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Starbase store

After picking up a package from thr starbase starfleet services. I walked into a little family owned<What humans call food market>In Human terms it was not the owner was a Caitian who knew about our doctor on the reaent.<She was from one of her littermates <Second littler of the family>>she sends her regrads to her <Picked up a letter to her <I sent it to her padd.>i picked up items from this caitian who tried to sell me some kind of meat i told her i don,t eat meat then she tied to sell me a orion slave and her so called pet but i told her that starfleet members do not buy those items. There was some vulcan items which i found that she had which was some vulcan herbs,seasonings,seedings and an vulcan fute which looked like 200/ century <Old vulcan>with some vintage Wine . I thanked the Caitan and told her i will contact the doctor about the letter and walked to the transporter room to go back to the ship.

Edited by TKAR

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