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Annabelle O'Halloran

Souvenirs of Wars Past

*This log takes place directly after the log, 'Shared Concerns'.


Watching Will walk away, Anna remained seated, more worried than before about what Tabor might be planning. She finally got to her feet and noticed that Wim was no longer sitting with Jon. She walked over to the table the two men had shared and took the seat recently vacated by Wim. She wished she could talk to Jon about Tabor but she still felt guilty after talking to Will, and Will was one of Tabor's best friends. "Hey there," she said without preamble, smiling at him. "What's new and interesting?"


Jon sets his PADD down and looks at Anna, "I'm just kicking around some designs for a little pet project of mine. You probably overheard the conversation with Shane and me about the last fighter I designed. All in all I'm feeling good, how are you?"


"I'm ok," Anna, answered easily, before saying, "I didn't overhear you and Shane talking about that. When did you design a fighter, Jon? And what is the pet project?"


He smiles "it was back during the Dominion war and the Reaent F was having shortage of fighters so I built one from scratch. It was designated the Alpha Striker which later became the basis for the newer fighters we have today. I was surprised to find that out from Shane although the designs did seem familiar. As for my pet project, I'm designing a recon craft which could be used to covertly scout an area without drawing attention."


Sometimes, when Jon mentioned something, like now, the fighter he'd designed a long time ago, Anna was brought up short. She occasionally forgot how old Jon really was. And then she would also remember, that he would no doubt outlive her. "The Alpha Striker? I like that name," she smiled. "I don't remember you mentioning before that you enjoyed ship design."


"It's a hobby of mine when I'm not maintaining my armor or tending to the plant you gave me. I have that tendency to keep myself busy to avoid boredom."


Immediately distracted by his mention of the terrarium she'd made for him, Anna asked, "How is the beetle doing? Did you name him? I named mine Jasper. You know, Jasper...Jupiter beetle...?" She shrugged, adding, "I guess I might be overly fond of alliteration. I should come see how he's doing, and you can finally show me that armor of yours."


"Ah little Vitu, he is quite happy and enjoys his home. If you want we can swing by my quarters and I can show you my armor."


"Sure, I know from what you've said that it's very high tech. I'm curious to see it," Anna replied, getting to her feet.


As he gets up and take his PADD "I wouldn't call it 'high tech' since it's almost as old as I am, but I keep it in top condition in the rare event that I need it for anything."


"Maybe I got the wrong impression because some of the technology you've talked about is very sophisticated," Anna replied, as she walked next to him down the corridor, heading for the nearest turbo lift. She thought uneasily about the nanoprobes that had been removed from him during surgery but didn't say anything; Jon had said he didn't know where they came from or how they'd come to be inside of his body. Strange.


"In most cases the Zemuns, as well as the other three Alliance races, refine their technology as well as maintain it which often gives other races the indication that our tech was sophisticated. I must ask you to be careful with some of the swords and other weapons I have, they can be very sharp."


Anna gave Jon a sideways look at his warning, which she knew was sincere and said out of concern for her safety. "Jon, you know I'm a journeyman level metal smith and am used to handling very sharp blades."


As they reach his quarters he opens the door "I know of your skills but I just wanted to give you a heads up just in case. Better to be safe than injured." He motions Anna to enter his quarters.


Anna preceded him through the door, and stepped to the side, looking around with interest. "You're right, Jon," she agreed, her mind moving ahead, looking forward to seeing the armor she'd heard so much about."


"The armor has served me well as have the weapons I have as well."


"It sounds like you've taken care of it as well as it has taken care of you," Anna said with a smile, as she walked to the terrarium displayed in the living area. She leaned down and looked through the glass, seeing the small, teal colored beetle making his way through the growing moss in the small container garden. She gently tapped the glass, not expecting any response or deviation in the beetle's movements.


He smiles as he watches Anna check on the beetle. "He's been quite active in there, he must really like his home. How's your plant doing?"


"My terrarium is doing as well as this one," she replied. "The moss and small ferns from the starbase arboretum have thrived." She turned away, and walked back towards Jon. "I'm really glad to have gotten a souvenir from there. I loved that garden," she said simply."


"That's great to hear, that starbase had a wonderful garden. I'm glad you took me there when you did."


"I was glad to show you," she said, pleased that he had enjoyed it as well. She walked past him, her gaze on the armor hanging on the wall. "It's beautiful," she said, looking closely at the finely wrought metal work. "The detail is incredible." She knew first hand how much skill it took to create what in reality, could be called a work of art, albeit a functional one.


"A marriage between the craftsmanship of the ancients and the technology of the pioneers. The perfect balance with maximum effectiveness. Though this particular suit was used for ending a war rather than keeping the peace."


Looking from the suit displayed on the wall to the man standing next to her, Anna imagined him in it, and the bloody work he probably had to do while wearing it. It was beautifully made but it had been created to be functional; to protect its wearer in battle. "And it was successful?"


Grinning slightly "I'm still alive as you can see so it has proven its usefulness. Though there were times where it had to be fixed which could be seen after close examination."


"I can see that," Anna said with a quick grin. "I meant, was the war ended quickly or did it drag on?" Jon's life span was so long that Anna wasn't even sure how long ago the war in question had been fought.


He nodded "the war lasted 10 years, marked by the final battle which changed many."


"Ten years is a long time to wage war," Anna said, thinking that even to a man who'd lived more than 2300 years, ten years of constant fighting must have taken some kind of toll.


Shrugging his shoulders, "When a technologically advanced empire wants to conquer the galaxy, someone has to stop them or no one would be free."


"This is when you were with the Knights?" He'd mentioned them before.


"That is correct, though when it comes to war neither side is free of fault. I'd rather not talk about it since it's a touchy subject."


As so often happened in conversations with Jon, Anna felt that she'd inadvertently ripped the scab off of something painful to him. "Of course, we don't have to talk about it," she said gently, and quickly changed the subject. "I'm looking forward to seeing what this space station we're heading to is like."


"Maybe there'll be some good food to try out. I'm quite relieved that things have gone so smoothly."


"It's always fun to see if the local food is any good but I have a soft spot for space stations that are not Federation. They remind me of home and I always think I might run into someone I know." Anna shrugged, her smile a little wistful. "Space stations also make me homesick."


"I think I understand, but know there are those aboard who care about you so you shouldn't worry too much."


Very touched, Anna took his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, Jon. It's not a question of worry. I know my life is here, on Reaent, but I can't help thinking of those I left behind."


"Never think of them as left behind; try thinking of them as those who catch up," he said with a smile.


"It would be nice if I thought they would," she replied, but she did feel comforted."

Edited by Annabelle O'Halloran

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