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USS Republic Sim Log

STSF_KBear -> The USS Republic is less than an hour away from our newest location.




TireanBell -> ::is busy patrolling the ship::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::also on patrol...somewhere::

Joy -> :: Steps of TL onto the bridge. ::

Joy -> :: settles down quietly into Science One ::

Ens_Hawke -> ::Heads towards turbolift from Science::

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::In sickbay, sitting a top a biobed reading through a PADD of medical journals::

TireanBell -> ::checks all of the secured areas::

Fiona Weber -> ::in Sickbay, overdosing on caffeine::

Ens_Hawke -> ::Enters Turbolift:: Deck 12, Sickbay.

Joy -> :: reviews scans of local space ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::In engineering, looking over the millions of old reports;:

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::piloting the ship to wherever their next intended destination is::

TireanBell -> < I might fall asleep here my eyes are heavy::

TireanBell -> >

Joy -> :: Checks to see who is in center chair ::

STSF_KBear -> ::sitting in the center chair after Blu went to take a short rest::

Rialia Sinclaire -> +Kbear+ Sickbay to Cap'n Kawalas

Joy -> :: about to speak, but Sickbay beat her to it. ::

Ens_Hawke -> ::Turbolift doors open, walk out down the hallway towards Sickbay::

STSF_KBear -> +Rialia+ Kawalas here Go ahead

Jameson Bardolph -> ::pokes his head into engineering again, looking around and then ambles in; next stop on the patrol route::

Rialia Sinclaire -> +KBear+ I just wanted to let you know, your daughter came in a few moments ago.

STSF_KBear -> Ayumu keep us on course, remain at current speed

Ayumu Kasuga -> Okay

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::steadies he course and remains on the ball::

Ens_Hawke -> ::Walks through the doors of Sickbay, peers around:: Is Lieutenant Weber around?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks up hearing the door:: you again

STSF_KBear -> ::stops:: +Rialia+ My daughter? She's in schoool or supposed to be.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::catching sight of the CENG he had to keep an eye on before; smiles easily:: Disappointed?

Fiona Weber -> (AFK a sec... the popcorn bag apparently caught fire. Let me put that out.)

Jameson Bardolph -> (O.o)

Ayumu Kasuga -> < :) >

Ens_Hawke -> <<That takes precidence!>>

August Jax Robinson -> <<Someone's house now smells>>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <Is it a good idea to Microwave a Popcorn Bag? Apparently not>

Rialia Sinclaire -> +KBear+ She had a small fall, suffered a minor abrasion to the temple, and her teacher escorted her here.

August Jax Robinson -> <<FoReVeR!!>>

TireanBell -> < i am sorry folks i am to tierd i am off to bed >

August Jax Robinson -> not at all... has Will been keeping you busy? besides watching me

STSF_KBear -> <<OK Night Tirean>>

Fiona Weber -> (Okay, not quite on fire. Just smoking and sizzling and a couple were black.)

TireanBell -> <good night>

Jameson Bardolph -> ((definitely my night to take over the apartment))

Jameson Bardolph -> ((er...*department))

Rialia Sinclaire -> << o.o;; >>

August Jax Robinson -> <<I have hit my head 3 times today, very hard too>

Fiona Weber -> ::glances out from her office to Hawke:: Can I help you, Ensign?

STSF_KBear -> +Rialia+ Is she alright? did she have a concussion?

STSF_KBear -> ::worried mother mode::

Ens_Hawke -> Hi. My name is Leon Hawke. I'm a new transfer, and was ordered to come down here. I presume some sort of physical. At least... I hope it's just a physical.

Ayumu Kasuga -> <lol, I've been there. Stupid ORville Riddenbocker and his misleading microwave instructions!>

Fiona Weber -> ::shrugs:: For the most part. We'll need to implant a subdermal transponder, as well...

