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Rebirth of the Aehallh Part 2

Rebirth of the Aehallh Part 2

Log between Khre’Riov L’haiy t’Rexan, Daise’Erei’Riov Morgana t’Ksa and Erein tr’Kelton tr’Radaik



“I hope that she is rotting in Areinnye after her deed,” t’Rexan pronounced. “Who was it that defeated her? Did NDak stop her, or t’Aehjae? Someone else?”

Kelton left the stretcher next to t'Rexan and looked at her for a moment as she spoke. He assumed she was talking about the engineer, t'Temarr, and given the expression on her face, he pondered evading the question, but lying to someone that angry could no doubt have further consequences. "She is na...defeated...I think..." he said carefully.


t’Ksa glanced up, then shook her head at Kelton, hastily trying to change the subject. "Forcefield is active."


Catching the headshake out of the corner of his eye, Kelton nodded slightly, thinking she was confirming his assertion as to t’Temarr’s state. "Ie...I have seen her."


t’Ksa covered her eyes, then made a snorting noise as Kelton, oblivious, barreled on with the revelation.


“Wait......na defeated?” Au mean she lives? She was captured then? Alive? Hrrau the br'tehh then?


“Not exactly,” Morgana said.


“Na exactly?” t’Rexan turned, narrowing her eyes. “I think au need to explain. The susse-thrai lives!!?? Morganna....tell me...HNA!” t’Rexan reached again to grasp Morgana’s collar, but the Daise Maenak deftly skirted out of her reach this time.


Kelton sighed as he saw t’Rexan’s agitation increase. Well, so much for the value of honesty.


Morgana’s tone of voice took on the same comically high-pitched level it had when she had explained to N'Dak what she'd done with the nanogenes earlier. "Oohh, well, she's in engineering right now. N'Dak let her...um...return to duty." Her face displayed one of those ‘please-don't-kill-me’ looks.


“N'Dak again...” t’Rexan narrowed her eyes. “So they ‘were’ hrrau collusion.”


“Prepare auselves. Door breach imminent!” tr’Guard yelled from outside, as he got up and moved towards the door, placing a proximity explosive just inside in preparation for the breach.


“Every io away from the door." t’Ksa motioned, then looked around for something handy with which to hit an intruder on the head if he/she/it made it past the forcefields. She muttered under her breath as she searched. "Saved by the intruder, so to speak."


"Fvadt..." Kelton muttered. "This is perhaps na the time for...ah...delivering the full story, ie?" he offered hopefully. At least perhaps they could distract the Khre’Riov from what had clearly been an unpleasant piece of news. No such luck as she turned on him. "Vah-udt to speak to me such!" t’Rexan spat out with angry vehemence


Kelton clamped his mouth shut, his color rising slightly, and looked towards t'Ksa, silently backing up towards the far wall of the room. He was starting to get the impression that listening a lot and saying little might be the best policy here.


"Less arguing, more hiding. Fhaen." t’Ksa grabbed a bedpan, judged its weight then wielded it over her shoulder like a clubbing bat. "It's not a rice bowl, but it will do."


t’Rexan pushed herself upright a bit more, starting to get her balance back. “So, do au know who is trying to enter? Is it she? Coming to finish her handy work?” L'haiy vividly remembered again the snarl on t’Temmars face as she sunk the blade in, and then the finishing twist of the kaleh.


"Na, like I said before,” t’Ksa answered. “We're under some sort of attack by the repair station we docked at. That's all I could get from N'Dak before I reported here. I should have gone straight to the Oira as ordered, but...well...I needed to check on au and R'Mor to make sure au were not suffering ill affects of the station recalling the nanogenes. By the feel of things, N'Dak is undoing a good portion of repairs we paid for." She shifted with another jolt to the ship.


“Then....how does a repair station, fire an ie’yakk at a door?”


“The station inhabitants?” t’Ksa offered.


“Somewhat surprising, given that there was na io to interact with while we were there,” Kelton added dryly.


Morgana glanced at Kelton. "I wonder what they have against us, then?"


Kelton chuckled wryly. "If au do na know, rekkhai...I am sure I do na."


“Well, some io had to fail at keeping the shields up, and has let them aboard. It may be, that we still have vang'radam hrrau our midst,” t’Rexan said grimly. “Vrika is this kaohht? ((Where is this station?)) “


"Just outside the ship, I presume." t’Ksa gave t'Rexan a "duh" look, then realized that perhaps now was na the time. "We found it after a few days of deep space scans. It was either here or try to limp home and hope we made it."


Only because it was Morgana, did L’haiy hold her hand for the sarcastic remark. “Au said I had been hrrau stasis. For how long? I know au have had some of aur subjects rhae ice for a few fvheisn.”


“A few weeks, na more," Kelton answered wondering vaguely if this would be more or less than she expected to hear.


She didn’t respond; she was busy fuming that Laehval was hrrau engineering, as if na had happened. “NDak will have to authen for this...”


"Probably,” t’Ksa agreed shortly.


t’Rexan flexed her hand, "I still think this is a hallucination...we do na have the technology for this....But I feel it....it does na make sense. Give me a weapon. I feel....I feel stronger than I have for years.”


"If it was a dream, who am I?" Kelton asked dryly. "Au would probably dream up some io more interesting..."


t’Rexan turned towards him. "Probably,” she responded dryly, drawing a weak smile from him.


Morgana raised her eyebrows in surprise, glancing between the two, and then smirked. "I'm trapped with a couple of comedians." Then she tilted her head. "Au look better with kre eyes, au know?"


If it were na for the weapons fire outside the room, t’Rexan would have been tempted to bat her eyes at Morgana and tell her that ie, ie, I do, just to humor this hallucination. Instead she straightened, flexing her arms. "I really do feel...almost as I did years ago. Fine, I will humor this nightmare and play along. It is probably my curse hrrau Areinnye to have to live out the Elements be damned eternity facing my worst enemies. I should have kept them closer, and na given them room to have yy’a me in the first place."


"I am so y'ya when we get home," Morgana muttered, turning back towards the door.


“Give me an ieyakk,” t’Rexan ordered. “I will go assist tr’Guard at the door, as is my place. Na hiding away here with healers. And then.....I will take my ship back.” She turned to them both. “And...au kre are going to help me do it.”


Kelton blinked and said carefully, "I would na recommend that au strain auself...just yet...rekkhai...au body has been through a great trauma..." He doubted this would actually have any effect, but it was worth a shot.


"What he means is 'No way',” t’Ksa said firmly. “Au still have stasis legs. I do na want au shooting off tr'Guard's arms."


“So what do au expect me to do? Sit fahd and cower like a fvai while they break through, and just wait for Laehval to come run me through again? Na...I will na let them do that to me a second time. Maehnaks.....such pacifists.”


"Na, but if au are na capable--" Kelton began, then cut himself off, realizing how that sounded. "If au are still recovering...to fight would be more dangerous than staying still."


t’Ksa threatened her menacingly with the bedpan in her hand. "Don't make me hit au with this. The forcefield will hold. Dheno staff are on their way. Let them do their jobs."


“Au are willing to sit fahd and let tr’Guard do this alone?”


“Na,” Kelton answered. “But others of his department will be here, and au have been in a serious condition, near yy'a--"


"Oh fhaen!” t’Ksa snapped, cutting him off. “Au were dead. Point blank. Dead. D.E.A.D. I have the death certificate locked in my desk drawer. Would au like to see it? Au are in no condition to go anywhere until I'm sure that those nanogenes didn't cross a wire somewhere."


t’Rexan stopped mid-sentence, jaw half-open, with na words.

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