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NEW rank, new mission

Security log---Lt.TKAR ....It is late this is an update on security report which is overdue to circumstances beyond my control. It seems the Captain has looked at my starfleet record and promoted me to LT. It is an honor to serve under the new Captain and crew. As with my siuperiors i,m honored with this promotion,which my new duties will not harm my relationship with them. As for the officer we have in security it is the CSEC who decides what will happen to him<My Report on the matter is classified to level 1,2 <Capt...EXC....Security chief>>I suggested that the Dr Matthews and the counselor should see this officer for any help.The crew has been on leave on the starbase without any security problems that develop with humans and alienien cultures.As for shore leave it was different this time for the crew as the CMO commented to me the crew is more relaxed this time the shock from the previous mission<Ship blew up ...some of us saw it then we were back on the ship>I still don,t understand some of the terms these humans use like lets party to the crewmembers that got promoted today....congraduations.......good job etc.In fact some of the new crewmembers wanted to find out if vulcan,s get drink <patricular this vulcan> which i said vulcan don,t drink. As for the CSEC and ASEC they are getting better from their alments and are back on duty<some part time>.I have updated the crews security data on the ship log to the CAPT,EXC,CSEC and ASEC.We have some crew transfers to new ships,starbases which is not expective.Some of the transfers to security teams seem to be inpressive and due to the Captains,CSEC orders we will see what will happen also i am waiting for new orders for the security teams from CSEC and the Captain which will be a new mission comming up.....security out <time for another shift> TKAR

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