Rialia Sinclaire -> +KBear+ She is fine, nothing a small confectionary sweet and a few quick passes with a regenerator couldn't handle.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::comes to a stop and leans on a console near Jax's position:: Ah, the usual...patrol and the like. You've got a prime spot on the list.

August Jax Robinson -> I do?

STSF_KBear -> +Rialia+ She conned you for Candy didnt she.

Jameson Bardolph -> Well...engineering, at least. Two pretty girls to protect...::jerks a head from her to the warp core and then winks, grinning::

Rialia Sinclaire -> +KBear+ I'm afraid the academy hadn't prepared me much for the wiles of doe-eyed child, ma'am.

Fiona Weber -> ::Hawke:: Take a seat on that biobed...

August Jax Robinson -> :::thinks she might be getting hit on::

Ens_Hawke -> Thank you, Doctor. ::Hops up on Biobed, nervously lightly kicking the bottom with his feet::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::clever girl::

Fiona Weber -> (When hubby's away...)

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: you are sweet, nice to know my core is being watched over

STSF_KBear -> +Rialia+ Thats OK shes good at that with new doctors, Thank you for reporting in, Ill keep an eye on her this evening after shift.

Joy -> ( Watch that particular hubby, though, when he returns. )

Fiona Weber -> All right...

Rialia Sinclaire -> +KBear+ Understood.

STSF_KBear -> Ayumu anything to report?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::has no idea -- yet -- that he's talking to his chief's wife:: Well, security knows priorities. ::laughs:: Any signs of trouble down here I should know about?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::watches heading and checks their distance:: Not right now. It's all good.

Fiona Weber -> ::picks up a med-scanner, activating it:: Any health problems to report?

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::Hops off the biobed, and proceeds to walk towards Hawke and Fiona::

Joy -> Captain, any preliminary information on our next stop?

Ens_Hawke -> Not too much. I can tell you my prostate is in perfect health. Absolutely no reason to check that out. ::smiles::

August Jax Robinson -> only these reports I have to read over..

Joy -> :: Sees KBear dodging the question again. ::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((unsupervised...yuh oh))

August Jax Robinson -> have some coffee if you like ::Points:: Did Will send you down to watch me?

Rialia Sinclaire -> (( lolol ))

Ayumu Kasuga -> Sarasota, Florida?

August Jax Robinson -> <<Quick change seats while she is gone!>>

Fiona Weber -> ::snorts::

Joy -> Sounds like a worthy destination.

Jameson Bardolph -> Well, he sets the routes so I guess in a manner of speakin'...and thank you. ::Heads for the coffee maker::

Fiona Weber -> That won't be necessary, Ensign.

Joy -> How long would it take us to get there, Ayumu?

Ens_Hawke -> ::Breathes deep:: Good.

Ayumu Kasuga -> We can talk to old people about the newest Buicks

Ayumu Kasuga -> To Sarasota? 5 days

Fiona Weber -> When was your last physical? ::continues scanning, pausing occasionally to enter some notes into a padd::

Joy -> Impressive.

Ens_Hawke -> At the Academy, six months ago.

August Jax Robinson -> so are you enjoying your posting on the REp?

Joy -> We'd best not, though.

Fiona Weber -> So this is your first assignment?

Ens_Hawke -> Aye, Doctor.

Jameson Bardolph -> Aye, she's a good ship. ::turns around towards her with his mug, the charming smile softening into an honest one:: Good muscle on her...power. I'm glad to be back shipboard again.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: Well I try to keep her going

Rialia Sinclaire -> (( wb ! ))

Jameson Bardolph -> ((wb kbear))

STSF_KBear -> <<sorry folks I am waiting for a new computer to be delivered>>

Joy -> :: Decides not to continue the discussion on alternate destinations ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> No. We shouldn't. No point visiting Florida in the summer. TOo hot

Fiona Weber -> ::nods:: I'm sure you'll feel quite at home.

Fiona Weber -> Your vitals look good...

Fiona Weber -> I assume your previous physicians never mentioned anything amiss?

