Remain in contact at all times. ::like he's reading off a cheat sheet:::

kyle_mele -> There isn't a member of our crew that hasn't been completely psychoanylized. Most of us were hand picked by members in secret noticing our files and bringing us "into the fold," as it were.

Eva Jaz -> I really wish I had your vision of the world at time Vil.. I really do

Vilanne -> ::confused look at Eva:: Huh?

Eva Jaz -> ::shrugs :: Nevermind ...

T'Prise -> :: Begins working, making minute adjustments to the emitter. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stops working again to regard Keb:: This is your first combat helm, isn't it?

McFly -> +staton ops+ got it, no fun... i'm headin out

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Takes a seat near the other Manti's:: talking shop? ::Glances at Mele::

Turris Morran -> ::nods:: It seems we intend to go into this war armed to the teeth. Doesn't seem like the right way to do it, considering our mission.

Keb -> ::eyes back on her console, trying to be at least as brave and unfluttered as Jami...that competitiveness kicking in::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::drops the Pegasus down the Y axis, fast and straight::

McFly -> ::lifts the shuttle off and out the door::

Keb -> Yeah...first official one.

Hilee -> ::continues work on powering up procedures ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Hmm, that was nice

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beat:: You think I have na experience with morality in my work, rekkhai? Or lack thereof? ::humorless sort of smile:: It's something I've had to consider before. And I would rather have my opinion carry weight than trail along behind.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::begins work with hypospanner carefull make very small adjustments::

Keb -> I went through about six dozen simulations.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::loops back up, and over Pegasus. spotting Wyvern exiting Manticore::

MC_Escher -> ::his face clouds over:: No one likes this, Turris. We don't really have a choice, though.

Vilanne -> We've released every last patient, checked inventory at least 4 times... even had one of the techs counting the tongue depressors... I picked a set of them up from the station - they didn't know they were collectors items.

McFly -> <<are we in a space dock or dry dock?

McFly -> >>

T'Prise -> :: Consults her data PADD before moving on to the second turret. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::makes a note that the mini launcher has slightly lessened the manueverability, but not by much::

kyle_mele -> No, no, that's not what I mean at all. I just want you to be prepared for hard calls, for beign on missions that go completely against everything you've learned. I want you to be prepared for another mission with us flying in where even angels fear to

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tone softens:: Simulations don't cut it. I'm..sorry it passed right over my head that you've never had the comm in combat. ::even softer:: You'll do fine.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> ::approaches the Docs and hands Eva the PADD :: Everything checks out as it was written in the last inventory .. except we're running a little low on coffee ::eyes Eva's mug ::

Turris Morran -> ::idly, looking thoughtful:: There is always a choice. ::sighs:: What can I do?

kyle_mele -> tread. I want you to be prepared for the inevitable mission to Romulus in which we have to kill some of your people.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +MATURIN OPS+ I'm heading out to the farthest edge of your sensors, I need to puch the accelerator and see how she flies

Asteria Jaxa -> ::begins trying to make small talk with T'Prise:: so how long have you been on Manticore?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maturin OPS> +A9+ Acknowledged. Ping Maturin ID when you approach final.

McFly -> ::thinking;; this is so great, I haven't piloted anything in forever

Vilanne -> What? That can't be! Check with the cargo bay chief, we have to have coffee on this mission - Chief Mele will kill me! Well, and Eva. ::sweet smile at Eva::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::initiates a simulated weapons lock on Wyvern::

Eva Jaz -> ::huggs her coffee mug :: I'll let the chief know so he can pick up some on the station before departure

T'Prise -> :: Quirks a brow at Jaxa. :: I have been assigned to Manticore for the last three duty rotations.

Keb -> ::gives a little shrug:: I guess we'll all find out when we're either dead or it's all over...

