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Holodeck Recreation

Data Entry 3,

Leon Hawke's Personal Log,

U.S.S. Republic


I've decided to start recording my training on the holodeck (One; Two is off limits according to my Chief). While my Dad trained me in basic hand-to-hand combat, and I had minimal training at the Academy, as an officer I need to be prepared for combat on away missions. I've picked up from Commander Joy what a dangerous place we're in, and frankly, I love it, but I refuse to be a statistic Ensign and get killed on an away mission because I wasn't observant enough to notice the giant tracks of some animal leading right into a cave.


I entered Holodeck 1, programmed a phaser for myself, and set the location on a murky swamp-like planet. A Jem'Hadar opponent would suffice, for the time being. I programmed him in, and waited. The warrior was told to seek and destroy, and upon his (presumed) destruction, another would appear; bigger, and stronger.


This was no substitute for the real thing, but my adrenaline still spiked. The haze was thick; I could see maybe ten meters in front of me. The soft dirt sank an inch with every step I took. Leaving footprints was not a good idea, especially with an enemy engineered for war. I took a few steps more intentionally northbound, and retraced my exact steps backwards, grabbing a low leaning branch to climb into it. Swinging my leg over the branch, I used my momentum to grab a higher branch with an outstretched hand. My knee scraped against a knob, and I cut my pants open. Fortunately, no blood dripped. I would only have to wait about four minutes before I heard the rustle of something moving, about a half a click north. I could see him now, just under two meters tall, carrying a standard rifle (with fixed bayonet). He paused underneath my tree, looking around intently. I didn't dare breathe. Suddenly he snapped his head up. I couldn't wait any more. Launching myself downward, I fell directly behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck in an attempt to break my fall and hopefully take him down with me. I winced as my knees gave way under the pressure of my landing, but the Jem'Hadar came down with me, his weapon thrown over his shoulder as he fell backward. I rolled to my right, drawing my phaser. I didn't pull it in the tree for fear of losing it in the fall, and besides, this exercise was hand-to-hand for me, not picking him off from above. The warrior rolled and kicked my phaser from my hand, using his momentum to come to his feet. A stinging sensation shot up my arm as my hand absorbed the shock from the combat boot. This was what I was hoping would happen.


We stared at each other for what felt an eternity, though only a second or two must have went by. I squared up to him, keeping my hands open to defend punches. I spun on my left leg, trying to kick him in the stomach with my right. He caught my leg, and twisted hard against my momentum. I was forced to spin back the opposite way hard to the ground. The holodeck computer was silent – it was set to indicate if normally I would have broken something. Picking myself up, I squared around again. My opponent came at me with a left fist towards my face. I caught his arm with my right, pulled it towards me further over my shoulder and caught his cheek with my elbow. It stunned him for only a second before he buried his knee into my stomach. I doubled over, and he cracked me in the head with an elbow. Instantly woozy, I fell to the ground, but wrapped my arms around his ankles and lunged my body forward. It caught him off balance, and he fell too. I scrambled on top of him in an attempt to choke him. He was stronger, and threw me off. I got to my feet again, and he rolled to his. He ran towards me again to attack. I realized I was in the exact spot I was when I jumped him in the first place. I jumped up and grabbed the branch above me with both hands, and kicked hard with both feet at the Jem'Hadar's face. He took the full force, and reeled back, dropping to the ground. The holodeck computer indicated I had landed a critical head injury, and the Jem'Hadar was disabled.


I indicated to the computer another opponent was not necessary for today. The lesson had been learned. Surroundings are key; knowing how to use them correctly can give an advantage to even an outmatched opponent like myself. “End Program.”

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