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Homeward Bound!

After Seiben leaves the Confrence Room, and quenches his thrist, he goes down to his quarter, to make a log.

"Computer, begin log."

::computer beeps::

"Officer's log: Lt.(jg) Hansel Wolfgang Seiben. After the meeting held in the confrence room today,which I won't go into for security reasons, I'm pleased to learn that the Republic will return to Earth for shore leave.  It's probably been about six months since I last been to Earth, and probably at least eight months since I seen any of my family and friends.  I last saw them in Nice, during my rehabilitation from the shuttle incident duriing my stay on the Medusa (the academy vessel). I'm anxious to see them. I prbably should call ahead to make sure they know I'm coming.  But I also wonder if father will be home as well.  I hope so. But then again, he has always been away during my childhood serving on ships.  I wonder what ship he's serving on now? Well at least I can see everyone else.  Müter, and the girls, as well as my friends in Berlin, Paris and Nice. I sure hope nothing goes wrong and we make it there on time for Oktöberfest in Munich next week. That'll be fun, I wonder whom should I invite to go with me? Who's a drinker here?" Seiben thinks on that for a sec and shrugs. "I hardly know anything about the crew outside of engineering or the bridge. But it can't help to ask. Computer, end log." ::computer beeps::

He'll have to remember to ask some of his pals here if they want to come to Oktöberfest with him and his pals. If not, then he'll go with his good childhood friends Günter, Karl, Rolph and Franz. Seiben then walks over to a subspace communications device to notify his family and friends that he's well and he's coming to Earth for a visit. He spends two hours catching up with his friends and arranges their itinarary for the week.  After that, Seiben contacts his mother, and is pleased to learn that his mother and sisters will also arrange for vacation time to visit Hans. I suppose being CMO of Mars Station has its advantages. Seiben thinks.  "We're all very proud of you Hans." His mother tells him in German. "and we cannot wait to see you." Seiben smiles, and thanks his mother, and asks if his father can make it too. "No,I'm sorry Hans.  Your father has been promoted to capitan during your absence and accepted command of a ship, a Soverign class, I believe.  The USS Albuquerque. The last time he contacted me, he said he was somewhere in the Beta quadrant." Seiben frowns, but nods.  Capitan, eh? Just as he always wanted, his own ship.  And a Soverign class at that. "Oh, that's unfortunate. But also great for him. I wish I knew earlier."

The image of Hans' mother looks surpirsed.  "Did you not get the message I sent you two weeks ago? There I told you of your father's promotion,." Seiben sigh and nods. "Ah, it must have gotten lost in a nebula  we were in during the time, but I'm very happy for him. " Seiben hasn't seen his father in person for more than a year,and wished he could see him in person this time, but what can one do in situations like that? "Well, very well mother.  If all goes well, I'll see you in a week."  Seiben's mother nods and waves. "Yes Hans, see you too. We shall meet you in Berlin. Until then, Goodbye my son."  Seiben's mother then dissapears, leaving Hans alone in his quarters again. He's still dissapointed his father is away again, but he understands.. he's a Starfleet Officer as well and he knows all too well, that it's part of the job.  Seiben then gets into his pajamas and goes into bed. "Sure is going to be a busy week" Seiben says out loud, smiling. Then he falls asleep.

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