McFly -> ::engages full impulse performing barrel rolls::

LtCdrFaldek -> +McFly+ heads up! ::fires 2 sim rounds at Wyvern::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::stares at him unblinkingly, not disregarding what he is saying in the slightest, in fact hearing the full weight of it, but not shying from it either::

Eva Jaz -> Vil> Don't worry I got a shipement from my sister .. rght from Trill homeworld ... I'll bribe him not to kill us with it

Vilanne -> I know this ship received tons of supplies, it's got to be somewhere... or it'll be someone's head. ::covers neck with hands:: But not mine.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Starts eating::

Vilanne -> Trill coffee? Never tried it... sounds great.

MC_Escher -> ::points to the hologram:: Study it. Learn it. The gun itself is fairly straightforward - and brutish - but slipstream tech is really tricky stuff.

McFly -> ::sees the sim lock; takes off in a vertical u-turn heading back towards faldek::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I am prepared for it. ::it can't be worse than some of what happened on Tehann...::

T'Prise -> :: Moves back to the first turret, looking over Jaxa's work. :: Those should be sufficient Ensign.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::settles back in his seat and hits Max Thrust, watching all the stars go stringy and then snap back:: Whhhooo!

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Smiles:: thank you

McFly -> ::fires off simulated phaser shots::

McFly -> +faldek+ did I sink your battle ship?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::notices the inversion and then sees Wyvern heading straight for him, hits full impulse, flying over Wyvern, narrowly missing the phasers::

Hilee -> ::monitoring the grid and the new couplings and system to the new defensive augmentation of Manticore :: <m> We *definitly* have fangs now !

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::swivels her chair towards Keb for a more personal touch:: Keb, when the time comes all the training you've received will kick in. It's like riding a bike. You'll keep us safe - trust me.

Cmdr JFarrington -> We didn't put you at helm 'cause you won the lottery, you know. ::grin::

Eva Jaz -> Vil> Mmm! Yes it is ... too bad I'll have to give all my supplyu to Mele to save my life ::laughs ::

LtCdrFaldek -> +McFly+ Nope... close tho... woulda scraped some paint tho...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<we're one big a$$ bicycle>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <I thought we were a tricycle>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((ROFL))

Eva Jaz -> ::goes to send a text to Mele to pick up some more coffee ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <you know - three nacelles?>

T'Prise -> :: Moves back to the main console, checking the readings. :: When you are finished with the second turret, we will return to science and run additional simulations and tests.

McFly -> ::comes to a full stop spinning 180 degrees; locks his own torpedos and fires::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((::rimshot::P)

Keb -> ::looks up at Jami with half a smile:: I know...it's just that a lot of lives are depending on me, and it's not all in my control this time.

kyle_mele -> ::nods, takes a swig of his drink::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<uhh, we have three nacelles? Okay, who's been hiding it from me?>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((one of them's a secret. blackops after all))

kyle_mele -> ::leans back, once again putting his feet all up and junk::

T'Prise -> << Innocently points a finger at Garn. >>

MC_Escher -> <<Oh, yeah, that was me, sorry about that.>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Mybad. Wrong ship>

kyle_mele -> So what do you want me to do?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees the lock and eeps, uses fake phasers and targets the fake torps::

McFly -> <<it a little one that all the other ships make fun of it for so it doesn't like to talk about it>>

Hilee -> ::thinking to self , by tying in and routing the new waepons improvements throught both stardrives increases our firepower and lethalness almost infinetly ::

Turris Morran -> ::nods, taking a look at the hologram and scratching his chin::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::moves to the second turret making the necessary adjustments::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::finishes up and heads back to the ship::

McFly -> ::sees his fake torpedos in a fake explosion:: ....nuts

T'Prise -> :: Follows behind, watching Jaxa work. ::

Vilanne -> ::snickers:: I am antsy... I hate waiting... most of the crew is still on the station.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Keb..it's never in your control, so don't think about that. Just fly the ship and let TAC and OPS do their thing, okay?

Eva Jaz -> Vil > did you pinpoint any phsysical weakness on the arcturians ? Except their look obviously .. might help ...

LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns, and comes about, doing a flyby of the Manticore bridge at full impulse::

Vilanne -> ::fiddles with a pile of PADD's, then looks at Eva:: Well, let's go take a look.