Ens_Hawke -> Not to my knowledge. So far I've been pretty normal. You know, a few broken bones here and there, and that's about it.

Joy -> And the trouble to disguise the ship would be too much of a problem for Risa.

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to Ayumu:: Florida?

Jameson Bardolph -> Seams you do a good job. ::runs a hand gently along the nearby bulkhead as he sips at his coffee:: Must be quite a workout keeping something this big running. Way bigger than a cargo freighter.

Ayumu Kasuga -> We were discussing alternative vacation plans

Fiona Weber -> ::nods:: Well, I wouldn't expect your luck to continue on-board this ship.

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::Hovering nearby, she grins to Hawke:: How, boring...

Fiona Weber -> ::glances over at Riala:: I believe you've been doing the subcutaneous implants lately, haven't you?

Ens_Hawke -> ::smiles:: I look forward to it.

Joy -> Captain, do you have any advanced info on our actual destination?

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::grinning rougishly:: Yes, ma'am! ::eagerly loading a hypospray::

Ens_Hawke -> ::raises eyebrow::

August Jax Robinson -> Well I do have a crew to help me out... ::is confused::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Doesn't like people feeling her ship up either::

STSF_KBear -> You should have it Joy. I believe its further out on our projected survey path. away from our latest opponents.

Fiona Weber -> You shouldn't. ::snorts::

Joy -> :: Nods :: Not much there. Then again, we haven't had much all along.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::chuckles:: Well, yeah. Just saying it's a step up in complexity, I guess. For me, bein' aboard her. Grew up on a little ship. ::shrugs and sips the coffee again::

Fiona Weber -> But at least this way, if you run away, we can find you again.

Ens_Hawke -> I don't plan on deserting.

August Jax Robinson -> oh? what class?

August Jax Robinson -> my mother designs ships

Ens_Hawke -> How long have you been the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant?

STSF_KBear -> We might not have had much but you have to admit it hasnt been boring.

Joy -> :: Sets up for the long range preliminary passive scan set. ::

Joy -> True. Perhaps the objective ought to be boring?

Joy -> We might see if we can do it just the once.

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::Approaching Hawke, she places the hypospray along Hawke's arm, saying sarcastically:: Try not to yelp too loud. ::Injects the implant::

STSF_KBear -> ::nods smiling::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::straightens a little:: Norkova-type cargo-freighter out of Tycho City.

Ens_Hawke -> That tickled, Ensign... ::winces::

Fiona Weber -> ::chuckles::

August Jax Robinson -> good size hold

Fiona Weber -> All right. Medical clears you for duty.

Ayumu Kasuga -> We shoul be there in a half hour

Ens_Hawke -> Thank you, Doctor.

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: must have been fun traveling all over as a kid

Ens_Hawke -> Do I have to report after a specific time or something?

STSF_KBear -> <<Sickbay has gotten nicer. Us older folks had to have it injected into the fleshy part JUST Below our hip.<Backside>>>

Rialia Sinclaire -> << lolol >>

Jameson Bardolph -> ((you say that like it's a bad thing :P ))

STSF_KBear -> Thank you ayumu

Ayumu Kasuga -> <lol>

Ayumu Kasuga -> You are welcome.

Jameson Bardolph -> Well, it sure kept me busy. ::grins::

August Jax Robinson -> ::stands a places PADD down::

August Jax Robinson -> I wish I had that kinda childhood. I was stuck on Utopia

Fiona Weber -> (Who says it's for their benefit?)

Rialia Sinclaire -> :: To Hawke:: You can report immediately...and if the turbolift begins talking to you, that's normal, try to ignore it.

STSF_KBear -> << :;nods to Fiona:: >>

Jameson Bardolph -> ::moves to step out of her way as she stands up and takes up a position against the bulkhead:: Ahhh...which of your parents was the engineer?

Ens_Hawke -> Thanks for the advice, ...Miss...?

Fiona Weber -> ::smirk::

August Jax Robinson -> my Pop, he runs the place. Mom designs, Dad builds

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::nodding:: Dr. Sinclaire.

