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USS Republic Summary

The USS Republic's medical team had completed their evaluation of the sample from the Alien that was accidentally beamed aboard, as well as the information retrieved from the planet side away missions. It seems to Fiona that the Virus is a virus indeed. She believes that the virus is the reason for the mutations in the 2 sets of aliens that we found on the planet. The Admiral asked Fiona to write her report and possibly summit it to Star Fleet HQ Medical journal.


Will was still unhappy with a part if his crew and showed his displeasure by throwing his ceramic coffee mug at Jamison shattering it against a wall. Bardolf was allowed back on duty to help take up the slack for the now deceased Security officer Ens Jorge.


Captain KWai made the final disission to move on and place warning buoys around the planet and proceed to the next part of our mapping mission. She was then called into a meeting with Admiral BluRox on her performance as well as her evaluation test results.

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