Cmdr JFarrington -> And whoever thinks we actually have control in battle is sadly mistaken anyway.

Eva Jaz -> Vil> I hate thinbking like that ....

MC_Escher -> ::sighs and hits his comm badge:: +T'Prise+ Escher here. How goes the inspection?

Cmdr JFarrington -> And..::points at the viewscreen:: There he goes.

Eva Jaz -> ::nods and picks up half the PADDs ::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::finishes up the adjustments looking back over shoulder at T'Prise::

Keb -> ::nods:: You know I'll do my best, Commander. ::looks at the viewscreen...and waves::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wink:: Showing off for his new bride.

Vilanne -> Like what? ::walking back to the regenerator and plugging in some things to the console to bring up her former exercise::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::back to work, checking systems, integration, and power allocation::::

Keb -> ::giggles, with a blush thrown in for good measure:: He likes flying a lot.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the lift:: Bridge

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks around his cockpit and noting the upgrade:: Niiiice

LtCdrFaldek -> ::comes from the opposite side of Manticore and acquires a quick and dirty lock on McFly, and lets the sim torps fly::

T'Prise -> :: Taps her badge. :: +Escher+ We are almost finished Commander, we should return to science momentarily. :: Looks at Jaxa. :: Your efforts have proved satisfactory. The adjustments should be complete.

Eva Jaz -> I don't know ... somehting that can help in case this thing ::waves a hand :: war is not going our way ... a cheap shot ?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::slow breath out:: I would like your support; if I submit the appropriate paperwork for such a...request, application, whatever you would call it...it would add some weight, I suppose.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tapping the console:: I gathered that. ::grin::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::smiles at T'Prise::

McFly -> ::notices the lock and takes off at full impulse heading towards the pegasus::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::angles down and hits warp 1, for about 5 seconds::

kyle_mele -> ::small chuckle:: It would. And I will.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the Bridge::

kyle_mele -> Now drink up, business hours are over.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wide-angles the viewscreen:::

T'Prise -> :: Nods to Jaxa and turns to head back out, striding briskly across the bay and into the TL. ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps over to TAC, takes a lookie at the new stuff::

Vilanne -> ::frowns at Eva for a moment:: Doctor... we still have an oath.

MC_Escher -> +T'Prise+ Roger. ::looks around science, speaks to no one in particular:: Hey. This would be a good mission to break out the bioarmor.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks somewhat relieved in spite of herself:: Hann'yyo. ::leans back in her seat, takes the drink, and swallows a large gulp::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns Pegasus around and heads home::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Notes Kit at TAC:::

Keb -> I think the thing that would make him happiest is to have a great big flyable gun. ::watching on the viewscreen a bit longer::

McFly -> ::the simulated lock follows his trail as he gets closer to the admirals shuttle::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::drops out of warp, and watches the torps following Wyvern::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::grabs the scanner and heads for the TL::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Actually...::checks something:: He has a great big flyable gun.

T'Prise -> :: Holds the door again for Jaxa. ::

Hilee -> +OPS+ Commander, Hilee here , new systems and tie-ins all check out , continuing powre up procedures , if Tac desires to run a simulation on the main weapon system they may do so in approximatly 30 mins ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<McF, I warped away>>

McFly -> ::mcfly makes a 90 degree turn before running into the pegasus letting the simulated torpedos detonate on the captains yacht::

McFly -> <<how far away?>>

kyle_mele -> ::chuckles again::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::mutters, just under earshot:: And we have a great big civilization killer...

kyle_mele -> ::sip, swish::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Pokes console::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives him a sideways look, wondering what the chuckle is about::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<I went to warp just as you left the ship, I don't think you're near me>>

LtCdrFaldek -> ::is outside of weapons range for Wyvern, watching on sensors::

Eva Jaz -> Vil>::bitter smile :: Oh I know ... I'm just saying that if things don't go our way .. peoplke tend to ask for that kind of thing .. I;ve been there before .. we might not like it .. but it's part of "going to war "

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<but I'm coming back>>

Asteria Jaxa -> ::enters the TL and nods at T'Prise::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Hilee+ Acknowledged. Let me know if you find anything out of whack.