STSF_KBear -> Joy let me know if you see anything on those scans.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Taps console:: They are taking care of my sister right now, so Mom has taken some time off

Joy -> Certainly.

Ens_Hawke -> Ah. I'll watch out for those talking Turbolifts ::smiles:: Nice to meet both of you ::nods to Docs Weber and Sinclaire::

Fiona Weber -> ::nods back::

Joy -> I anticipate working from scratch. Warp trails. Ion trails. Energy signatures. Assuming nothing.

STSF_KBear -> Joy hows that new recruit doing?

STSF_KBear -> ::nods::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::looks suitably impressed by her parent's credentials:: Probably a pretty good grounding for you, what with all this now...::jerks his head to indicate the surrounding room::

Joy -> I gave him the escape test. I sent him to medical for a physical to see if he can escape.

Joy -> He listens well enough. Hasn't shot anyone yet. We'll see how he works in action.

August Jax Robinson -> You would think, my Family frowns upon ship postings.. I belong on Utopia building or some other boring job

Ens_Hawke -> ::leaves Sickbay, rubbing arm, heads towards TL::

August Jax Robinson -> this is below my "Skills" they don't see the excitment ship board duty brings

STSF_KBear -> ::snickers:: I see. Did you warn him about the implant?

Jameson Bardolph -> Ahhh...that's no fun. ::grins:: Gotta feel the ship moving under you.

August Jax Robinson -> See.. you get it. I wish they would

Joy -> No. Didn't mention that. Mentioned Holodeck 2 and not getting between commanders named Robinson.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((oops :P ))

Joy -> I figured he could handle lesser problems on his own.

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::Placing down the hypospray disappointingly, and scrubbing up:: I think our dungeon could do with a few more toys...

STSF_KBear -> Good idea on the robinsons

August Jax Robinson -> <<hey!>>

Jameson Bardolph -> ::grins easily again, trying to set her at ease:: Well, luckily, we're a good number of light-years away from Planitia and like to be farther before we're closer.

Joy -> So far he hasn't suggested any alternative research projects, so we'll be focused on the survey.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: good thing

Jameson Bardolph -> ::finishes off his coffee and moves towards the disposal::

STSF_KBear -> ::nods:: Lets hope they didnt scare him away.

Ens_Hawke -> (To Computer) Computer, locate Commander Joy.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((evening Admiral))

Rialia Sinclaire -> (( g'evening! ))

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::has destination on sensors::

STSF_KBear -> ::nods::

Joy -> Computer> Joy is on the bridge.

Ayumu Kasuga -> <hey Blu>

STSF_KBear -> <<Hello Boss>>

STSF_BluRox -> <ack! Ever have one of those nights?....Cable was out....and cellphone was out of power?>

Ayumu Kasuga -> We are approaching our destination in about ten minutes

Ens_Hawke -> ::Enters Turbolift:: Deck 1, Bridge.

Ayumu Kasuga -> < Ah poopy>

STSF_KBear -> <<yep a few weeks ago>>>

Jameson Bardolph -> Well, I'll let ya get back to work then...and I suppose I'd better do the same. ::grins with exaggerated disappointment::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((oh god yes...::cries in sympathy::))

Joy -> Captain, I'd recommend breaking warp well clear of the system, and a slow approach.

August Jax Robinson -> Have fun, don't shoot anyone

August Jax Robinson -> ::Takes a seat::

Fiona Weber -> (Yeah. I think we all have.)

Fiona Weber -> More toys?

Fiona Weber -> Do you have something in mind, Doctor?

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters the bridge:: Status report? Nothing following us?

Ens_Hawke -> ::exits TL onto Bridge, quietly approaches Science 1 and sits behind Cmdr Joy, tapping her on the shoulder as a greeting::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::chuckles:: I'll try not to. ::flips her a salute and begins moving towards the door::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Watches... still a little confused::

Rialia Sinclaire -> ::finishes scrubbing, and placing the hyposprays neatly on trays:: Oh, I don't know. An iron maiden perhaps? A jar full of fresh leeches?

