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Sunday 26 July 2009

The USS Ticonderoga (Defiant Class) has been exploring an asteroid field looking for minerals.

During the last sim the away team was exploring a planetoid where scans showed dilithium below the surface.

The twin suns have risen to their apex, heat on the rugged desert surface is nearly unbearable, and the team has followed the dilithium scans to a cool, moist cave.

At sim begin the away team is about to enter the cave which, in addition to being cool and showing signs of water, is inhabited by every creepy-crawly lifeform on the planetoid.

Game Master - Chirakis

Game Master - STSF Kansas


Commanding Officer (CO) - Chirakis


Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - STSF Kansas

Asst Security Officer (ASEC) - T'aral


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - James Howell

Asst Science Officer (ASCI) - crazygreek

Asst Science Officer (ASCI) - Lisanna


Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Vilanne

Asst Medical Officer (AMO) - Cdt Kouki


Next week, our intrepid crew will consider...

  • They are trapped in a cave infested with insects and inhabited by a water creature that may or may not be harmful
  • There is water in the cave (hence, the water creature) but is it potable?

  • They have no communication with the Ticonderoga
  • There must be a way out because fresh air continues to pour in
  • Their Captain has been bitten my a cave insect and is unconscious

Will they find a way out? Will Captain Chirakis live to see another day? Will any of them live to see another day?



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