T'Prise -> :: TL doors close. :: Main science bay.

Keb -> ::giggles, missing the last comment::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::also spots Pegasus on sensors, a bit farther out::

Hilee -> +JAMI+ Will advise

Vilanne -> ::hesitantly:: But... if you are faced with... having to save an Acturian life...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::not happy with the new interface, but dealing with it:::

Keb -> Maybe someday I'll get him one of his own.

McFly -> ::every action mcfly performed stands replacing pegasus with manticore::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stops:: A big flyable gun?

Keb -> ::fusses over helm, rearranging things for maximum efficiency::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::notes the Wyv and Grif on his sensors and deploys decoys::

Keb -> Sure. But it'll be a water gun.

Eva Jaz -> I don't have a single problem with it .. I don't "hate" those people .. and I will definitely save the life of any patient I can save ... but things are not always so white or black Vil ...

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maturing OPS> ::obvious scan and monitors show up on all three hot doggers:::

Vilanne -> ::breathes easier:: Sorry... I was just worried.

Hilee -> ::tapity tapp tapp on the main console , continuing slowly the powering procedures ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots now a total of 3 Pegasus' on sensors...:: Hrmmm old man wants to be tricky.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Water gun. Nice. ::continues working:::

Eva Jaz -> ::cocks head :: Do I come across as some kind of spotted version on Mengle ?

T'Prise -> :: Exits TL and enters science bay, still studying the PADD intently. :: You may begin another set of tests Commander, the adjustments are complete. :: Joins Escher at the main console. ::

kyle_mele -> Have you had any dealings with Arcturians?

McFly -> +faldek+ it's always the one in the middle

Vilanne -> ::brings up the fill image:: <<I'm spelling their name wrong, aren't I... no one corrects me. :;whines::>>

MC_Escher -> So, T'Prise, I was thinking...bioarmor?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<is this like "How not to be seen"?>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Kansas:: How does TAC look so far?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::plots a new course, flying from the first, to the second and third pegasus:: +McFly+ I'm betting hes the left....

Asteria Jaxa -> ::exits the TL as well entering the science bay::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::chunks the padd she had in her lap in favor of concentrating on the main console:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Arcturus - Arcturans>>

Turris Morran -> ::nods to T'Prise and Asteria::

T'Prise -> :: Gives Escher a look, her expression inscrutable. :: You wish to begin another round of testing on the bioarmour as well?

Hilee -> +Eng. staff + continue power up procedures on my way to the bridge "s main enginerring console :: heads for the door ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sets up torp locks on 1 and 3, phaser locks on #2, and swoops in::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Na...directly. I know bits and pieces of them from Romulan intelligence.

Kansas Kenickie -> it is looking pretty good... lots of sparkly lights

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((read: "from Memory Alpha"))

Kansas Kenickie -> makes me want to push them all

Asteria Jaxa -> ::smiles at Morran:: Asteria Jaxa the new science ensign I don't think we've met

kyle_mele -> I presume you've perused our files on them

Eva Jaz -> ::wishes once again to have a innocent vision of life like Vil and hopes that the mission to come doesn't change that ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Wiggles fingers::

MC_Escher -> ::shakes head:: Not testing. I'm talking about the whole nine yards. I want permission to install it on Manticore

Vilanne -> ::full holographic image comes up and slowly turns:: So... these flaps of skin, seem to have multiple uses. They cover some of the respiratory elements, but also act as some sort of protection. It's not quite skin, as we know it...

LtCdrFaldek -> ::fires the simulated weapons when in range::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<I actally deployed three decoys, none of the sensor hits are Pegasus>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::half joking, half not:: Just don't push them all at once. And not here. Maturin doesn't like putting out fires.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods::

Eva Jaz -> ::picks up a PADD , and make a mental note to bring the subject up with Jai instead ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::refrains from mentioning that they're still talking business; she prefers this to small talk::

Turris Morran -> ::extends his braceleted hand:: Lieutenant Morran, resident biologist

Eva Jaz -> Interesting ...

