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Sky Harbor Aegis

Science Officer LeMorte inspects the archaeological site on TKR-117, searching for resin that may have escaped the initial cleanup. Administrator McDowell, Science Chief Feretti, and Science Officer Lucindak coordinate the final cleanup process and the placing of force fields around contaminated areas.


On the station, Drs Pavilion and Belar tackle the mound of paperwork that has accumulated since Drs Lepage and McKinney left on personal business.


With the departure of Ambassador Joy Two, Ambassador Drankum informs Commander Chirakis that hereafter she will be his liaison to Federation worlds in the area.


After giving new meaning to the saying "when the cat's away...," Engineering Officers Coleridge and Fletcher knuckle down to work on Pylon B shield generators and the shipyard.


NPC Security Officer John Apple is deemed "unprepared for Midshipman duty" by Security Chief Dabi. He is to learn the entire station schematic, all personnel aboard by name and rank, the entire treaty, and the station's complete operation protocol.


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