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Mission Summary

The members of the USS Republic team that are being imprisoned, are keeping themselves busy playing checkers with toilet paper. They are at least keeping themselves amused while waiting for Kawalas to come back.


Kania is walking out from the detention center trying to call to the Admiral to tell her whats going on about the 2 crew members. As she exits the building and moves towards the street, just having contacted the ship, she was intercepted by a news team and camera crew. They continued to pound her with questions even though she kept telling them no comment. One time she turned and spoke to the news team telling the that she was looking into the incident and the team was inoccent until proven guilty. This just seemed to upset the crowd that had gathered and now surrounded her. Jameson was in an area where he could see what was going on. He then called Kania asking if she needed help. Kawalas said yes and he as well as Mr Bell tried to come to her rescue. Once they came to the edge of the crowd, Mr Bell began trying to push his was towards the captain. In doing so He managed to push down a small child and the child was injured.


The remaining crew are still enjoying their shore leave. Kania contacted Will and had him recall the crew after seeing what was going on with the crowd. She thought this would at least keep the most of them safe. Most of the crew came back on their own, but a few were missing including Jameson, Mr Bell , Kawalas, and Rian. Will gave the order that ALL Of the crew were to be transported to the ship.


Kania was beginning to speak to Officer Needly about the now new charges being brought on to one of her team, as the 3 of them were transported when he said the Mr Bell was under arrest. This needless to say did not go over well. Once on the ship Kawalas and Kwai both agreed the the 3 f them needed to return, just as the ship received a com from the Authorities demanding the return of the new fugitives. Kwai and Kania both not wanting to make things worse agreed for the 3 to return to he planet while Jax went to inform the Admiral of what was going on. The team transported back to the surface inside the detention center as requested my the Authorities. They where then asked to fallow Officer Needly and not try to escape.


Jax made her way to the Admirals quarters and entered finding the Admiral in her tub, in a bubble bath. The Admiral had earphones in listening to some music and bobbing her head with the tune. She could not hear Jax calling to her. When Jax touched the Admiral's arm, the Admiral jumped and grabbed Jax pulling her over and into the tub with her. BluRox then looked to see exactly WHO was in the tub with her. When she saw it was Jax she became very angry and ordered Jax OUT of her tub but to wait outside of her tub area. BluRox then stood up wrapping a towel around herself.

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