Kansas Kenickie -> they look bored over there... I could give them something to do

T'Prise -> :: Still looking at Escher curiously. :: Do you believe it can be implemented before we reach Acturus?

Cmdr JFarrington -> I'm sure you could. ::sarcastic:::

Keb -> See, that's where a big flyable water gun would come in handy.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::shakes Morran's hand:: nice to meet you sir

Hilee -> ::enters the bridge heading to main engineering console , nodding to all on the way ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((of course memalpha picks RIGHT NOW to stop working))

LtCdrFaldek -> ::hits all 3 decoys:: Well where in the hell...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((it was happy all day while i was avoiding work))

kyle_mele -> ::nods also:: I wager Romulan intel gathered about as much as Federation intel on the race.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Keb, concentrating on something that's churning through an adjustment on her console:: Like when you come up against the Wicked Witch of the West?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::uncloaks and pings Faldek's ship with a "torp"::

MC_Escher -> ::sighs:: I doubt it. It's just...I don't want to die, T'Prise. I don't want Manticore to perish. Once we light up that monstrosity strapped to our back, evey ship in the sector is going to want a piece of us. We'll need every spec of armor we can get

Turris Morran -> Likewise ::nods and turns back to look at the hologram nervously::

Vilanne -> Their internal anatomy is much closer to a romulan than ours... see the placement of what I believe are the heart, lungs and liver are close to the Rihan physique, but their brain stem... seems, or at least appears to be touching the brain stem... which

Keb -> That too. Those space tornados are horrid.

Vilanne -> which is huge.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::registers a hit on the port aft quadrant, and the simulated shields already beginning to regenerate, locks onto where the sim torp hit, and fires two::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::arches an eyebrow in Eschers direction:: I agree I don't wanna die either

McFly -> ::sitting back floating underneath manticore:: now why does a captains yacht need a cloaking device?

T'Prise -> :: Quiet for a moment and then nods, voice lowering a tone. :: Missions such as the one we are currently assigned might cause feelings of tension and make emotional species questions their mortality.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Roughly. Na particular surprises...though I am, of course, working from memory. ::dryly::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::purses lips, now concentrating on what's working on her console:: Commander Kansas. Check your armament on battery two for anything out of the ordinary.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<cause it's MINE!!>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Kenickie>

MC_Escher -> ::points emphatically:: See? Even Ensign Whatserface agrees with me

Eva Jaz -> :: taking in the holographic projection , trying ot commit it to memory ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::flies back to Manticore:: +OPS+ This is Pegasus, returning to the ship

Eva Jaz -> << is that mem. alpha thing about cloning soldiers whatever applies here ? >>

Vilanne -> ::points to some strange flaps that cover some odd organ parts:: What do you think that is?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and...

Cmdr JFarrington -> +A9+ Acknowledged. Cleared for dockig.

kyle_mele -> ::sip, chuckle, swishes his drink again:: A memory which, I'm sure, surpasses most of ours.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::sighs:: Jaxa sir

Cmdr JFarrington -> docking

LtCdrFaldek -> +OPS+ Griffin test flight complete, returning to the barn::

MC_Escher -> ::voice suddenly darkens:: And don't you DARE suggest that this is only due to my "heightened sense of mortality"

T'Prise -> :: Glances over at Ensign Jaxa. Turns back to Escher. :: Than I suggest you consult with the Ensign so I may complete my work. :: Goes back to her secondary console. ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, a quick announcement

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Join me in congratulating Kansas Kenickie on her 150th consecutive sim

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, next week it will be one day later. Everyone is back onboard and we head off to war!

Eva Jaz -> Might have answered already .. Memory alpha says somthing about Arcturian having high cloning capabilities for their soldiers and all .. do we take that in for this mission ?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> really, I didn't see that on Mem Alpha

Admiral Atragon-9 -> lemme research and get back t you

Cmdr JFarrington -> My thought is that it really doesn't matter if the combatant is a clone or not. It's still the enemy.

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