Joy -> :: Nods to Hawke, but looking to the Captain's report to the Admiral first. ::

Fiona Weber -> ::snorts:: You have archaic ideas of torture...

Rialia Sinclaire -> Archaic yes, but tried and true!

Fiona Weber -> Have you ever studied the Tal'Shi... no, I suppose you wouldn't have.

Rialia Sinclaire -> Not familiar with the term.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Nope. Sensors clear. 5 minutes from destination

Jameson Bardolph -> ::walks out into the corridor as the doors slide open for him::

Fiona Weber -> In either case... ::changing the course of the conversation expertly:: ... I understand that the Danubians have leeches with antibacterial ooze.

Fiona Weber -> They're quite good for cleaning small wounds.

Joy -> :: Stands briefly, turns to Hawke, and gestures that they switch places ::

Joy -> Let's get you used to the system. I'll watch and think, you push buttons.

Fiona Weber -> I suppose we could order some from one of the natural-suppliers.

Ens_Hawke -> ::Nods to Joy, and switches places::

Joy -> We are approaching a system which is essentially unknown.

Ens_Hawke -> Aye. I'm assuming passive sensors are active?

August Jax Robinson -> ::sips coffee:: more reports...

STSF_BluRox -> :turns to Joy::

Joy -> Stay passive for the moment, please, until you hear otherwise.

Ens_Hawke -> And active sensors are passive? ::cringes at bad bad joke::

Ens_Hawke -> Aye, Commander.

STSF_BluRox -> Continue....just listeningin

Joy -> :: Detects sense of humor. Starts to worry ::

STSF_KBear -> Admiral nothing following us at the moment

Ens_Hawke -> ::Monitors passive sensors, running over detailed quardrants of the scans::

STSF_KBear -> <<sorry folks laptop locking up AGAIN>>

Rialia Sinclaire -> That sounds like an interesting idea. Would we need some sort of environment to keep them in, like pets?

Joy -> Last few stops have included a planet that might be arming up for a war. A Jem Haddar cloning facility, and that wormhole laden system with a devistated Class M.

Fiona Weber -> I imagine so.

August Jax Robinson -> <<::Pokes KB's laptop:: work you>>

Joy -> So this part of the galaxy is troubled to say the least.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((is that how you fix the ship too, August?))

Rialia Sinclaire -> It would certainly liven up the decor...

Ens_Hawke -> I hear that. Sounds like my arm itching is the least of my worries at this point?

Ens_Hawke -> By the way, did you know they were going to do that?!

Fiona Weber -> They naturally exist in the digestive tracts of large ungulates on the Danubian homeworld. We'd have to replicate a container that natches their native conditions.

Joy -> So we're asking basic questions. How many ships are visiting? What level of civilization is present?

August Jax Robinson -> <<It works, why knock it>>

Joy -> I had heard something to that effect, yes.

STSF_BluRox -> <her laptop, my cable/phone....however be reassured...my charger..which Ileft at my inlaws this weekend.....has been mailed and I should recieve it tomorrow...which...obviously, did not help us tonight..lol>

Joy -> I am not well informed on medical procedures, however.

Fiona Weber -> matches, even^

Ens_Hawke -> Eh; It's all good. So where are we headed?

Joy -> Amumu? Does the system have a name?

August Jax Robinson -> <<Shove some tin foil in it and wait for lighting>>

STSF_KBear -> <<Waiting for a NEW Laptop>>>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <Macbook Pro? :D >

STSF_BluRox -> ::grins at the eager ensign:: As far away from that wormhole as possible if I have my way about it::

Rialia Sinclaire -> I can't imagine such an enviroment would complement the sickbay much. We'd have to color coordinate.

Joy -> (( Macbookpro. Strange name for a planet. ))

STSF_BluRox -> <<notes time>>


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